>let's gamburu
>*gets wet*
>proceeds to gamburu
>*gets more wet*
>wins easily without any challenge
>episode ends
Utter trash
Other urls found in this thread:
Gambling requires no skill, why there must be a challenge anyway?
>>wins easily without any challenge
What did he mean by this? Gambling is luck and in some cases tactics. What the fuck is challenge? Should the next gyambaru be a staring contest? A race through an obstacle course? Did Kaiji do it better by including shit that isn't actually gambling?
Don't get me wrong, the show is shit, you just don't make sense.
>*gets more wet*
You're supposed to watch it for that part
Go get shot in the head.
God, that face is ugly.
>Gambling doesn't require skill
Jesus Christ, sometimes I forget this board is nothing but 15y olds
I wish I was her panties
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kakegurui. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Yumeko's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - herpersonal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Kakegurui truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Yumeko's existencial catchphrase "I'm so wet!," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as KAWAMOTO Homura's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kakegurui tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
OP is tryhard fag who doesn't know how to fun
Gambling skill is 90% cheating and 10% luck.
>eating garbage is fun guys, you're such a bunch of tryhard to not enjoy it
Well, if you oversimplify everything then everything will become shit. Then again,the show is designed to be simple anyway. It's basically "Jabami Yumeko's Guide To Get Wet From Gambling". I kinda agree with you.
So if it's obviously just a fanservice vehicle, is the fanservice good enough for me to watch it?
Your post reminded me of that Geico commercial with the raccoons.
Dude you gotta try this garbage.
No such thing user.
>watching Kakegurui for anything other than ecchi parts
It's trash but I fap to it anyway.
You can't be too grown up for fapping OP, somebody's thought you all wrong.
There's literally nothing ecchi about this show other than OMG I GOT WET FROM GAMBLING.
My penis disagrees with you.
I mean this in no way tops anyone's list of gambling anime/manga, I'm just watching because I enjoy the overdramatic and cliche seiyuu performances.
I definitely wouldn't fault anyone for not enjoying this show, it's not one I'd recommend anyone waste their time by bothering with.
>for Love Lab
What the fuck is wrong with you?
yeah it went down hillafter ep 6
>Kaiji fag mad this came out but his shit show for homos still didn't get another season.
What's with all the funhaters? Why do you hate fun?
>letsu gamuburu
>everyone is cheating
>nothing is random
>there was no gambling to begin with
>wins easily without any challenge
>loses in her third game
what did he mean by this?
>she lost on purpose so she can accidentally challenge the president
>I don't even watch the show
The president made her lose by setting up the room
I did watch it, its just this show is so shitty I forgot that President came in and helped chinky girl win. Besides, I watch superior shows like PriPri and Made in Sup Forumsbyss.
>It's the show's fault that I am retarded, not mine
sounds like Akagi but with "wet" replaced by "zawazawa"
>brings out other shows and his superior taste out of sheer embarassment
Next time don't post about shows you don't watch.
Stop falseflagging
Kakeguri is literally hotaru. Everyone knows her and faps to her but no one watches her shit show
i guess you dont remember her using lots of memorization critical thinking and problem solving
maybe you just wanted it to be harder for her?
That wasnt the point, Yumekos an OP MC
anyway ur opinion is as bad as you think this show is. Utter trash
That was allstate dumbfuck
Everything was going great. Fans of FKMT manga were left alone and had no cancer. Now this retarded show has fags who will go out of their way to trash akagi or kaiji.
>I did watch it, its just this show is so shitty I forgot that President came in and helped chinky girl win. Besides, I watch superior shows like iCarly and Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations you fucking plebs look at my excuses for bring proven wrong REEEEEEEE
Yumeko is nothing but a pathetic second rate gambler.
The whole forced face thing is cringe as hell, and its supposed to be one of the selling points...
Where's Kaiji in this pic?
Kaiji already lost to Akagi, moving on
It's Geico, nigga.
>live in the day and age of easily accessible 24/7 porn of any kind
>still go for softcore cockteasing
Fucking why.
It's Akagi with any quality replaced by bonerbait, the hell did you expect?
manga and anime have quite different target audiences, even if they go after the lewdfags and the animation is the same story they hit the different ones. duh
>No better Gambler than D'arby
I remember people discovering black jack because of monster and liar game and rozen maiden because of mirai nikki, it's never a bad thing. one-title-kuns are cute
Pretty sure most kids here are just young enough to not be able to sit through the whole song without skipping.
I liked it
Can anybody explain why are Kaijifags so butthurt about Kakegurui?
because your meme show caused an influx of eceleb faggots to shit up the occasional FKMT threads
I'm not butthurt but I just don't enjoy it
It kind of makes me peeved when everyone treats it like the second coming of Christ but it's just mediocre turning bad
And it makes me even more peeved when people use the
>"what, do you hate fun? just turn your brain off lmao"
T,L,D,R stop liking what I don't like
it's this season grown up shonen meme
last time it was muh danganronpa invented survival games
and another last time sao invented caught into the game thing
it happens every year
it's the other way around faggot
It's false flaggers going into both of the threads retard
I don't hate kakegurui at all, in fact I kind of like it. I just don't care that much about kakegurui but I go onto the threads because I know there will be a small group of people posting about fkmt and it's gotten to the point where it's an expected thing now.
