Can someone explain how is it possible that Madoka doesn't have second season yet?
Can someone explain how is it possible that Madoka doesn't have second season yet?
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They want to do it with Gen Urobuchi, but he doesn't know what to write anymore.
Is Shaft the crackwhore studio of animation?
Madoka is shit deal with it fag
The series has a crisis of identity they don't know how to resolve. The anime was built on being dark and tense with death and despair, real permenent consequences around every corner, but in the end, the finale was basically upbeat and only the most doomed of the cast actually stayed dead. Then there's Rebellion, with an overall death count of negative two, as well as confirming that Yuri Valhalla is conclusively, materially real and it's even possible to return from it with sufficient special dispensation. We know that it's not seriously going to kill off any of the main girls any more because the Quintet are too iconic to be split, and even if it does they're still around in heaven and can come back later. Like so many series after the cast ends up surviving the first season, it's lost that threatening edge of never being quite certain if the characters were supposed to live or die, and I don't think anyone involved quite knows what to replace that with.
>I hate the series so you should hate it too
Thank for the (you)
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>and I don't think anyone involved quite knows what to replace that with.
They wrote the setup for the next season at the end of Rebellion.
>Homura is holding Madoka hostage to save her from her burden of bearing the sins of magical girls.
>She feels responsible for failing to save Madoka from this fate and will fight the other magical girls to "protect" her.
>Meanwhile, the world is unraveling around them without a source of entropy.
The entire season is magical girl fights, magical girl suffering, weird shit happening to the world, then just come up with an ambiguous ending.
That's the plot, not the theme or atmosphere. It can't be dark and threatening in the same way that gave the first season its identity, because post-Rebellion too much of the audience would call its bluff.
Just because we know that people wont die doesn't mean that it's going to be boring. I really doubt that anyone expected deaths in Rebellion.
The problem is they seem to be going style over substance. If Shinbo reduces it to some acid trip it's gonna suck.
Because shaft is busy slaving their assess on gatari.
Why would it need a second season? Another movie seems more likely
Rebellion was the perfect ending.
I didn't realize Star Driver was that popular
I'm sure it will happen eventually. Urobuchi might say he doesn't want to write more now, but wait until they throw enough money at that hack to come back
They ruined the original ending for their shitty sequel bait and now they have no fucking idea what to do.
that app collect points of physical pachiko machines, you scan a QR code using the app.
It wouldn't even need a second season if it weren't for the abomination that was Rebellion
He's got his priorities straight with Taiwanese puppet shows.
Gen is good at setting up plots but not worlds, there is little reason to continue expanding on Meguka and all attempts since 2011 have been wonky. It's a non-rechargeable battery that is best if left to rest.
Not as good as YuYuYu.
Mobage is the first really successful attempt. New girls from the game are already getting a lot of art.
Not as good as Alien9.
Not as good as Saint October.
Hasn't Madoka had like a dozen failed mobages?
Isn't "mobages" like saying "animes"?
Are all the girls drawn by Ume?
I don't know. I'm no mobage expert.
>Fate/Extra CCC without Gilgamesh
Wasted really.
Aoi became one of the biggest moneymakers in the industry and the rest of the seiyuu cast is borderline retired.
You like eating shit?
He's a Gilfag, what do you think?
Whenever I saw Madoka I saw how great Hidamari Sketch could be if Aoki Ume gave the same efffort to it as Madoka
Still mad at the fact that she abandoned Hidamari sketch for that quick cash grab:the anime
But HS is still running?
It was meant to be succinct and powerful. Trilogies dwindle and die fairly easily.
The manga ended?
Rebellion is your "second season"
It has never supposed to have more.
Nah by the looks of it, she just abandoned the damn thing
Hidamari got like,what? 5 seasons worth of anime? I can hardly call it as "abandoned"
There was a new chapter in this month issue.
Urobutcher wrote a perfect ending to piss off or depress literally everyone and made people think that it's not over, so everyone will be tortured even more even after its ending. Then he lied about it wasn't actually his idea. He has already overdone his job more than ever.
They are going to make more even if Butcher never returns. It made too much $.
Yeah, more games.