Sup Forums getting BTFO in The Guardian today
Sup Forums getting BTFO in The Guardian today
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Amazing, sexual frustration leads to extremist violent right wing behavior? Wow, so surprising.
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People
Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities
We Want Full Employment For Our People
Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings
Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All
We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex
We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions
is there are a single hazier and blurrier term out there than that? relationships are a process and rarely a status that will never change foundationally.
go back to the plantation
fuck off with this gay larp copypasta
A man cannot be friends with a female
literally this, friend is the most blurry term that ever existed
Good point user
Men and women cannot be friends unless the man is gay.
archive this shitty clickbait you limey poofter
Jokes on you fagget I have no male friends either
Yeah, when you have no friends because no one wants to be associated with a hitler cringe lord, That's understandable. I miss the days when this place was an ironic Ron Paul board only focused on lulz.
>nigs sage'ing shill threads
That “man” is no longer a man. Just a regular faggot
That's right, goyim.
The only men who keep female friends they aren't hoping to sleep with are faggots
Not true. It’s not that hard if she’s like a 5
>beware of man with no female friends
>and by friends I don't mean women he is hoping to one day wear down to date or sleep with
So, beware all men?
Men don't give away intimacy like whores the way women do. Also, men, unlike women, wouldn't keep a woman he is not attracted around just to get beta orbiter points because unlike women they are not lizards who operate on primal opportunistic instincts. Notice how the women who have beta orbiters who are in love with her know very well they are in love with her and still torture and toy with them for fun.
>Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States
those are fucking rookie numbers, time to bump that shit up.
t. homo
I'd fuck a 5, I wouldn't associate with anything lower
Beware the man with all female friends, he is much like them. He does not value the company of his male comrades and is brainwashed by his counterparts to destroy what his fathers and forefathers had worked to create. The soy boy, the cuck, never scores.
I like you, best ally.
I find women boring unless I want to have sex with them. Why would I want female friends? They aren't loyal and they all want to fuck me anyway and get butthurt if I don't and then stop being my friend.
The closest thing I have to female friends is my friends' wives. Some of them I guess I do kinda consider friends. When they're 5-10 years older than me, have several kids, and get it on the regular from their husband, their attraction to me is more, "Oh look how cute he is. I would have wanted to marry him 10-15 years ago."
I can be friends with those women.
Being friends with an unmarried woman my age or younger is just a recipe for disaster.
the double standard that if a Chad has a bunch of female friends that he ends up fucking, it's not because he tried to do it, it just happened (tm)
when's that beta uprising coming guys
From my observation, most guys with entirely female friends are homosexuals.
I've tried to befriend women, they are just too damn boring. No banter at all. Just same old same old "Hey how's it going" "Good" "Ah okay see ya later"
No hobbies, no passions. Nothing they do or learn.
That looks like a very Jewish version of my sister.
>We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All
Just get on board, and there will be free, high quality housing, food, and work for you.
As if the woman you are dating is not going to flip out if you ever hang out with your female friends and forbid you from ever seeing them.
tldr, stop committing crimes, gtfo nigger
poor guy :( maybe you should talk to someone. women are such assholes , you're not just a sex object, you're a person!. have you tried going to a gay bar?
fk niggers
redditest post
>Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States.
>Trusting the government to do a good job
They're getting sloppy
kill yourself
>memeflagging faggot telling others to go to a gay bar
women make awful friends
Having female friends is just like watching tv or playing video games as a fully grown adult.
>replying to an 8pol oldfag
>8pol oldfag
If a girl is hot I will try to fuck her, if she won't fuck me then continuing to talk to her is a waste of time and effort.
Its that simple.
Sorry faggots, my nigger keeps escaping to go rage on the interwebs. Something about a whuppin his mammy when she dindu nuffin.
>poor guy :( maybe you should talk to someone.
I have not gone to therapy over being sexually assaulted by women, repeatedly. Maybe I should.
>women are such assholes
The word you're looking for is "cunt"."
>you're not just a sex object, you're a person!
And my name is Anakin
>have you tried going to a gay bar?
