
In honor of 14 years of this website, can we have a Yotsuba thread? It's sad most people on this site don't even know who this is

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>It's sad most people on this site don't even know who this is
Implying, it’s for the best less people knowing means lesser shitposting.

I mean, it is sad that most posters are now just underage faggots who just post on Sup Forums

This is the anime and manga board, it's impossible to not know Yotsuba.

sachiko > yotsuba

Maybe on this board but not the whole site, which is an anime site. I'd be surprised if the underages on this board know her

That is true the quality has gone haywire but it happened because anons who grew up left not entirely because of pol.
Had the earlier anons not left they would have told the newfags to fuck off.

Fuuka is fat.

fake news

I mean, I consider myself a "earlier" user, from 2007. The website has always been shit but Sup Forums and newfags made it shittier

Post Yotsuba.

Seems I have a folder of these edits, I'll dump them to keep thread alive at least until someone posts 'that' doujin and it all goes to hell


What doujin could you possibly be referring to, user?

Why'd she call it Duralumin anyways

n-no please dont

I think she heard the word somewhere and thought it sounded cool or something?

who's the bespectacled beauty at the last page?


I haven't read Yotsuba in years, should really go check on that.

True user it played it's part but from 2010 since I have been here it was since the later part of 2015 Sup Forums started going downhill.
Maybe it was because the new anons who came here were not made accustomed to this boards culture,maybe mods were new, the entire attitude change especially after moot left. Earlier it was essential to lurk as a result new anons learnt quite a lot but that went missing.
Coupled with spoon feeding new anons became newfaags and result is this change in culture.
Also I feel quality of discussion has dropped considerably it's just anime only or focused on shit manga, Sup Forums has been seasonal and momentary but there were some great threads about good stuff now that has vanished.
Probably because those anons who liked good stuff have moved on.

Two come to mind. timeskip doujin from the shadman of the day
The other less known one involved Jumbo, Miura and lots of drinking

>no perma bans yet
What happened Sup Forums?

Invisible mods I think didn't help either.
Seeing was entertaining in itself usually spawning masses of posts laughing at the schmuck and praising/dissing named mods.

Also aside from the scripted hats there's been no events that I can recall from mod/admin shenanigans on boards.
>Puddi on Sup Forums
>The end of the world Majoras Mask remix playing throughout Sup Forums during that bunk apocalypse prediction
>Code Geass everywhere!
>boards renamed for the hell of it or random word filters

They pissed off a fair share of people but you couldn't stick on this sight without having some good tolerance.

ok back to Yotsuba though will post other board screens since this is also turning into site nostalgia thread

pretty much sums up coming here

Back then you actually felt a sense of excitement when you visited Sup Forums and some weird shit was going on. Now it's all become so routine.


Now that I look at this image... Is ponyshit really that old? Christ and we all thought it would die off in a couple of years

It wasn't anything major but during New Year's Day 2016 (I think) they played Komm Susser Tod and had green crosses like picre streaming across the board to commemorate instrumentality, I know I saved a screenshot but can't find it unfortunately.

They also had this playing on Sup Forums a few months ago. youtube.com/watch?v=drUSWjcHxmc


I feel like there is not enough self-moderation anymore as well. Combined with no public sage, and incompetent mods, this board has really suffered a hit from all the newfags. Nobody tells anyone to lurk more and spoonfeeds everything to the newfags. I feel some self-moderation could help a little bit.

Absolutely user, you put my feelings into words, Sup Forums on the whole has become dreary, it's the same old threads everyday.
Not only on Sup Forums infact Sup Forums has become boring as a result many anons have left or have reduced their frequency of visit.
Mods really have to be proactive if they want the fun Sup Forums to return.
Sup Forums was a great refuge for various kinds of user, depressed ones, weird ones, normalfags, strange ones, deranged ones, quirky ones and even greatly observant intelligent and experienced in their Fields as a result day to day experience was very fun but it has vanished quite a bit now and as a result mundaneness of today.

I barely go on Sup Forums to be honest unless to see if there's a thread on a show I just watched.

Going just by the anime thread in /wsg/ shows difference in dealing with requests.
In the past you would get Boku no Piko and other trollworthy recommendations with the occasional user posting one of the recommendation lists.
Now everyone loses their shit at the slightest hint of a request, all fake responses are just shitposting rather than attempt to get a laugh out of getting some clueless user to watch gay shota hentai or Elfen Lied

lol did they steal the Sup Forums logo for this show? Look at her hair

>rotational velodensity
Every time.

Ok this is the last one I have

How do we fix Sup Forums
There's got to be a way

I KNOW we can do this somehow. Sup Forums used to be great, and it can be once more.

How do we bring elitism back

Ask Hiro to block phoneposting.

The fun stuff happens by chance, just need to stop shooting it down when you think/know it's faked otherwise it kills the fun

1. Remove the catalog
2. Remove generals
3. Force paged browsing
4. Bring back visible sage, noko

Sup Forums isn't even that bad though.


Stop spoon-feeding, tell anons to fuck off and search on their own.Robust enforcment of rules. Ban low quality threads.
Create threads about manga awareness dump few chapters, get new anons interested in good manga.
These threads can be title based on genre based it will work better than OPT.
Watching good anime using sync programs. In all showing anons alternatives of normal shit.

adding the catalog is sadly a change I don't think can be removed now.
Generals sometimes have a place though as once you overanalyse a show to death some random user can make a comment that blows everyone's mind (apologies for quality)

No, go fuck yourself if you use either.

