Have you ever watched anime on drugs?
Have you ever watched anime on drugs?
My first viewing of totoro I assumed he was on drugs, does that count aside from being drunk
Dude weed lmao
I watched all of kemono friends while unimaginably high on weed
I cried several times
with your blog
anime is my drug
drugs are for degenerates though
Did the exact same.
haha fuck yea dude blaze it!
Anime voice acting sounds really weird to me when high so I generally don't watch it when I am.
I watched the last half of Seikon no Qwaser on acid once. It was intense.
Anime can seem pretty bizarre and uncomfortable when you're really high on pot. The characters start to seem less and less human and it feels really odd.
Alcohol is good though
no they don't, are you stupid
I started Slayers yesterday while I was really drunk. was planning on rewatching the first three episodes today.
The first time I watched Serial Experiments Lain, I had been smoking weed. It was a truly terrifying experience.
>watching anime sober
its like you enjoy being conscious of the cultural differences between your world and the cute 2D girls in front of you
Kill yourself.
I read a bunch of Punpun coming down from a mild acid trip. It was not a good idea.
>not doing the hard stuff while watching anime
Literally the only way i got half way through Black Clover was when i was high as fuck.
And i still hated every chapter.
No, I'm just not a daily user/addict so the effects are still profound on me. Everybody experiences things differently. To me, watching K-On while high was a strange feeling. It just made me feel like an oddball.
>Alcohol is good though
I watched kemono friends on acid, it was intense.
I abuse alcohol and xanax a lot so I end up watching most of my anime in a drunken sedated state
I watched Perfect Blue on acid and had to stop after a while because it was scaring me.
>The only reason some people watched Kemono friend was because they were doped with weird shit.
No, I'm not a degenerate.
Now that is the true cartoon watcher's drug combo. Remembering what happened last week must be hell though.
I personally prefer kratom. Extra comfy drug that doesn't fuck your liver.
>Alcohol is good though
I love watching especially shoujo when drunk while I can't stomach it sober.
Sometimes while I drink, but that's not really out of any kind of desier to watch anime while drunk, but more that I start series, and it's so good that I can't stop watching and just keep drinking and having good time.
But when I did visit America and was staying at friend's place, he wanted me to try weed, and we watched Kemono Friends. Apparently he had really great time, but I didn't really notice anything out of ordinary.
I could hardly handle what I was seeing
nothing made sense, food showed up out of nowhere, things that should have been lethal were no big deal. All places were equidistant. Machines that should be broken worked no problem without fuel
the whole series is like a semi lucid dream
>kemono friends image
>blogging thread
Why is KF not banned yet?
Friends will never leave
why aren't you banned yet nigger
I'll be soon because mods enjoy kemono friends blogging threads.
Does anyone else think that shounenshit becomes 100x better when your drunk/on drugs?
I read one chapter of Nanatsu no Taizai once after a joint and i can honestly say that i haven't been this hype about reading the rest of anything since i was 10 years old.
It's fucking amazing.
I saw Kizumonogatari part 2 on LSD, it was fucking magical. I recommend anyone that can get some to take it and re-watch any Shaft show they enjoy. Madoka would be ideal because of the witches labyrinths.
Tripping watching madoka seems fun but I'm a bit wary about anything dark or depressing.
All the time nigga, just blaze up and drank up
I think I watched some anime on Ambien, though I'm not sure because that drug fucks up your memory.
I read all of Bleach, Most of One Piece, and Fairy Tail all while baked on weed. Also finished all of Medaka box as well.
Imo it makes Kubos stoytelling almost acceptable, makes Fairy Tail even better
and does wonders for One Piece because I zone out staring at whatever the fuck Oda drew/ Wrote until it actually makes sense
Medaka box was brilliant on weed