Yes. I still get groped by women. This is not a joke. Gay guys chat me up a bit and then ask tentatively if I'm straight and then seem slightly dejected when I say yes, as if they're thinking, "Damn, I knew it was too good to be true."
>And by friends, I don’t mean women he is hoping to one day wear down to date or sleep with
Jesus fucking christ who actually thinks like this? Like sleeping with someone is a fucking crime or something.
I've made a vow to never have female friends. It has brought me a lot of happiness and decreased stress over the years. I highly urge everyone with female friends to break contact. It's refreshing to say the least! Have a nice day everyone!
and that's mostly because they alienate other males by "flirting" and molesting them
faggots must die
>If a girl is hot I will try to fuck her, if she won't fuck me then continuing to talk to her is a waste of time and effort.
>Its that simple.
You won't even friendzone the plain girls. Wow. You're such a misogynist.
The only "female friend" you can have is one that is friends with your wife/girlfriend. However, they aren't really a friend, they're an acquaintance, and if your wife/girlfriend is no longer friends with her then you can't be either.
Men can’t be just friends with women
This. The only way a male and female can be "just friends" is if the male is a raging homosexual.
How can we make this every 10 hours?
Men and women can't be friends.
It's bad enough they force birth control and abortions on whites, now they took another step forward fuck me
Iv'e had lots of good female friends. It has gone wrong a couple of times but for the most part it's not difficult to keep things on the friendly side of the line if you're not a socially maladjusted sperg. Women aren't mysterious alien creatures that take over your mind.
>tfw I'm almost 30 and haven't had a real conversation with a girl my age since 6th grade
I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to them. the other day I was at dinner with some normie classmates and one of them brought his wife. I was sitting next to her but I just kind of pretended she wasn't there.
Women can't either, the difference between men and women is: women don't provide any value. They usually don't have knowledge more than men, so there's nothing we can learn from them. And they can't be arsed to do anything for us. So if the only thing you provide is a vagina, it's such a waste of time.
It’s satire you dumb fucks
Looks like post-irony to me, not satire.
Friends wives too, but if and only if your friends are good guys with good taste in women (i.e. they at least make an effort to behave morally) and your friends are good enough guys so that their wives have neither inclination nor opportunity to cheat.
If you girlfriend or wife is loose, her friends will probably be loose too and try to fuck you. Hell even if your partner is an honorable woman she may very well let a slut in past her radar accidentally.
Stay vigilant.
Unless one or both are gay.
I feel ya man most women are stupid and hard to connect with I feel like insulting them
>Attack woman by night
This has the stench of a "all men are rapist" Cunt behind it
youre getting to the age of wizardry, its once your balls start to die around 35 and you are free from the trap of lust you can see the truth.
On topic: Ive tried to be friends with women. The last attempt was with a PhD student who was hideous and fat, she is obviously intelligent but her inherent personality disorders make her impossible to be around. Im not going to make blanket statements as I dont know every woman on earth but in my experience, they are simply inferior for conversation.
You can't be friends with a lesbian
Watch out roasties , im out
women are a meme
they are nothing than an extraxted rib from man
they should fear the other ribs since they are only one
my balls are fine I still jack off as much as when I was 16. I just haven't talked to a woman in so long I don't even know where to start. if you don't count random strangers I see in public I don't even know any women my age.
Lol what next huffingpaint? buzzfeed?
I know a cool roastie from work - likes guns, is pro-Trump, but even she cheated on her husband once. She's still cool but the fact bothers me a little when I talk to her.
Daily reminder that autists, losers, shut-ins, virgins, shy people, weirdos, loners etc should all be rounded up ASAP to prevent women from feeling uncomfortable.
That may hurt your feelings, but it's the way it has to be.
>my balls are fine I still jack off as much as when I was 16. I just haven't talked to a woman in so long I don't even know where to start. if you don't count random strangers I see in public I don't even know any women my age.
no, dumbass, i was mentioning how your testosterone levels are starting to drop, thus freeing your mind from lust, idiot
>I feel like insulting them
if you are handsome this will get them wet
if you are ugly this will get you into a fight with their mates/orbiters or even shunned by social media
>having had conversations with girls ever
Fuck off normie
>I know a cobut even she cheated on her husband once.