This is your girl Washizu for today,.
What are some fanart/video parodies that you find accentuate Washizu's moe-ness? I like this one.
Good to see you again Fem!Washizu poster
My favourite one is probably this one
Some retarded youtuber said that is worse than Kaiji.
Cue shitposters and retards flooding the threads.
the funniest thing of the situation I used to think K**ji is in the minimum of every newfag ever, it's in must watch because of the ost list, it's in goddamn "if you liked Death Note" list and so on. It's everywhere. And suddenly thousands of people unaware of it freshly baptized to fling shit. It was 100% ironical till ep3 or 4 too.
>minimum of every newfag ever
Nigga what
>it's in must watch because of the ost list, it's in goddamn "if you liked Death Note" list and so on
list of what ? what are you even talking about ?
>100% ironical
What did he mean by this?
>proceeds to gamburu
>*gets more wet*
She's a gambling addict. It's implied in the actual name of the anime
>wins easily without any challenge
If you had more than half a brain you would realize how clever her antics are, respect all the times she held a poker face, and how "easily" it actually wasn't.
>implying she just wins all the time
She's still wearing a necklace given to those who lost heavily and became other people's bitches
I don't know anymore guys. People used to fap to these furiously, and we bullied them for it and now it's a mess.
>How clever her antics are
>"She memorized every single one of the cards!"
>She's still wearing a necklace given to those who lost heavily
As a strategy, she still wants to get rid of the president so she needs it
>If you had more than half a brain you would realize how clever her antics are
Yumeko is full of shit. She's only "smart" because of bullshit writing. She wouldn't stand a chance against an actual smart gambler.
>respect all the times she held a poker face
you are like a little baby, pic related is a real poker face
Washizu is ALMOST as cute as old Akagi.
>pic related is a real poker face
Nah, it's just KFMT suck at drawing.
Tell that to Pachinko
>being so fucking pretentious, young, stupid, or naive (or all at the same time) as to never have heard of card counting, and think it's all made up
Kaiji beat a pachinko with 90% cheating
>Watching this for the gambling
You're supossed to watch it for the tight service
user I mean at the gamble with nail slut
She remembered every single miniscule mark that disappears immediately, immediately
And remembered all of them
Without fail
You can't tell me that's smart
Nah, FKMT can get very expressive with his characters with no problem
Read that article yourself, idiot. Card countic is a heurestic method used to get around the fact that human brain can't memorise all the cards, not actually fucking memorising them like a sperg.
Most anons won't admit it, but there was a sudden influx of Kaijifags hating on Kakegurui since Mother's Basement made a video about it.
I mean in real life, its not like you can tilt the whole building without getting caught at least
It's not the same dude, she memorized these stupid 51 marks in under 3 minutes and then won the game with it
I mean Akagi once did something similar by drawing the 3 tiles he wanted and I disliked it but at least it wasn't during an actual gamble. This would have been terrible writing
>I'm dumb and a waste of air, and can't do anything special, therefore nobody else can and must be fiction! ..at least that's what I tell myself so I can feel better about being a loser and still living in my mom's basement!
There's people out there who are not garbage like you, and they can do many things you assume are impossible, like getting married to a very beautiful girl, and finding a job
>tfw you will forever be affiliated with some Youtube drama because you decided to watch Kaiji on your own literally a month before it all started
That's hot
Now you remember.
To be fair, if you're autistic then it's possible to do something like that. Maybe orange hair girl is autistic which is why she is such a shit character.
will there be nipples in the BD?
>Ressorting to ad hominem
Don't reply to me ever again
>resorting to ad hominem first then getting mad at being called a pretentious moron for assuming nobody else can do shit you can't
Don't type your cynical self-defeatist loser b.s. to me ever again first
What the fuck is going on? I thought we were all supposed to be chill.
Orange had prep time so it seems possible on her end. Her gamble is still retarded (who'd play this dumb game she proposed with her own cards after she's shown a suspicious ability to find them all?) but it's possible.
Now what Yumeko did is absolute bullshit
>mfw watching Kakegurui
>MC is classic beta
>gambling shit is weak as fuck
I expected good pantyhose fanservice, humor and intense keikaku doori. Got nothing except oh AM WET SO FUN and dropped manga long ago
and enjoy threads once a month. Shit sucks, nope
Only reason to read.
>literally died before he could win
I have never watched Kaiji and didn't watch kakegurui this season because i am not a big fan of gambling anime but sorta want to watch them now just to see what the people are getting so autistic about
Which one should i watch first?