In all my years on this board, never have I seen anything as retarded as this q user shite. Can anyone enlighten me as to why people still follow that dung?
Q user
Other urls found in this thread:
because boomers and niggers are gullible
Because I fucked your faggot dago ass, greaseball
Q user presents a logically consistent hypothesis that makes predictions so it's interesting. It's full of cryptic bullshit which is a negative.
His stuff is Just something to consider, Op.
It's a guy who wants to be important. So he uses proxy's to respond to his own posts to make it seem like people care what he writes. Then he let's the gullibility of the masses do the rest.
Besides, look at all the shills who rabidly rush in and flood any Q user thread with bullshit. There might be a reason for that, Op.
because Sup Forums is a LARP board
Because conservatives are on a witch hunt and any conspiracy is a good conspiracy
Speaking of which, who is our next target, gun nuts?
boomer larp