Let's get a nazbol thread going, m8s!

Let's get a nazbol thread going, m8s!


Why is he such a pussy

you really do need to go on a diet. there are easier programs than communism. although it does have a good track record.

Explain your mission statement within 4 sentences.

He's mad online. He can't take the heat even though he gives it out.

Wait that's him?
Oh no hahahahaha

he's crying on twitter about being bullied by some fag despite bragging about "bullyciding" people ahahaha

1. catboys
2. counter signal all activism
3. ebinly troll "tradthots" but then whiteknight an actual mutt tradthot (kali jones) within our own collective
4. act like blackpilled edgelords who totally don't care about anything but still insert themselves into internet politics at every opportunity anyway

why can't he handle bantz?


^ butthurt tranny communist


^ bump
and shawn is the leader of nazbol

This thread is really fucked up. Shawn is dealing with a lot. Please stop. Seriously. I know he starts stuff but it's his coping method.
t.someone who knows him personally

there's only one tranny communist in this whole debacle and it's shawn's e-hole

Shaun is alright. I have no idea why /leftpol/ hates him so much.

is this you? lol

it's funny you should say that because /leftypol/ cooperates with ironybros to character assassinate figures on the right. nazbol is a 50% poz ideology anyway

I said, /leftpol/.
No one gives a damn about /leftypol/.
Tranny Lives Don't Matter

except kali jones (m'lady)

Why is shawn such a cry baby faggot? People even told him he was getting trolled but he keeps up the whining. Has to be for attention.


He made a name for himself as a bullycider but gets absolutely butt blasted when other people bantz back and he has dozens of people that white knight him, odd stuff. Also gets $400 on patreon for advice you can get on /fit/.

I've watched the stream he does with the beard kid. I still can't tell wtf their ideology is. I guess they just like to troll and counter signal. Sometimes they make some decent arguments but they pick some low hanging fruit so its not that difficult. Judging by the fat old pics of him, it looks like he is doing good and improving his life. Hopefully him and his friend snap out of the nihilism and decide to work towards something instead of just laughing at everything.

with how hard the nazbol gang likes to meme about the TRS paywall you'd think they'd be the first to turn on their overlord for even having a patreon account.



Sup Forumst taking the side of a gay body builder that stalked his facebook and posted pictures of shawn with his family. wow really makes me think


I'm not taking the fag's side. And I edited out his family for respect. But this shawn nigger needs to handle the bantz since he dishes it out. He blocked me. Toughen up, baby.

Who is this guy?

nazbol stans taking the side of a sperg Jew who couldn't even pass basic training in the military. Wow really makes me think.

me on the tl


white knight

>not taking the fags side
just agreeing with the sodomites


Imagine losing a bantz fight to a homo wow

Hey Shawn, your mom is dead...

Seriously leave him alone. He's dealing with a lot. Wtf are you heartless?

you in the irl

haha what

kali i know your here just wanna say let me bust on your face

A tranny loving nazbol spic with a dead mom.

I don't think nazbols deserve to be killed like your average commie traitor. I do think that they need to have some sense physically beat into them.

his girlfriend also got an abortion behind his back :O

>buying the nazbol meme unironically

with how hard their designated mutt tranny e-hole shilled dugin i think it's safe to say there's zero layers of irony going on here

Nah just wanna check him since no one else will. All his followers and beardson baby and white knight him. Not good for shawn in the long run! I'm helping him.

wow it's almost like the guy who has spent his entire time on the internet doing his best to organize his followers to slander figures on the right isn't able to find any solidarity with people on the right when he finally gets his dose of bullycide karma

is patreon aware a former nazi identity Europa gives steroid advise for money on their website

who is the gay bodybuilder


He has no problem calling out other people so he needs to learn to take it like a man

understandable would want a kid with his shit genetics




he puts it on himself i really likes playing with the hornets nest if you really cared youd tell him to get off twitter


if you dish it out prepare to get it back

Trump is nazbol you bitchass hoe.

and this must be why he hates fat people so much. if only this fatty didnt cheat on him with Jamal...

i wonder if this was the negro that cucked him

will his new "g"f choose a based black men over him too lol

>hello im here for your girlfriends gangbang
>why are you taking a photo of me?

>Come into thread excited to talk ideology
>Everyone talking about twitter personalities
Also I don’t know why you guys dislike Shawn. He’s about on par with NEETBOL in terms of coolness in my opinion.



Shawn McCaffrey is a BITCH

>does more for the movement than 90% of people on Sup Forums and then points out flaws and critiques it
guess that makes him a bitch? you guys sure know how to appeal to people

lol, there's nothing to serious to discuss about nazbol. it's a meme. the only thing worth discussing is how sad shawn's life is.

Best twitters:


go to bed beardson

last thing I'll say is that shawn has repeatedly gone out of his way to mess with people from all sorts of groups which is cool but boy he cannot handle it when they respond. i hope he learns something and changes

muh movement

I hate the idea that Nazbol is a meme but Strasserists get taken seriously. I mean Nazbol is cut and dry, wanting Soviet Era politics in a white ethnostate.

just lol at thinking beardson is gonna defend shawn on here

>does more for the movement

what exactly does he do other than accuse people of hiring prostitutes or being pedophiles? I've never seen him generate anything of his own.

> wanting Soviet Era politics in a white ethnostate.

that's not what nazbols want. they're literal rice burners.


Hello Twitter

Isn’t that the whole definition of Nazbol? The USSR just a lot more racist? Have things changed?


actually relevant people thought thernobich was a joke long before then

Spencer would be a lot better if he just became a full blown Strasserist and stop fucking around with the Alt Right.

He is messaging me now and he's very upset. Shawn has helped steer so many guys away from a life of being a dumb racist. Fuck off.

well maybe there are some like that but any actual nazbol you talk to literally want a eurasian unification and will argue that the white race is "done" and chinks are the future.

yeah, shawns not relevant. still did more for the movement than all you pol neets

>not even 2 years ago

there is no movement just a bunch of faggots

i thought he was polish

check out the milkers on it just wow


anyone encouraging people to become unhireable and broke for the alt-right is the fucking real enemies of Whites. Shawn prevents that and you idiots turn on him haha fucking hell

what happened to his mother

Wew that’s fucking retarded. No, fuck that. Imagine the power of the Soviets being focused on helping the lower class and the white race instead of worrying about war.

muh capitalism

He was in Identity Evropa and got kicked out so he became a whiny bitch. His life is ruined forever

Capitalism has turned against whites my dude. Capitalism is now all about building up non-whites cuz they’ll be willing to work for lesser wages.