Who is the most adorable loli from this year's anime?
Loli of the Year
Good question.
I want to _hug_ Kanna-chan!
Your fuck up back there only proves who the best loli truly is.
>the best loli
Well, the OP specifically said the most ADORABLE loli. And Kanna is certainly more adorable than Tanya.
That's not a loli.
That's just a child.
>this isn't adorable
your moms a child
Kanna is LOTY and LOTD contender to be honest.
Tanya's cute
You're goddamn right
My dick.
Fake loli designed to pander to normalfags.
Imma post more Tanya.
I'm seeing anime get more and more popular and now people are becoming aware of loli and are starting to vent out about it.
It makes me so mad and twists me on the inside. The future is dark.
What's it like being 12?
I don't remember, but I was probably way happier back then
No you faggot. Best waifu is Moonman-Chan.
I think I can see what he means, she's more of a shortstack midget, very defined curves, like a chibi of a thicc girl as supposed to an underdeveloped stick girl, one conforms to normie taste while the other is looked down upon by them
That final episode kinda ruined it for me. I can only tolerate fedora speech so much
Fuck you, Tanya is perfect.
I'm glad that I can enjoy both.
This is now officially a Tanya Degurechaff Thread.
Best loli(old salaryman)
I want to marry Tanya-chan!
I'd like to put in three votes.
coming truth folks lolis of the year
All these shit opinions.
I'll give you that but she's not Kanna cute
The most adorable Loli was Kaban.
deep love and respect.
worship; veneration.
Kanna eating random living things was the best part of maid dragon but she has not earned any respect for her actions. while I don't personally like the squid belly thing I understand that some people do but if you like Kanna for what she is not who she is then she is literally a fetish.
Kanna can never be the most "adorable" by definition because you don't truly respect her.
I really like Tanya but she also can not be called "adorable"
You've got to hear her (/his {/apache's}) inner monologue so you know that her (/his {/apache's}) actions are based in no way on merit but solely based on self-preservation making her (/him {/apache}) not worthy of respect or if you will adoration
Loli of the year is Kaban because she fucking earned it.
Kaban did the impossible and sacrificed everything for the right reasons.
She made her self worthy to be "adored"
Tl;dr which loli do you actually look up to? Which loli inspires you to be a better person?
Which loli do you actually "ADORE"?
The only reasonable answer is Kaban
This is now a Tanya thread
This is now a Kanna thread
>all those people spamming tanya or kanna
>no one posting kukuri
Get some taste you fucking plebs.
Horse cunny was cute too but these three are too damn adorable.
People remember Moonman?
Main stream media call it a Neo-Ninjin protest
as friends chant "You will not replace Tatsuki"
COOL designs things to pander to his own fetishes.
Because Kukuri is LOTY 1994
B-but user, she ain't a loli...
It still hurts.
> this much thought into justification of wanting to have sex with small children
I'm not complaining about your post, it actually made me smile.
The hat doesn't line up properly.
Real shame about Kadokawa fucking up the chances of a good second season, but Kaban was definitely a strong contender for best loli of the year. Though, can you really call her a loli when she had those hips and breasts? She was packing some surprise heat under those unassuming clothes, as evident in the hot springs episode. Definitely one of the better MCs of the year though, without a doubt.
Man, Iruru looks like shit, but her personality more than makes up for her design. Really need more chapters translated.
Right here.
its a gossip between Megumin in Konosuba S2, Kukuri in GuruGuru, and Snail in Owari. Dragonloli isn't even near the running.
No contest
salarymen aren't cute loli
that's the sound of butthurt
{spoiler]Puffy Vulva[/spoiler]
>designed to pander to normalfags
Did you ever stop to think about what you wrote before you pressed enter?
That would be lolis that were designed to make you want to adopt and protect. Pandering doesn't have to be sexual in nature you know.
Do you think they would gladly show their boss their ravioli loli memes and he would have a sensible chuckle? Do you have any idea what normalfag even means?
I want to MARRY Tanya!
The same one as the past 3 years
What's snuggling with Lala like?
Are any of the Kemono friends lolis?
How many prominent loli are there this year?
Vanilla doujin with Rerugen fucking when.
Kanna is the cutest
>Kanna eating random living things was the best part of maid dragon
Shit taste, but I respect your admiration for Kaban/Kemono Friends.
Millium Orion
Any loli can be cute.
Any loli can be drawn sexy
Bag made me cry tears.
I haven't watched too much, so I'm sure I'm missing quite a few.
I also excluded those who didn't get much screen time or attention. Basically, only characters who would be in the running for 'loli of the year'.
You forgot the one from Enmusubi no Youko-chan.
Vivio wins it every year
>ironic pedos
I want to fuck this centaur loli.
i want to feed it
She's big enough.
For you
If you feed her any more, she'll die.
my waifu
Sorry to hear that
Sana a cute
I want to pee inside Kanna's fat butt.
Kana and the blonde psycho aren't even lolis. One is a dragon and the other is a middle age salaryman. There is only one true choice.
You pee in a toilet, idiot.
Kanna is a toilet.
She's a dragon, you moron.