Happy birthday Sup Forums
Happy birthday Sup Forums
thanks senpai
Love you Yotsub/a/.
where the fuck is the new chapter translation??
Best shounen mango.
there's a coobie in there i'm scared
Another year with you undesirable fucks.
my favorite Sup Forumsutists
I want to hold Yotsuba’s hand
>tfw Sup Forums is the only board I still enjoy
It been almost a year since my life as a neet.
This is the board i end up lurking the most
thank you yotsuba chan
>you will live enough to see this place stop being a loli and become a grown adult
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, 404 girl.
Guess that's why it went to shit.
Happy birthday, faggots.
Love you, Sup Forums!
Another year being with you faggots, as much shit taste you have, you are still better than most boards
I'm here again for another year. Wow
Clearly you don't lurk enough.
>14 years
>not renaming all your reaction images to stock tumblr filenames
It's like you don't want to get (you)s
I wonder how many years I've been wasting in this shithole.
I do this with iPhone filenames
I will always be a newfag ;_;
Haha, my first birthday on Sup Forums! Thanks bro :DDD
What do you think mootykins is up to right now?
People are starting to wisen up if you're baiting them with a tumblr filename, facebook filenames still guarantee replies
>Sup Forums isn't a loli anymore
Do you have that one of Mitsuki from Kyoukai no Kanta?
who from what now
Happy birthday, senpai.
Whatever extremely gay people are usually up to.