The issue with MGTOW vs natsoc is actually quite fundamental. The only difference is a single frame of mind when starting off. Change that, and your natural conclusions go from MGTOW to natsoc or vice versa.
That one variable is hedonism. What is more important, your own personal minmaxing of pain and pleasure, or the continued existence of your people, your obligation to your people, etc. Obviously, we all side with the latter. But if someone still holds onto that fundamental presupposition that the only goal in life is to maximize personal pleasure and minimize personal pain, then MGTOW becomes a logical conclusion.
So to solve the MGTOW problem, THIS is the point that needs to be addressed. Not "virgin shaming" or any of that dumb shit. You need to convince these guys that continuing our own races existence is important, and that just saying "I don't care what happens after I die" is the wrong attitude to have.
Of course, it always ends up being EXTREMELY HARD to convince people that fully embrace this hedonistic, nihilistic POV. But again, that is the point that needs to be argued.
Hunter Garcia
In all honesty, the MGTOW movement started with some good ideas; but as usual: the road to Hell is paved with good intentions... One has indeed to detach himself from modern women, but also better himself in both physical and mental skills reaching his limits. Evola speaks, in some of his writings, of the "great battle" for one's soul (not just as the Christian idea of it, but also a more Eastern view of it, as your inner universe of morals, values and how one relates to the fads of the world) and the "small battle" for the world outside ourselves. One must not, like you pointed out, fall for hedonistic lifestyles; and indeed, too often MGTOWs and their "prophets" always end up encouraging and indulging in such things.
I am Christian, I'll be honest with you, Sup Forums. I know 90% of it it's pozzed and lost, but I also know there's a truth in there, the Truth for me, but I will not force you to accept my position; but there are lessons one can learn from the original Christians and the fathers of the Church. One of which is to "die" to the world and embrace an higher call; for me it's a call to get closer to God, but maybe for you is the survival of the Western world, of the European people and the destruction of the Jewish/Zionist menace.
A man without a higher, outside goal is like a fish flowing down a river: it is usually dead already.
Xavier Jackson
>mgtows are almost the same as natsocs
LMAO. When white women constantly pull shit like pic related they force you to choose between your honor and the survival of the white race. MGTOWs are true noblemen who will choose their honor 10 times out of 10. Tradcucks/natsocs/whatever are subhuman scum that will choose the white race 10 times out of 10.
Literally nothing in common here is there?
William Cook
damn well said
Andrew Rodriguez
Tradcons/natsoc larpers have repeatedly shown through their discourse that they do not care about men or individual rights.
They need useful idiots to be in the front lines for and their problems and their backfired schemes.
They hate mgtow because they see it as a threat to their dogmas. They see it as a threat not because MGTOW is a danger to the white race, as they claim (they think we're all incel virgins that can't get girlfriends anyway) but because mgtow has been the tip of the spear of the gender realism movement and they resent the redpills (tradcucks call them blackpills and cowards as a defense mechanism) that we drop about women everyday.
MGTOW explodes their fantasy of using a political movement to find sensual bliss with a "redpilled woman" - which is all they really want. At any given time half of Sup Forums is full of threads about this fantasy. It's /r9k/ with a white nationalist motif.
The traditonal conservative in general is fundamentally and intrinsically pink pilled as feminism on gender. The bright side is, truth is irresistible and reality will set in over time and there's nothing that can be done to stop it.
Cooper Nelson
Benjamin Nelson
Gabriel Wilson
>They need useful idiots to be in the front lines for and their problems and their backfired schemes.
Indeed. You would expect these proud boys to be in the front lines of their race war but instead here they are crying "muh nihilism, muh selfish" to MGTOWs.
Blake Barnes
They're spineless faggots. NatSocs/Tradcons love going on about how MGTOW and feminism is just two sides of the same coin, but it's just a form of projection as their beliefs and how they function mirrors feminists more, even right down to their "If you're not my useful idiot you're my enemy" mentality
Nathaniel Lewis
whats worse is the sheer gynocentrism of tradcucks