We're in need of more figures in cute dresses like this.
Buyfag thread
Would a 48k EMS order from AmiAmi sent to BC get hit with a customs fee? The only AmiAmi package I remember getting hit with a fee from was my P5 Collector's Edition and I'm pretty sure that was SAL anyways.
Theres something horribly off with her face, as if it was compressed down to her lower half of her head
Does anyone have the Kuro fig by brocolli? I want to know if her fur top is movable like their Nep's open shirt fig.
I think she turned out beautiful. The gradient on her hair is pretty nice, and for once a glossy outfit looks good.
Im talking about the Megumi in OP, not about saber. I like how saber turned out
Post your most recent adquisition
is there an "upscale" ikea?
easy-ish to dis/assemble and flat-packed, but with better structural stability
This little cutie.
I'm happy too, I just wish we'd gotten a little more definition on the nose.
What's up with all these Megumi figures?
God said "let there be more figures of best girl"
hey buyfags
is a yuyuko plus worth 83 bucks my friend's waifu is her and I really wanna make sure i'm not getting fucked by some JP seller
I need to get him a gift this year
Is it bad to like prize figures?
I hope they also make a robin one since there already is a nami version.
A lot of prize figures are really good for the price, so I'd say no.
The transparent plastic at her neck looks terrible.
Not really, but it's not hard to tell them apart from proper scales in terms of paint and sculpt quality if you put them next to each other, so most people don't bother.
>.jpg orig.jpg
Just wait. December is almost here.
When's trashbag-chan releasing?
You like what you like. They can be okay but they're usually not the best in terms of quality though, so expect us to shit on you if you do.
This month
Pretty sure we aren't a collective.
>wielding sword
>kawaii frolicking magical girl pose
Saberfags, you have so many better options.
selling all my figs except the ones favorited
free shipping on orders greater than $30 to the US
Perhaps, but even then there's more than one person forming this group, it's the same reason you can use "we" despite your statement being correct. You can expect, at the least, a vocal number to speak up.
Just fuck off already.
Do you ship the replacement parts for all of the broken figures for free as well?
>free shipping
Take them with you at that point, jesus.
get more buyers from these threads than the mfc site
thankfully there haven't been any broken figures yet!
Try not to use your camera's flash user.
I got fucked pretty hard when I sold some bulkier figs...
only made like $10 off one shipment
Check for the name holic in previous posts, this guy sent broken shit and didn't want to do anything about it until the thread called him out on it.
Oh, "free" shipping.
Go scalp somewhere else.
>broken shit
it got a fucking white mark on it
that doesn't make it broken you autistic cuck
Which of the broken parts had the white mark on it though?
My point was saying that
>expect us to shit on you if you do
is stupid because people on this thread have different opinions. Same with nendos, some people think they are pieces of shit, others like them, but you wouldn't say "we all think they are shit".
getting $10 for a $30 sale is profitable for who?
nothing I've sent has been broken
>Dropping trip in order to get past the blocks and sell broken shit
Expecting to make a profit from selling most of your collection is setting yourself up for depression.
Put your trip back on so I can filter your scam posts baldie.
Not at all, and that one satisfies at least three of my fetishes.
I'm not trying to make a profit
I'm trying to turn figs into cash
You got a mouse in your pocket, m8?
How long do I have to wait for her to get something really nice?
As far as vanilla sabers go, she looks the best for me.
Even if it's Saber Lily and not vanilla-vanilla Saber
you get to enjoy every single one of them bud
it's like you don't know what the word means
>kawaii frolicking magical girl pose
It's already too long, user. I just don't get why she doesn't have a proper, decent scale yet. She's popular with the fans, got a gorgeous design and got her own episode in the show, even. Why is there nothing good?
There's a duality there. While we may all be special snowflakes individually, we're still a snowstorm combined. You don't say "the storm is moving to the southwest except for a few flakes moving to the south over here" when you're talking about which direction the storm is moving in, you say it's moving southwest. I've observed the reaction to prizes here to be largely negative, as such "we" will usually shit on them. It doesn't even make sense to complain about the statement because you're looking at it from a different level.
I really like the theme/design.
Hope they'll make a robin one too, shouldn't bei too much of an issue. t's One Piece after all.
I'm hoping her solo coming out recently will spark something.
Damn her head is so tiny.
