why are nazis so popular in japan?
Dies irae
1. Cool aesthetics
2. "Real but human evil vs eldritch horror" is a very easy take on babby's first moral ambiguity
Why do Nazis love Russian cock?
>kill jews
2 good arguments.
They had a great fashion sense.
very very good aesthetics
A pity westerners do all they can to remove the human part of nazi evil
Because they worked with them.
They are popular outside of Japan too. Aesthetics, history, rumors and legends, historically impactful accomplishments, etc. Nazis are the chuunis that actually could support their act. There are not many historical points after Nazis where you can find people and struggles of the same caliber. And it's fascinating. A lot of people are entranced by it.
Nazis also have very strong archetypical presence in pop culture. Which is why they are used in anime so often.
DI is ten years old by this point.
>4 days left
Budget shenanigans or not. I'm really looking forward to this.
I expect a trainwreck, but I have hope for it ending in translation for Ikabey and KKK
This looks terrible.
Oh boy
more nazi waifus best propaganda
They are just saving the best to surprise us, ya?....
Sure, and Helga isn't Bey's sister mom.
They're popular everywhere except israel and germany, and I'm not actually sure about israel.
That's just sad.
Daily reminder:
>tfw when static images with text on them are more dynamic
>Budget shenanigans
I'm out of the loop on this one. What happened?
Isn't this going to be from the web-only episodes? They'll definitely put less effort into animating that than the TV episodes.
This doesn't look nearly as bad as the other scene.
Because the Nazis had a pretty fucking great ideal for the future of humanity and despite all the west has told Japan about how evil the Nazis were, Nazis are still cool as fuck and Japan doesn't mind admitting it. Degeneracy memery and racism aside, the Nazi are the only group of people who actually came pretty close to changing and advancing the human condition beyond one of shallow day to day survival and it's a ashame that all their great work and ideas were stomped and banned after their defeat. Never again will we have the chance at that kind of uninhibited technological experimentation and advancement, never again will we come so close to the Ubermensch. All of modern society is built on Nazi ingenuity and only Japan has the balls to admire them for it. Fuck identity politics and neo-nazi memery, I would have sided with the Nazis simply for their science programs.
The web only episodes aren't specials or anything like that, retard
It's just after episode 13, the show stops airing on TV and becomes web exclusive so they don't have to buy an entire 2nd cour of timeslots when they just plan to use half of it
>simply for their science programs
They are planing to animate the side stories. Making them separate web-only episodes makes more sense than to force that into the middle of the show and than air the last part of the show exclusively online.
New character design sketches were posted on the official twitter a few days back.
>They'll definitely put less effort into animating that than the TV episodes.
That's from episode 0. It's literally the first one to air on TV. So I'm sorry but that's the quality we're getting.
Cool looking aesthetics, occultist conspiracies, used to be allies etc.
Japan's appreciation of Nazi's is mostly superficial, they simply look cool, even if the west is too scared to admit it.
And here's the whore.
Nips don't care about anyone killing Jews.
No, not even that meme nip nazi who spews out nonsense like jews fearing the samurai and him fighting women on the astral plane and other weird shit.
Apparently, it was to be 2-cour but after some budget negotiations they ended up making it 18 episodes with only on airing cour, and the remaining 5 episodes will be streaming/bluray only. You can guess what that means about the quality.
Episode 1 has a Senshikan reference. I'm glad that Masada's chuuniest character at least appears as an emoji.
The clip was actually from the first episode? Can't imagine what it's going to look like near the end.
You are retarded.
The only sidestory they're animating is the LDO origin story as a prologue. (and obviously Marie's epilogue)
It was already said that the show was 18 episodes with the 6 last ones being online (again. Obviously to not have to pay for a full 2nd cour of TV timeslots. It makes perfect sense)
So, the web only episodes aren't any kind of specials or side stories
Where did you even hear they ever planned for 2 full cours?
And the last episodes aren't airing on TV because why would they pay for a full 2nd cour when they only need half of it?
Damn where did you retards come from?
They have all the cool toys.
Insert art from episode 0.
Cool endcard.
Not making a trainwreck wouldn't do the source material justice, and you can't have a proper trainwreck without some QUALITY.
Reminds me of the tsukihime anime
It's not THAT bad, let's not get carried away here
Yes, user. 18 episodes w/ 5 unairing ones was keikaku doori all along. I'm guessing you're a vnfag in denial, still hoping to compete with Fate?
This is DEEN/stay night: Nazi edition.
>5 unairing ones
What? Are you retarded? What does the last feww episodes not being on TV have to do with anything?
And you have no proof it wasn't beyond shitposting
I really wanted to enjoy the VN. I really do. but the prose is too purple!
I just noticed that nobody in this thread has said anything about the content of the first two episode, which got an advance screening. I'm gonna have to give you guys the hard truth about the pacing.
Episode 0 covers Die Morgendämmerung and the prologue.
Episode 1 is the entire 1st chapter.
And here's episode 1 insert art. I imagine there won't be any more updates on the anime since we're so close to it airing. That's all folks. Remember to avoid powerlevel shitposting and instead surface-level shitpost all the cancer and criticism away.
spoken like a true untermensch
>competing with trash
Please, Fate died over a decade ago. There is nothing for DI to compete against.
I want to fuck Marie
motorhead singer said that nazi clothes are cool once
Who's shitposting now? Are actually that much of a newfag that you don't understand what having unairing episodes mean for an anime? Streaming is secondary, it's called a fucking TV anime for fuck's sake. Also, proof of what?