>using sync programs
A fellow syncplay user?
I remember doing all of LOGH in syncplay right after moot died, very few people watched though.

She's a meme and her manga was below average SoL that tried too hard to be funny. Let her go already.

Same, it provides the best of all world, eliminates streaming and and help people learn downloading and partake in community watching.

Oh syncwatching. Good times.
It was really fun. Sad it's gone :/

So was anyone here in my 2015 post-moot LOGH syncplay, or what
I don't recall any other syncplays desu

Ban Isekaishit and Boky no Hero threads.


Learnt about it from there great concept.

Sorry, anons, THE KONG is king now!

first I'm hearing of syncwatching, what a shame.
I think the closest to simultaneous watching with Sup Forums I had was the yearly Sora no Woto stream we had on Justin.tv

>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
You can only practice elitism through elite shows. Sup Forums's taste is too far down the shitter to recognise one if it hit them in the face, so you get unironic ironic shitposting about cgdctsollgbtbbq shows which cancer is happy to hop into and perpetuate through never-ending generals.
The barrier to entry is simply too low. Seriously, just nuking moot's psuedo-google zombie bastard UI and replacing it with an esoteric jap one would scare away 80% of the problem posters.
Less traffic is less costs, and it's not like there's anyone doesn't use an adblocker anyway. People would probably throw more pass money at a board finally worth browsing, too. But no, this is the post quality we're relegated to

What we have now isn't something that could ever be reverted. There were external catalogs that existed long before Sup Forums got a native one that people used. The users from old times have either changed or moved on and the new users who come to this site aren't even remotely like the ones they're replacing. The internet as a whole is changing constantly and so are the type of people who use it. This is something that just happens everyday/month/year that we have to accept. Sup Forums will never be what it once was in whatever time that people fondly look back on.

How did a robot bypass the captcha?

Why would you read something with no drama, no conflict and no tension?

Post more Yotsuba please. I had a real bad week last week.


It can be reverted, just remove it. People will get over it or leave.

thread derailments can be great sometimes

>atomic bomb
Didn't know that Sup Forums was around during the 60s.

Hope this week will be a great week!







oh no you don't





Why is there still no anime of this?


Because it would ruin it

Because Azuma isn't a moron.


do NOT lewd the yotsuba

I was there for the first but my internet went to shit during it and I kinda forgot to come back, the idea of it is really cool though. Anyone here from the more traditional streams we had? I'll never forgot the sudden jolt of the laid back Planetes stream ending and turning to chaos as half the board came in when NGE started.




I remember NGE and CG right after moot
Thanks man, at the time I was mostly getting hate from other Sup Forumsnons and general trolling in the threads.
But I'm happy that some people liked the idea.
We should do it again sometime

Sup Forums was already going downhill before you even knew this website existed.


It would be nice if you could limit phone posting to specific apps like ones what you cant just get off the app store
because there are some people who majoritively browse Sup Forums on desktop but like to shitpost when they are away from it too
hell I would argue this type of user is better than purely desktop users since they are dedicating all their free time to browsing this shit hole
and these kinds of users will happily jump thrugh some hoops to get on the site on there phone (such as getting clover via F-droid for example)

however you get the type of normy edgy phone poster who sees "the hacker known as Sup Forums" on facebook and goes
>muh edgy site i can join
and then proceeds to go on the app store and download the first app they find titled Sup Forums and then comes on here and shits up the place
and if you blocked the app store apps only, they would try use the mobile site and give up 5 mins later because its clunky af to use

long story short, mobile users who started off on desktop are just fine, mobile users who started off on mobile are cancer


I want to marry Fuuka

Could Yotsuba calm Hole-kun down and make humans and magic users get along with each other?

>muh pol
Irony. Back to you go, Sup Forumsermin.

You mean he hasn't? I haven't been able to post on my phone in months.

get in line

I want to Fuuka Fuuka

We just have to hope that the next generation is better
The people that just recently started to come on are nothing like the generations past. These were the people that had a genuine interest, they explored the internet because A. they knew how to and B. they loved all that it has to offer
Today no one goes outside their comfort zone. Look at the average person's phone and you'll see that all "important" websites have apps. Shop on Amazon and eBay, read on Kindle, watch shit on Twitch and YouTube, Chrome for porn that you're too dumb to close when you're done, Yahoo and AOL for email, you get the idea. Even Sup Forums is lumped with those apps.
The question is where are we going to go from here? How will the next generation be? Will they have grown up with things like YouTube and memes like the current generation, or will all that shit have died by the time these kids turn old enough to use a computer?
Who the fuck am I kidding, you can use a computer at 2 now.

Nail on the head. Mods run the site, whether they want to or not. If they aren't having fun, then no-one has any fun either. There's no wierd, or strange or hype moments like there used to be.
Even when they were doing retarded shit, at least everyone was joined together in annoyance and hatred. Now they're just invisible.

I almost exclusively mobile post now. Its so much comfier.
I just use the mobile site, its fine for me at least.

I've only ever purchased one figure and it was because of this image some years ago

He's not wrong.