So shes a braindead whore that took her husband's ideology in order to appeal to other men. Just admit you fell for the trap and want to fuck her.
>You won't even friendzone the plain girls. Wow. You're such a misogynist.
As a Nerdasexual i will take the plan girls who are not fatty cakes. With all the book reading they do on Saturday nights with their cats they have something to stalk about as i wait for my dick to get hard again as i go from hole to hole to hole and then spoog on their glasses
Most female friends get extremely annoying and try to get you wrapped up in drama. The only good female friends are lesbians.
It's absolute torture having to be around the annoying female friends of a girlfriend. The criteria a woman must meet for another woman to want to be friends with her seems to boil down to:
>inappropriately loud nasally voice with weird inflections like vocal fry, or adding "-uh" to the end of random words for no apparent reason e.g. "stopuuuh"
>drinking enough coolers or other sweet mixed drinks as an excuse to be even louder and more obnoxious, regardless of actual blood alcohol levels
>thumbing through their Twitter timeline at all hours of the day and chattering like monkeys at tweets they absolutely have to show everyone else
>shittalking Instagram/Twitter/Patreon famous cosplayers and thots
>roasting some guy who hit on them at the grocery store even though he was politely declined and took no for an answer without pushing it
Doesn't exactly make me optimistic about the prospects of having a platonic female friend. Even if the girl you're dating is like this, at least you have lots of alone time with her where she's out of that environment.
Bit of a blog post but I guess it fits
>Be married
>Actually best friends with my wife, but we both admit we are the only person of the opposite gender we can be friends with
>Have real conversations about current events and perspective and analyze stuff past the surface level together
>Be pizza boy while wife is in school then I go apprentice after she graduates
>Girl at work is pretty cool
>We talk at work and when we go out to eat after our shift as a whole crew sometimes
>Have personal policy like Mike Pence
>She's funny but not that funny
>Mostly cracks jokes all day, which is fine
>Friendship progresses after about a year
>Talk about more serious things sometimes
>This is finally when I discover that there really is few good women
>Has tons of gay tattoos
>Only interested in Pintrrst fashion kind of stuff
>Her interests include "skull motifs' "flower motifs" etc
>Her interests are actually just patterns
>No hobbies
>Does not analyze the media she consumes at all
>Septum piercing I never saw until outside of work at a work party
I thought she was differnt, I never talked to her before on a deep level before and it all turned out that women are terrible.
Given, a lot of men are trash bugmen but at least the bugmen at work will enjoy talkig about politics beyond listing off what happened, there's input and opinions. Like, even just a couch potato football slob has more unique thoughts than 99% of women.
Ah you point out something I learned way to late.
If a womans friends are slutty, that woman is probably slutty too. While she may try to hide what she is in front of you, her friends do not.
This is how I choose my wife in the end and she is loyal as fuck.
pride is a sin
therefore I say with JOY and elation, with great and deeply fullfilling happiness that I am immensely glad to be a psychopath, in truth and fact, in real life, and no joke whatsoever.
God fucking damn it. Women get pissed at me for just being a fucking loser who dosen't even interact with them.
beware the man who hangs out with female "friends"
the amount of times I've seen women shit talk some guy who tried to hit on them earlier, say what a creepy loser he is etc, makes me cringe about ever having hit on a girl. Makes me wonder how i ever had the nerve. Never again
Why do women absolutely rage when giving them no attention
>Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States.
Shieeeet, US, you need to pick up the pace.
Sorry, am phone posting so forgive spelling errors and redundant phrasing. I'm not a brainlet, I promise.
Women are worse in packs. They all slow down their brain to that of the dumbest one in the group.
If your SO has a girlfriend that's overly sarcastic or drama filled FUCKING BREAK IT UP. Plan romantic events away from the friend's schedule. Your gf/wife will pick up their habits otherwise in the worst case scenario. In the best case your wife will be getting random phone calls about gay shit that last 45 minutes.
It's because they want to boast and inflate their ego that they still get hit on.
fuck this world
No man has ever had a female friend without thinking about fucking her.
How about my dick deep in your throat ? How does that sound ?
> And my name is Anakin