Bullying thread
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Good thing that bully is currently a cronenburg doomed to suffer in that state for all eternity
you asked for it
He might be in the breeding compartments. Suitable for an alpha male like him.
Which one of those faggots start the bullying?
what the fuck man
his art is top tier
nanachi is a shota. make the same mistake again and i will turn you into mitty
What anime is this
thank, forgot about that site
Serves her right. She's a stinky homeless loli.
She's a girl you stupid landwhale
Pretty sure only Mitty achieved immortality
Best show.
The softest harapan.
She's not actuslly the bully, she was just pushed too far.
I don't know long she's been blind but if it's been some time she would be able to differentiate between the sounds and know that it wasn't money they gave her.
I don't know but this webm makes me laugh every time.
Don't laugh at her suffering.
Nah all the other kids aren't immortal, they either starve, die in the Idofront collapse or some other cause.
If I remember right, they poured hot metal over her eyes because they did her looking at her.
I laugh at the edgy, just punch a wall and tell them to keep laughing don't turn into loli terminator.
They wouldn't have learned anything
Did they died?
>just punch a wall and tell them to keep laughing
There was an autistic kid at my highschool who did this. He got bullied even harder. It was such a cringeworthy thing to do that even people who had been apathetic towards him got in on it.
No, she's not a killer.
>There was an autistic kid
Did you see his diagnosis ?
>obsessed with toy soldiers and would play with them during class
>liked to hide behind the classroom doors and quack at people as they entered the room
>had a lisp
>wore fingerless black leather gloves every day
>sometimes wore like 5 extra belts, one wrapped around each arm, one slung across his torso, one on top of his actual belt, and one trailing behind him like a tail
>backpack had a naruto headband tied to it and
>kept trying to challenge people to games of backgammon
>collected MtG cards but never played it
>always tried to use the biggest words he could in conversation
Yeah, I saw his diagnosis. I saw it every day for four years.
That's the point where I would literally take him aside and start explaining to him in private that he really needs to get his shit together in the most even keeled way I possibly could.
It was high school, you think anyone was going to do that shit? Besides, I had my own problems to deal with. Also, I'm autistic as well and used to be almost as bad but I taught myself how to not be such a weirdo so I figured he'd eventually learn himself or retreat from society.
Nice blog.