Someone make a video so we can start the hashtag #SaveSouthAfrica

Someone make a video so we can start the hashtag #SaveSouthAfrica

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Why don't they just fight back.

Honestly, the White Man should leave SA, so you can all starve. You'll get on your knees, begging them to come back. They won't.

Best case scenario for you pal? Living in mud huts.


Instead of #SaveSouthAfrica, how about #LiberateAfrica, not just from whites, but their aid as well, let them be self-determinant of their fate. We should be accelerating this, not letting it stagnate.

Once whites go, they will have to deal with the Chinese and they aren't as altruistic as whites are, then those mouthbreathers will beg for whites to return to be the hero but only then will the whites leave them to their own fate.

why dont they establish a new commando volunteer system or are organizing themselfs

We hung kaffers for fun, used to rape those animals on the weekends. Now we let them hang each other

Any legit person whom i can donate money other than Lauren Southern??

They are greatly outnumbered.