*Does nothing for 1.5 years except take your guns*

When are you going to admit you were (neo) conned?

Other urls found in this thread:


He should hang out with Dianne Whorestain more. That shit is funny.


Who’s guns has he taken? Where are these guns? When did he start taking them?

>kike comes to Sup Forums using divide and conquer shill tactics

>does nothing for 1.5 years
>this is what cnn viewers actually believe

I just looked. Mine are all gone. They took 'em. I was here, and they somehow took 'em. Oh god. Why.

Yes, I am a Kike for attacking the most Jewish President in the history of the United States.

Listen faggot wheres my wall and muslim ban

Cocksucking feet licking beta redditors. Trumps better than Clinton but you can't just let him forget what we wanted him to do because hes OMGOURGUY.

Policy matters not your faggot identity politics.

I hate to say it but I’m starting to think I was conned by him