>traditional sex roles
>suppression of sodomy
>suppression of drug use
>suppression of degenerate ideologies
why do we hate islam again?
>traditional sex roles
>suppression of sodomy
>suppression of drug use
>suppression of degenerate ideologies
why do we hate islam again?
Other urls found in this thread:
you forgot something major
>suppression of fundamental rights
Conversion by the sword, hatred of the west, etc
>supression works
They also hate jews more than Sup Forums
Look at the massacre of the banu qurayza
>>suppression of sodomy
Until you use a boy during your sexual emergency.
>inbred dozens of times over
>highest number of defectives of any group
>most forms of art and beauty are haram
wtf kinda inbred retard are you?
but fundamental rights is the avenue that all degeneracy contaminates our culture
free speech allows communist and homosexual ideas to propagate which then infect the political and economic system
>Yeah, they slaughter and subjugate everyone who doesn't belong to their particular sect of their death cult and they murder anyone who dares question the edicts of their death cult, but at least they don't do drugs!
>suppression of sodomy
>suppression of drug use
>suppression of degenerate ideologies
>he believes this