Should God destroy mankind?

Is that a good idea?

He should come back and clear things up. No one knows what's going on anymore thanks to (((them))) and certain controversial truths aren't meming well among the weak minded.

it's either all his plan or he doesn't exist.

doesn't really matter what we think, does it?

Alright, you're going to have to be specific.

Which controversial truths aren't meming well?

oh he does exist, as much as the devil.

I want to know what you think about it.

Imagine you are playing a CIV type game.. after awhile it just gets so tiresome without some form of conflict. This is the most fun "God" has had in some time.. Why load a new game now?

>Which controversial truths aren't meming well?
More than I can list
>communist oppression and genocide of Christian whites
>jewish responsibility behind communism
>even this board seems to be allergic to the protocols of zion
>judeo-christianity is a heresy
>white are clearly the Israelites when looking at Biblical prophecy and (((they))) (I don't care whether you call them jews or not) have nothing to do with it
>the real teachings of Christianity, not misinterpreted cherrypicked verses like "all one in Christ"
>and of course Christianity itself is being attacked universally across the internet while pisslam is praised
We're being replaced genetically, religiously, culturally, and even economically, yet either no one cares or supports it.

I find the majority of humans repulsive and ignoble.

Agreed but you asked what god should do not (you)

I'm in a particularly bad mood today.

What if I told you the plan to carry out the book of revelations was part of a pre-requisite to become a member of Skull and Bones and Trump intends to carry out the prophesy of the mark of the beast?

Also that, RFID was the reason behind the Madeleine McCann story?

I am God.

Why don't you ask him faggot.

>What if I told you the plan to carry out the book of revelations was part of a pre-requisite to become a member of Skull and Bones and Trump intends to carry out the prophesy of the mark of the beast?
Huh, trump did something right. This is how you know it's not true.

You want to see the people microchipped?

Yeah, okay buddy.

I'm female.

Matrix (Womb)
Matrix, related to the Latin word for "mother"

Insult me some more why don't you.

No. I want apocalypse. I will dance in the flames of man's extermination.

I see.

"God is gay"
Cobain, Kurt


He promised that he will never do such a thing again

tits or gtfo

Matrix: the cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops

Matrix: a mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded.

Matrix: a mould in which something, such as a record or printing type, is cast or shaped.

Matrix: a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules.

Matrix: something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization. Anatomy. a formative part, as the corium beneath a nail.

Matrix: The womb.
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee."
"All that openeth the matrix is mine."

Matrix: The five simple colors, black, white, blue, red, and yellow, of which all the rest are composed.

Matrix: That which gives form or origin to anything

Mater, from latin for mother, plural matrices.

I don't understand your point.

Tell you that personally did he?


Which one of the tens of thousands are you talking about?

You have to go, I hate English trash.

The Original.

Are MI6 actually paying you for this?

I'm really sick of the majority of you.

Not all but most. You are rude and ungrateful.

Egotistical, callous and selfish.

Stop getting gets.
If you prove your divinity by getting another get I'll believe in you.
My point is God cannot be female. If you're using latin logic, you have to remember the rest of the pantheon. Gods are male and female. the head god is male, Jupiter. Of course, the universe couldn't have been made without female gods too.

Shut the fuck up.

hiro has to destroy Sup Forums first

You want to play games?

You care more about shitposting than helping your fellow man.

Then you have the nerve to complain about the state of the world.

When someone does appear to try and help, you spit in their face like a bunch of shit flinging monkeys.

I've just about had it.

Take heed at this warning.

It's your last.

why not? may be bevers or ants will make better civilisation

Bro stop talking to yourself. This is so faggy

sorry i needed breakfast
i think it's fine whatever happens. "Don't Worry".
I got right awhile back. I still make mistakes but I'm human, and I'm forgiven. if we are destroyed, I die fulfilled in my deeds and rich in my integrity.
what are you going to do about it anyway