Is Sup Forums having a good 14th birthday?
Is Sup Forums having a good 14th birthday?
Boring birthday, nothing to celebrate.
>Sup Forums's 14th birthday
>Index gets a third season
Sup Forums's legal now.
Not in here.
if she's old enough to pee she's old enough to squeeze!
Not in here.
Would be better if I didn't have to see Yukari's stupid face.
>Sup Forums has passed JC age now
kys famjam and take the rest of yuyusday with you
delet urself
I'm hungover as fuck, have jerked it twice since I woke up, found and fixed my glasses, and am waiting for the oven to preheat so I can have a pizza
pretty good day
what did you fap to user?
where, in mexico?
someone's salty, guess you're a pleb that doesn't appreciate the pinnacle of CGDCT SOL and the devotion it inspires
lucky man
>no s2 ever
Kill yourself.
>where, in mexico?
In half of Europe.
Net year, in 3/4rds of Europe.
Oh god, I feel old. I first came on here around Haruhi S1, now it's nearly forgotten.
What am I doing with my life?
reminder, by this time next year, there will be kids born in 2000 browsing without breaking the rules.
Not in the least