Amazing how much so little can do to a character design. I'm talking about the tan obviously

Amazing how much so little can do to a character design. I'm talking about the tan obviously.

Sakura a cute

There is only one good thing about this show, and it isn't the character design.

But looks cute.


That's absolutely false you homosexual.

Did I miss an episode or is this an edit?

Tans make everything look better.

>There is only one good thing about this show
And what would that be then, fagboy?

The fact that it's over.



The good thing about the show was the blunt look at what can be done to help declining rural areas. Nothing, nothing can be done.

I miss her.

Was this the secret AOTY anons?

I thought this was pretty good and not just escapism as most anime are nowadays

What was the point of Sandal, I don't really understand why he was in the show.

Some kind of author/company easter egg-self insert that meant nothing else than that.
Maybe just weird people in towns if something

To provide excellent episode previews.

I wasn't the only one that really enjoyed this, r-right anons?

Of course not.

Amazing how much so little can do to a character design.

Ririko is my wife and I'm going to have two or three children with her

The more saturated and on the hotter end of the spectrum the hair is, the better the tan tends to look

Easy there Pablo she's just visiting your country.

So what was Sakura's Quest anyway?

Engrish previews

her butthole is still pink

I really liked it, as I did PA works' other job focused series. It's what they should stick to


Not for long.

>when you talk to her

>when you ask her out on a date

>when you say you like her

I wanna marry her.

She's so cute.


are you retarded

>tfw you will never be on the end of the rope



which end :3

Best girls.


>I thought this was pretty good and not just escapism as most anime are nowadays
I think it kinda was escapism though. There was just a hint of realism, to make the escapist experience even stronger.

I would have to say it's quite the opposite

They ruined ririko in the last episode.

So why isn't this thread filled with tanned girls?

Erika needed more screentime

It's a post-credit scene from the final episode.

Still bothers me that Yoshino just leaves Manoyama to start from scratch in another dying town. Feels like it completely undermines the year she spent there.

It feels like you completely missed the point user.

The cutest.

Best scene in the series.


what? you mean this?

I want to be that snake.

I like how they had tons of outfits.

Yeah Aoi's change from blonde to pink hair was really quite stark.

I like how the anime about rural Japan had the most foreigner characters I've seen ever.

At least ones that actually have lines.

Fuck yeah Sandal-san.


Does she have tanned butthole now?

>mfw this exactly describes my interaction with one of my 3D friends


I like how they made the older people look old with out looking like grand parent old. Like maki's parents.

No not that one though, I'm not that far gone.

>when you tell her you hate her

>when you tell her you want to break up

People actually finished this?

It was one of the best shows for two seasons. Why wouldn't they?

Some people like the slower burn.
It also had the second-best final episode of the season.

Was there a better mature slice of life this season that I missed?

The show was pretty accurate, but it ended on a positive note. All first cour they kept trying to boost tourism and hosted that huge festival, but failed. Second cour they just tried improving the town and reviving the old festival, and they ended up turning it into a community worth living in. Eirika's arc pretty much encapsulates the whole issue; the town sucked and she wanted to run to the city. By improving the town, the younger generation won't leave and people will slowly trickle in too.

>Was this the secret AOTY anons?
>pretty good
>not just escapism

I'm confused. I thought people hated darker skin, in general.

City Planning Commission: the anime

Hola Yoshino!

That sounds way more exciting than the anime was.

The fuck is wrong with the subs. I watch 3 episodes with the CR subs and they feel really off, I don't even speak nip.