ITT: We discuss the political ramifications of young men consuming too much pornography and discuss techniques for abstaining from such destructive habits.
Porn Thread
there are none, just the political ramifications of trying to fix young men all the time and demonize everything they enjoy
I don't believe that porn actually influences the political stance. Lefties who were indoctrinated to hate the white race are adjusting their consumption to their believes (gif related).
To solve the issue, we should put women in their place again, so there is no need for porn consumption anymore. Because having actual sex with a woman is always preferred to fucking your own hand.
Lots of science to back up the negative effects of porn
>How do we get people to abstain from porn? I know, let's post threads with women deepthroating vegetables!
It was designed to catch the porn addicts attention obviously.
Also porn of women deep throating and eating vegetables and slurping up egg yoke-shots would be a welcome change. At least it makes sense in your brain and would probably only make you want to eat healthy foods - unlike real porn which combines the oral eating motions and emotions with sexual motions and emotions and messes up mens brains so bad they become the type of freaks who make sissy hypno threads on /gif/ and deliberately brainwash themselves into worshiping cocks...
It's the jews. Anything the jews are pushing is bad for you.
Where's rest of the sony merchandise?
How do I quit this shit Sup Forums?
>get a gf lol
Im unironically addicted to interracial porn, ama
how do we not have a pic yet that shows the same thing with cnn, etc.... you know. but the porn industry.
>discuss techniques for abstaining from such destructive habits
First, do not post porn in disguise...
Second, get an hobby, or study a new topic which does not arouse your lower groin area.
Third, use the internet less: alas, this amazing system to communicate and find things from all over the world is also the easiest way to get tempted and end up watching porn.
Who here /softcoremasterrace/?
I quit hardcore porn in 2016 my dick goes diamonds now, also fap once a week tops for god mode ejaculations
Thanks Sup Forums it was a thread I read here that saved me
hahahaha how the fuck is porn addiction even real? hahaha nigga just put your dick down and walk away from the screen like nigga just close your eyes haha
>seriously, grow the fuck up
Pornstars are roastie Stacie's.
Terrible acting.
the ramifications are not political they are biological, it causes you to not want to leave your house and drains you of testosterone, as the universe is governed under a mysterious system of duality so does the pursuit of all things sexual lead someone on a path to ruin as abstaining from all thing sexual lead one atop a mountain
Nothing wrong with porn just don't do it every day and you'll be fine
If you jack it to the point were you can't get it up when it's time to do the deed you've gone too far
Quitting porn will not make you good looking
It will not make you a Chad
It will not increase your testosterone
It will not cause women to suddenly become attracted to you because you feel of alpha pheromones
Porn is an outlet for betas so they don't do more mass shootings out of frustration. Even Chad browses porn when he's having an off day
Porn makes and 50 shades of grey BULLSHIT makes normal women to want the following:
1. Rich asshole.
2. Rich asshole treat her well while humiliated her in bed, destroying her self esteem.
3. Women end wanting a BBC.
4 . Larger dicks. Women think that the average size is 12 inches.
Women most common dildo is 12 inches.
WHAT will happen when you pull a 7 inch dick?
WHITE, Latinos, Italians, and Asians, All have dicks smaller than 7 to 8 inches.
Good luck trying to FUCK a white bitch now days.
Best way to find a virgin one and marry her.
Go old school.
I married myself a white girl after coming from Italy, first month of marriage, she ends cheating, now I am FUCK by immigration, in a sitting game, to wait to escape this relationship.
Don't do it, white liberal women are the worst cancer, with all the feminism and crap. Where cheating is ok.
Or... we could just talk about Antifas new Assault vehicle.
Humans are scum
I hate humans
We hate you too buddy
Do you like bacon?
Scientia est Potentia
Yes but I have the nuclear code.
Bacon is life.
if you don't fap at least once a day you are a low test soy boy
Listen to the leaf about being a soyboy.
I don't eat humans.
Pigs have human souls.
Confucius says...
Didn't you know that?
A personal 10 min. rule to rub one out would go a long way. You won't have time to go down some twisted pyscho-sexual emotional road if your focus is get-er-done and be done. Personally, I found myself going back to the Sears catalogue half the time after using this rule, as it seems there's plenty enough ammo in the bra section now.
>Porn is an outlet for beta
Porn is a jewish designed organisation. it is anything but good.
Porn is meant to destroy the western civilized world and the nuclear family.
Everything degenerate leads to them.
>how do I stop using porn?
>how do I stop overeating
>how do I stop smoking?
>how do I stop playing video games?
>how do I stop taking coke?
>how do I stop being a degenerate?
Just don't do it.
There is no such thing as addiction, God gave us the gift of free will.
Be nice
So it says so on your marriage certificate?
I'm not kidding. Pigs have human souls.
Why do you think Jesus drove the demons into them?
mmmmm cannibal.
That's not the only human you are eating of course.
Ever had a McDonalds burger?
Don't be angry... butter some toast and relax.
don't call it porn, call it for what it is, namely visual stimulation.
how do you cut down on visual entertainment?
Burgers contain rat and human DNA, study finds | The Independent
OP exposed! That is real poarns has only little fotoshop of vegi
Cannibal filth
I made no claim to eating any kind of ground meat. No one with any sense would after that "person" ground that little girl up and sold her in kebabs.
That's a false story.
The Human DNA in your burgers etc is true.
The Horsemeat scandal was actually human DNA but they had to suppress it because of the melt down it would have caused.
You must be muslim....
I'm not a muslim.
Sup Forums conditions you to watch interracial.
Jesus could literally tell demons to inhabit your whole buttplug collection. The point of the story isn't the swines 'soul' its about the cosmic authority of Christ and his hurry to retire these spirits by causing them to self terminate.
Im not paying for that!
It isn't a false story at all and the kebab shop is still open after the accused were handed huge payouts by the government.
I want you to self terminate you piece of shit.
Get a grip
I'm going to have a word with your superiors at MI6 and tell them to get rid of you.
You're trash.
Porn is healthy but too much porn is like too much Sup Forums.
You know why Muslims are going to fail don't you? The pic says it all.
Fucking leaf. Delete this.
The only healthy porn is porn that contains Linda O'Neil.
Yeah all that Japanese porn you jack off to is done by Jews too right
Face it, guys like to watch porn cause they're horny. What's the oldest profession in the world again you sperg?
Yeah Ill get right on that.
This sounds like a good idea
Fake and gay
Porn wouldn't be bad if all men got the sexual attention portrayed in such films. Too bad it's only reserved for chads.
>What's the oldest profession in the world again you sperg?
I bet if you could go back and watch it unfold it would be theft.
Nothing wrong with watching porn if you don't fap
Demon infested idiot.
There is no evidence that wblacks have bigger dicks. There is evidence that asians have small dicks on average (sorry) but whites and hispanics have the same size as niggers. White women are shit for many reasons but its not penis size because that's not different.
Yeah... that'll teach me!
Fuck you
Responsible mothers would barge in on their sons masturbating to porn and put a stop to it, even sucking their dick. Then the son will be turned off from masturbating, due to the associated trauma.
>Implying white supermacists aren't the main consumers of Blacked porn
Depends. What kind?
Yes but I know that feel she's trying to convey
One day OP will learn about left-click + shift key at the Sup Forums catalog.
You're the one running wild colors most of the time aren't you?
Define "wild colors".
>TFW nazi
>TFW love fapping to interracial.
what is wrong with me?
I broke my over 2 years long nofap last week. I feel the negative effects. My plan is to fap one more time then I'll start nofap again.