I'm glad this pussy got what she deserved

I'm glad this pussy got what she deserved.

Not yet but she eventually will..
Once she gets to be with Oshino Meme.

she didn't

What would a date with Hanekawa be like?

>instead of cat who has put up with family issues and has another being living in her and committing crimes in her name, crab who weighed less than was normal is the one that wins

poor crab! ;_;7
she didn't weigh as much as the other girls
f for respects to crab
she suffered so

Nah she still doesn't have her own show.

The one in Hitagi Rendezvous is her date plan. It is like Hitagi was just her proxy. It would definitely be much better than that if she will be the one who actually be having a date with him. That is for sure.


Best girl

Did you skip the first two eps of bake user kun?

No. All I recall is her not weighing a normal amount.

>Best Girl

The culture in strong in you.

Crab's whole story is that she was originally the kindest and nicest girl in the middle school where she, Hanekawa, and Kanbaru went. (this is later expanded on in the Nisio short story Hitagi Throwing, which tells of the formation of the Valhalla Combo/Combi/Combination/)

At some point, Senjougahara becomes sickly, and has to undergo serious surgery in order to survive. Her mother joins a cult in order to attempt to make her daughter healthy again, and ""donates"" all of the family's wealth to the company. (this is why Senjougahara has a dinky ass house despite her father being a businessman.) Tensions raise between her mother and her father. These tensions explode when Senjougahara is nearly raped by a member of her mother's cult, resulting in her parent's divorce.

Senjougahara becomes cold to the world around her and ignores her problems. The Heavy Stone Crab visits her and steals her weight. This is a heavy handed metaphor for "the weight of her trauma."

The actual loss of the weight is mostly just a footnote. She does mention that it hurt for her to wear clothing or to eat properly, though.

Most of this happens off-screen though so... Meh...

That's Nisio's fault, not Crab's.

Whose fault it is is besides the point.

(cont.) Cat's predicament was shown to me, crab's was told to me.

What the fuck is your point?

If it's
>Crab didn't suffer
then I just proved you wrong.

If it's
>Crab is a poorly written character
in theory that's also not her fault


It's also not even bad writing.

>having more bad things happen to you means that other people have to like and defer to you more

Just explaining why cat was more compelling to me than crab.

Tbh, having a lifetime of parental neglect is a lot more important than not being raped. Crab can take care of herself just fine and everyone is really shitty to Cat for no reason.

> being a cat/crab-fag

I shiggy diggy

That's the point of Hitagi Crab, though. You're supposed to wonder why the alleged "nicest girl" became a maniac.

tell me Shinobu's personality
right now




Haughty but "secretly" super considerate.

Is the reason why Crab is so attracted to Hanekawa because she reminds her of her past of being an innocent girl?

Shit. I don't get why people like Shinobu so much, she's so fucking annoying and is the epitome of Nisin characters talking and talking but not saying anything.

literally the entire cast is like that
>Senjougahara spending twenty minutes trying to date Araragi instead of just asking him
>whenever Hanekawa speaks
The only people who don't currently reside in his household as of Tsuki.

Maybe, but I found Shinobu to be particularly annoying because she tries to say smart and philosophical shit, but ends up having meaningless dialogues like the others. At least Senjougahara is just fun bullying.
Also, not every girl is like that. Nadeko was quite reserved and Hanekawa doesn't talk that much(at least most of the time). Hachikuji also doesn't talk that much and her dialogues are generally light hearted and fun.

To me Shinobu and Tsuki are the most guilty when it comes to dumping random texts on your face.

Similar to Hitagi, I guess. Around 600 years ago she was a human princess, the kindest person in existence, but a terrible curse made it so everyone around her would quite literally kill themselves. She lost her parents and everyone she loved, later sacrificing her humanity to prevent future possible deaths. This was also one of the reasons she has such fragile mentality, she suffered too much. With years of being hunted and hated as a vampire, she became a cold human eater but was once saved by our boy Shuraragi (the first time in her life someone actually willingly helped her) and started to slowly open up to him. Her development is not yet over and I guess future novels will explore this subject and her current views on humans. Her portrayal in the series as a loli is terrible though, many of her important scenes got cut. As of her current relationship with Arararararagi, it's kind of built on hypocrisy on both sides. But that's another matter of discussion.


>i hate the core of the series
Why are you here?

I haven't cum between her tits yet so she hasn't gotten what she deserves.

I like the fanservice.

god why is Kizu Hanekawa such a semen demon

Well, if you actually care about the parts where Nisio tries to be serious, Shinobu's are the best. That's why people like her.

>Nisio tries to be serious
Is the key word in that sentence "tried"?

>L E W D

Did you read the novel version? Crab's "kindness" during middle school was largely an act she put on to show her mom how successful she was. She was definitely in a much worse mental condition after the rape attempt, but the transition from kind girl to ice queen was mostly because she just stopped bothering to play nice with people.

It's the only thing she's good for.

I did not read the novel version because I heard the translation was shit. That sort of adds depth to her character and removes some, huh?

still my waifu

>still my waifu
You have good taste.

My brethren.