I want to read the visual novel but I feel like it would be wrong since I'm not white
Holy shit. That sounds rushed. But it's perfect for what I wanted the anime for. ANN's preview guide will cover episode 0, so they're gonna be ubertriggered and I'm gonna have lots of fun laughing at their retardation.
Man, the first episode is literally all nazis. And those retards already went apeshit over YS's 1st episode
that's probably a sticker not an emoji. nips use line
its ok, its mostly about a yellow monki killing aryans with the power of chuuni
t.our favorite baka
Proof that they wanted 2 full cours, obviously
But anyways, streaming isn't secondary anymore, retard.
Did you know Hina Logi aired a week on advance in streaming sites?. The TV airing was a week behind
Then, there's that Urahara thing that apparently has CR and Bilibili on the production comittee
Unairing would be if the last few episodes were fucking delayed until the last BDs came out or something (like what happened with God Eater). DI will continue airing episodes after 12 in a weekly fashion. Just not on TV because paying for a full 2nd cour when you only plan to use half of it is retarded
>Implying this isn't better than DEEN'S UBW
I want to fuck Reinhard
>hurr durr the universe has a hard set limit on speed which makes no sense in relation to the laws of physics
He was retarded
>But anyways, streaming isn't secondary anymore
That's just your stupid opinion.
>Proof that they wanted 2 full cours
That's just conjecture on the internet since no one plans 18 episodes which is a fact, so two theories exist:
1. They wanted two cour but they couldn't negotiate it so they settled for 1.
2. The original plan was always one but since they hit triple the crowdfunding target, they made those additional 5 as extras.
I don't care what it is. It's chuuni as fuck.
Homo snake please go
then you don't have an idea.
The original plan was for some OVAs for fans maybe adapting individual scenes Then, after the crowdfunding they went for a TV show with over 14 episodes (18, as it turns out)
They never had plans for a single cour. Stop taking internet specula as divine fact.
because nazi aesthetics are cool as fuck.
ufotable did UBW faggot.
DEEN did fate/stay, what a piece of shit.
and even that looks better than this Dies Irae.
>He doesn't know
i don't.
DEEN did this too?
Here's an official K3 illustration by G. It came with the Masada Box apparently.
>I would have sided with the Nazis simply for their science programs.
You would have been their science programs. As tore apart alive in some table as the vivisect you.
DEEN did UBW as a single movie
Dies is being done by the studio that did Freezing
Yes. they did it as movie
Because the jews fear the samurai.
here (so you don't say I'm samefagging)
Have an screencap of DEEN UBW movie
Deen Fate all over again
Just what I expected, really. If anyone expected better, they're retarded newfags who need to watc h more VN adaptations (not even the entire shows. Just the first few episodes of a bunch of them should give you a good idea)
Only a few exceptions are good. Dies being the result of a crowdfunding meant it was never going to be one of those exceptions. The Freezing studio was just further confirmation of what was obvious
>DI got DEEN treatment
At least we can have fun threads here
Nazi's aren't 'liked'. But their uniforms are. They were accepted in regards to Japan as both were nationalistic countries trying to put their shit before everybody else. Therefore, it's easy to switch this to something that's not Nazi's. Instead of Nazi's doing Nazty things to people, they have it doing it to non-humans, demons, oni, ghosts, whatever. This allows them to have /fa/ as fuck uniforms and disassociate themselves with Nazi Germany.
Molsey had the better uniforms anyway. Apart from SS Officiers. That shit is still fashionable. That's what happens when you have Hugo Boss doing your stuff. All we need is Hugo Boss to be reborn in the West to design some uniform for the right and we'll be back.
Or just get the USA to join the Commonwealth, then get them to create the Anglosphere.
>we will feel the same as when we watched Deen's fate
>Therefore, it's easy to switch this to something that's not Nazi's. Instead of Nazi's doing Nazty things to people, they have it doing it to non-humans, demons, oni, ghosts, whatever. This allows them to have /fa/ as fuck uniforms and disassociate themselves with Nazi Germany.
One of the people in OP's pic is literally a concentration camp officer that worked in Warsaw and killed people.
>ywn shitpost like mid 00's Sup Forums
Please Bang My Guillotine!
Can't get much edgier than literal Nazi's, and Japan likes their edge sharp.
>Index S3
>Dies irae
>Code Geass S3
Guys, what if we're about to go back to 00's Sup Forums
What's this Nasu bullshit?
>multiple Fate projects every year
>F/GO practically printing money
I don't care about Fate, but it's not dead, user.
If you tried to post like that today, most of the board would want to hang you
I hope Pantheon will have better gameplay than FGO
As everyone else pointed, out, the aesthetics. What hasn't been pointed out is that Nazi Germany is very "far away" from Japan, both geographically and more importantly in mindset. When a European reads about the Holocaust (even if he's a Brit or a Frenchman) he's told to be ashamed of it all and that this is his heritage, that this will always be part of his nation, culture and moral standards. Nips do not have that, if they read about the Holocaust it's often as a footnote to WW2 itself and it's just "this really horrible thing that happened a long time ago in a country far, far away". Kind of like Tamerlane slaughtering the inhabitants of Baghdad (at the time the most populated city in the world, I think) and building a pyramid out of their skulls. If we read about that nowadays, our first instinct isn't to think "how horrible!" but "cool!". That's how the Nips see Nazi Germany.
>tfw we could have had a Rusalka route instead of whosumi
I didn't know that got adapted
Would you like granblue gameplay?
That's not hard to achieve but I doubt it it'll happen considering Light are jews.
Making a Rusalka route that ends in something that's not a complete bad end sounds hard.
>Sieg Heil will be censored