Facebook YES


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We all saw jim's vid.
But yeah. I'm glad that after getting rid of all the questionable content on their platform and those vile naziz kikebook can finaly can lead us to new era of love, peave and most ethical CP.



I don't do facebook but if I did I would probably quit in protest at the presumed guilt man hate.

That thick skin just got thicker.

That's the opposite of thick skin. Actual thick skin would be not giving a shit

No, thick skin means you have to take it and endure a trolling but still take it without a triggering.

Not giving a shit is not even replying to this click bait thread.

If a kid willingly sends or sells nudes or dates a big guy then why on earth am I or anyone suppised to care? The key workd is willingly.

And before you start i dont believe that naive and innocent children magically turn into responsible adults exactly at 00:00 of their 18th birthday. When I was younger I was drinking, vandalizing, and making life mistakes that I never blamed ayone else for.

This is why if a schoolkid asks me "can I have a cigarette" i just give it as if I would to an adult. Its his only problem and responsibility that he's a young smoker and I'm not his mother.

The slope gets ever slipperier.

Trannies aren't even fully normalized yet and the Jews have already moved onto pushing pedophilia?

Pedos > trannies

Can be used as blackmail. It can of course be used as blackmail on older women too. But children are easier to dupe and less likely to take appropriate action.

So I've read that people is getting tired of Facebook?? Nice.

The problem is that they are moving to instagram for example that is even more dumb.

get your friends and family off cuckbook

sage yes.

The slippery slope just became a cascading avalanche.

>When I was younger I was drinking, vandalizing
No wonder why Russians are so disliked.

Own your actions.
>pay up or I publish your nudes
>do it faggot I have saved this conversation and your pussy ass extortion I dare you do it and I will get filthy rich by suing the skin off from your ass
>he either backs off
>or does it and you call the cops
>worst case scenario people know you are selling your nudes - BIG DEAL

>Pedos > trannies

Wrong. All pedos deserve to be skinned alive. Trannies don't harm anyone, except themselves.

Weren't you?

Your loss.
I grew up to be a scholar and a gentleman literally and I believe going through an antisocial phase in my life and going sober and nice in my teens positively helped me being a sober and a responsible adult. I tried all the degenerate fucked up shit, then got tired of it, realized that it was dul and set my life straight quite early.

Fraken book ugh. See he also had posted if you could bring someone from the dead back who would it be, that was in December 2017. Seems like he is testing his manifestation powers. Lots of Christian persecution on his mainfestaion network. Facebook makes it's own laws and it has been to court many times and they find loop holes out. He has people under a weird spell, if he dont like an offical he makes them say weird things that look real till you investigate it. You cant even permanently delete your account. In the beginning it was 3 guys and a black person dating site. No designer twins. He maifested what he wants you to think. He let his beast system out before the launch to secure the Internet.

This is all a distraction from pizzagate.
Most pedos who get caught and go to prison are genuine loved by their partners.

Meanwhile the real horror movie material gets all covered up and disappearing toddlers are blamed on young adults who date a sexually mature and thristy teenager in a healthy relationship.

This is one giant distraction.
Male feminists are all creeps if not rapists, same with politiciand they keep crying "PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!" to cover up they rape and eat the toddlers.
A wolf is sheep clothing etc.

Did the C I A really give him an award? Did he really go to Harvard? Where did his wife come from? Where is the black guy? Other boy go taken by his country and supposedly got hos head chopped off. But who knows what he is up to. Recording conversation has access to your text and camera and crap.

He also has racist chatbots on discussion forms that feed race hate.

Legalize underage drinking and vandalizing?

People bowled their their heads to pray to the neon god it made.

>(((Guy Rosen)))

are they looking for more foreskins?


Quit It, am on IG like a normfag, does Mr ZuckerGreen own IG 2 ?

He is linked to many things. How many horns did the beast in revalations have?


The beast came out of the abyss the black mirror ocean. We should all be manifesting Jesus in the right way as our savior that has the whole word in his hands.

wow dan cook from manistee michigan would be super thrilled. tho his age preference is about 9 yrs old (he fucked his own daughter). its a step in the right direvtion for dan cook of manistee michigan. try asking him on FB

Fraken book
Finder, photo, messanger, places, locator, gifts, and groups. That is 7?


You know he fits the Muslims Dajjal the deceiver down to island hairy dog beast and his colorblindness. He see what the jackle and the bull sees. Muhammed said he didn't know if he could come back but Esa/Jesus would. I have know idea what to think about the religious prophecies, very strange coincidences indeed.

He is totally out of line. Can we put him in Facebook jail for this?

Conglatulations you watch Metokur's videos... like half of the board.

See this pizza gate stuff is more of devil playground illusions crap, he pushes you to believe stuff it's all smoke and mirror. You cant believe everything you read on this black mirror or see. Many government officials will not go on television anymore because the beast system twist their words it looks so real but it is not. The original Alice through the looking glass everything was backwards when she went through the mirror it's kind of like that it all looked real but stuff was different than reality. Smoke and mirrors green screen illusions.

jim? post link

What? That's what women do. What about them?

Dig image. Saved.

But it's okay for women to ask them for sexual images? Nice double standard there!

>Imagine being this fucking stupid
>Imagine thinking behavior such as this is normal
>Imagine a country full of alcoholics and drug abusers

This is why you're one of the leading "European" countries in categories such as aids, abortion, and alcoholism. You're literally wearing the triple crown of subhuman. The irony is that I'm a Slav, I was raised on the completely opposite end of this spectrum. Giving kids cigs? You're enabling their behavior. What's to stop you at cigs, are you ok with drug dealers selling teens everything from weed to cocaine to pills? Does that not have an eroding affect on the minds and body of the generation after you? Will they be the ones to pull Russia out of the pit of misery it calls a federation? I understand your father was probably a communist party member, belligerent atheist, a drunk who coped with the losses of friends in the military during his Afghan campaign using Ruski Standart, so you didn't have the best example growing up. That doesn't mean you continue to be the shitstain of society because that's all you know. Sobakoy rodilsa, sobakoy zhil, sobakoy mryrosh.

There's a reason kid have parents are their guardians until they are adult.

Stop putting your email in your post idiot.

Name one reason why 14yp cunny doesn't belong around muh dick

At least they admitted to the mistake. Hindsight is 20/20

>the slippery slope is just a mem-
>haha stupid bigot stop warning me about the left and diversity and all those retarded things that will never hap-