Do white Australians have abo ancestry?

In the early 1900s, there was a "fuck them white" program in Australia.

This was a program where Australian Aborigines would be kidnapped and forced into the white community. In hopes of breeding out their Abo blood.

Which, in other words, means breeding Abo blood into the white community.

Holy shit. Australian Aborigines ancestry is the worst possible type of ancestry to have. I would rather have sub-Saharan African ancestry than have Australian Aborigines ancestry.

I haven't seen any Australia DNA kits so I don't really know how common Abo admixture is. But after reading about the fuck them white program I have to wonder....

Pol makes too much of a fuss over IQ and DNA. Theres more to life. Being part abbo probably has no bad effects. Being full abbo allowed them to survive in the outback for thousands of years.

I'm a white Australian, and when I got the ancestry DNA test done, I was surprised to see that i'm 1.6% Australian Aboriginal. Also about 0.7% Manchurian. The rest all European, from England(38%, Scotland 20 or so%, France, Germany, Italy and Greece.

>Holy shit. Australian Aborigines ancestry is the worst possible type of ancestry to have. I would rather have sub-Saharan African ancestry than have Australian Aborigines ancestry.

It’s a pretty recessive gene though. More than African or even Asian. Many of those part of the stolen generation already read as fully European even if they may identify as Abos for gibs or oppression points.

Ah being part Abo has no bad effects? Really?

They were even more primitive than sub-Saharan Africans when they were discovered in the late 1700s/early 1800s.

To this very day Abos have a lower iq than sub-Saharan Africans. Despite living in a much richer country than SSAs.

Some Abo groups supposedly hadn't discovered fire.

Abos also have a horrendous crime rate, even worse than African Americans.

And to top it all off have you ever seen pictures of Australian Aborigines? They're even uglier than people of sub-Saharan African descent. Australian Aborigines barely look human. At best Aborigines look like an earlier form of human, half evolved from the monkey. Darwin should have visited Australia when he wrote The Descent of Man. It would have given him a good idea about what proto-humans looked like.

Seriously, no matter how hard this is to believe, Abos are worse than blacks in almost every respect.

Hi Abo

Is that really true? I know that was the rationale used to justify the program. That Abo genes supposedly were recessive and wouldn't produce throwbacks like SSA genes might.

But honestly I don't think there's really any scientific proof to that idea. It's just what the people who came up with the program claimed.

They’re just a very tribal people, they don’t have much interest in wanting to integrate and will often tear down and destroy projects provided to them.

Looks pretty recessive to me.

Scientifically it has been proven that Aborigines are closer the Europeans than Sub-Saharan Africans. They were among the first groups to leave Africa if you subscribe to the out of Africa theory. There is even a theory that they are an old offshoot of proto-Caucasoid peoples. And you really just have to look at mixed aborigines vs mixed Sub-Saharan Africans to see that that claim probably did hold some weight. Pic related 1/8 SSA.

Indeterminate amount of Australian Aboriginal, but probably not less than 1/8.

That girl looks visibly non-white to me.

She’s 1/8 Sub Saharan African. Compare her the the girl with roughly the same same amount of Aborginal blood below.

The one thing Abos have over niggers is that Abos don't have that horrendous hair. Blacks all have horrendous nappy hair. That seems to be the most dominant black trait. Even quadroons and octoroons who might be able to pass as white based on their skin tone often have that horrendous hair that gives their ancestry away.

Even full-blooded Abos on the other hand sometimes have blonde or red hair.

I guess I could imagine that the lack of the horrendous hair might allow part-abos to pass as white better than part niggers.

Indeterminate amount but 1/8 (at most since his father is clearly a quadroon at whitest) Sub Saharan African

Roughly 1/8 Australian Aborgine

Wentworth Miller? I think he's a quadroon. Although he looks more octoroonish. His traits actually show less than expected. In the Jim Crow South he might have been able to pass as Greek or something like that. At minimum he could have passed as part Native American.

*I meant at least. His father looks mostly white.

His father looks more than half white imo. Also keeping in mind everything is labeled as African American per the one drop rule in America.

there are plenty of white australians who call themselves aboriginal because their great great grandmother's nephews dog's vet was aboriginal, and it gives them access to abbo bux

You realize you are fully eligible for all affirmative action positions and welfare created for aboriginals, right?

I sure wouldn't hesitate to exploit that shit

Actually its the other way around, you have people who end up identifying as "abbos" even though they have mostly European genetics.
Take this guy for example, he considers himself as "aboriginal" even though its clear from a mile that he's mixed and has mostly european ancestry.
There's plently of cases like this.
So there's a higher number of self-identifying "abbos" that have mostly european ancestry than the number of self-identifying "whites" that have a little abbo ancestry

Fucking Manchu get off my board

Wentworth is a straight up mutt