Imouto Thread

How do we fix the childhood friend problem?



By banning people making Not Anime threads instead of just warning them.


BTW, new stickers.

How can Japan make something so gross seem so desirable? Bapping your imouto only makes sense if she's super good looking. It's a complete farce

Fuck them all

Those aren't imoutos. You seem to have lost your way.

Sisters are childhood friends who have objectively spent more time with the protagonist than the "childhood friend". Therefore, sisters are the ultimate childhood friend.

>Sisters are childhood friends
Only the shitty NBR ones

How are childhood friends a problem? They always lose.

Everything is better when it's fictional, you don't actually have to deal with the consequences.

Is she autistic?

Very funny, user. NBR needs not apply.

Sisters are only childhood friends if they lack the blood connection.

Damn, this board is so shit.

>in the current year

It's better. Those are daughter wives.

Aren't we all.

Neesans just end up used goods most of the time.



You shut your whore mouth!