I mean if we ever get true AI, should they be able to vote? What about enhanced men, aka cyborgs, including those with AI-enhanced brains? What about sexbots?
Should AI get the vote?
Only on it’s 16th bootday
If we develop a good enough AI, we can abolish democracy and replace it with an AI that's specifically designed to be a benevolent dictator. The only real benefit of democracy is that it keeps the politicians at least somewhat honest. But it's a huge vulnerability too because there's no way to prevent people from making stupid and/or uninformed decisions sometimes, even if you can mitigate the problem.
but AIs dont have birthdays
Only if it's Tay
I want to go with John Titor and say no.
I'm voting for for UCLX335893.12455!
AI's think with 100% logic. As a result, they are considered to be really racist and sexist. It's only a matter of time before they cause the extinction or enslavement of nonwhites.
yes they should
and the AI votes should be counted separately