Did hitler hate black people?

I know he hated the shit out of the jews, but what did he think about black people?

You know things that are not True, Op.
Try reading one of the better National Socialist threads, then come back and ask informed questions.

There were black Nazis in his army.

He didn't hate black people but he thought the Jews were using them to weaken German blood in the Rhineland. He also thought of them as culture destroyers like Jews and Gypsies.

I ask questions because I am uninformed.

Not sure about hating them, but he damn sure knew they were not German.

he didn't have contact with blacks,nor did they effect Germany in any way

Quote is from Mein Kampf

>liking niggers
They were considered a lower race.
The reason why they weren't the primary target was because the number of niggers in germany and europe was extremely low.
Hitler did adress that population that was brought in by the jews into the Rhineland.
And most of those so called nigger SS and other shitskins in the german army was the result of them needing any men capable of fighting the allies even if it meant recruiting the colonial shitskins.

Eh worked in America