These threads aren't that big though. Out of the 500-something posts in each thread, there's always just a few more than 100 posters (if that), so there isn't like a giant hivemind here.
What I mean to say is that in buyfag threads, we're all special snowflakes, and so are you user!
All I said was that people have different opinions on this thread ( and
). I'm not sat here analyzing your bloody sentence.
Smaller than her neck
Since everyone seems to think you're a piece of shit, I offer you a one-time, low ball offer of $30 for the racing miku.
The point is when you're posting, you're not speaking for anyone other than yourself, so saying 'us' makes it sound like you're trying to speak for everyone when that's clearly not the case.
But it's not always the same 100 people. Every day there's a new thread with let's say a 100 unique posters. Over a week there might actually be 450 unqiue posters since not everybody posts in every thread.
We can only hope. With the recent Freddie on a table and Shiki in a chair figures going up for order I'd like to see this card adapted into a scale.
i'd sooner ebay it than sell to an ungrateful cuck
you gonna wrap her in a hard drive bag
There really are only a couple of people who just come here to shitpost on almost everything, regardless. They generally make it quite obvious it's one or two people based on how they write and the frequency of their posts. Most people just don't comment (i.e. I actually don't care for nendos, but I also don't reply to nendo posts because it's not my bag.)
i don't think there is a hard drive bag big enough to get her box in it
Finally picked her up from the post office yesterday.
Didn't actually want her to begin with but it's pretty nice still. Don't regret it.
Better get on that, then. Sounds like you have a move coming up soon.
How are the tits in general?
I have until december, I should be ok
Mine should be coming tomorrow, first scale aside from a few shitty Eva prize figs so I'm excited, mainly been a Figma/Nendofag since I started collecting.
Now if only Tharja stopped being so fucking expensive.
Hard and plastic.
You mean no nose Sabuh?
Alright, although they aren't the reason why I bought her to begin with. Mainly, I got the other two nendos and it felt weird not picking up big sis so I caved in and got her as well. Still not that huge on her hair and face, which were things I had issues with in her prototype, but she's still a good figure.
Going for the Agrias look.
They don't need to be big for my statement to be true. There could be five people and if three hate prizes, guess what?
Then either don't start or don't join a discussion centered around analyzing a sentence, genius.
>you're not speaking for anyone other than yourself
I am, and I can. At the very least I'm not the only one that posts about prizes looking bad so I'm not alone. What I can't and am not doing is talking about how specific people feel about prizes; I don't need to do that to speak on the group.
"Everyone that does [thing I don't approve of] is one or two posters" is a fallacy that pops up often. Prize hate is too consistent and has happened over too long a time for me to believe it's just a few autists popping in or even camping out to make sure no one has fun. Even if that were the case you can usually expect someone to get shit for praising prizes from the people that do respond, the effect is the same.
prototype when
Jesus Christ user, stop sperging about your fucking prize toys.
If you don't want us to make fun of your shitty prize figures, get proper scales so we can make fun of your shit taste instead.
Hopefully soon, but I think we won't see it before next wonfes.
What's a good cast off that looks totally inconspicuous when clothed? Bonus points if sci fi and/or under 14000 gookbucks.
Native Alice, but her order period is already over and she's going to cost more than that.
This shirt. I don't think I've ever seen so much detail in a print.
Guys, guys, preferences are preferences. There are good prize figures, and there are shit prize figures. End of story.
T-Shirts are a waste of good ink.
How castoff are we talking here? Bra and panties? Completely nude?
Sorry user, now whenever I see a prize figure I will just assume that its owner is a retard.
Did you order her?, I did, even tough I haven't bought a prize fig in years.
Here's a videos I found, yesterday.
For a 25cm prize fig it's a pretty good deal, I also have Vivi ordered.
they certainly are acting the part
We're all retards here, user.
There is a Nico announced, myfigurecollection.net
Also a second Boa DFS
Price figure==Retard.
One piece Price figure==Full retard.
>Price figure
WING Sansei is a good one even with the welded tits.
>Price Figure
Full retard indeed.
He capitalized the P guys, it's okay. Price waifu when?
>even with the welded tits.
I think it's the shading, but with this one even though the weld is kind of bad it's actually not all that noticeable in person.
Prize figure = Retard.
One piece prize figure = Full retard.
Price figure = (you)