Friendly reminder that Australia has lost a war to some birds

Friendly reminder that Australia has lost a war to some birds.

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Dutch lost a war against water.
Also, ALL dutch population expansion since 1950 has been due to immigrants.

theyre big birds lad

We took a hit, but we never lost. We are still winning.

The water's just coming there for a better life, bigot. It doesn't actually destroy more than the average dutchman, those are hydrophobic rumors spread by russian trolls.

No you are dead in the water. Explain how you have fewer guns but more gun deaths per capital than Germany.

do you reckon big bird could take on an emu?

>implying dutch big bird is yellow

Try again bigottt!!!!

I don't fucking watch dutch tv poof

Australia is changing sweetie.

Are faggots allowed to marry in straya now?
Watch out, it's a slippery slope

Eh you guise cut it out
We’re going to need the Dutch and Aussies in the wars to come!
Don’t forget who the real enemies are
The Flemish and the Kiwis

Better losing against water than a fucking frog

this man knows about the FLEMISH menace, about time.

You mean toad. They're ugly motherfuckers to boot.

Yes you are right. Thought it was the bullfrog but it is the toad. Learning something everyday!

but they're practically velociraptors

I have to wear clogs or something now?

No. The emu would be the Dodge Challenger and big bird would be whoever that chick was

mass shootings happen because god is angry we've reduced AIDs' ability to kill gays.

That’s old news. In this century, they are loosing a war to fish. Instead of shooting at them, they’re using chemical weapons.



Nulla cleansing seems just like yesterday

Africans do that giraffe fashion too?