I regret evening nade-nadeing at this point.
Digimon Adventure Tri (cont.)
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So how could we have fixed the plot of Tri to be a good balance of teen angst and growing pains, plot, and monster battles?
More Mimi.
repostan from last thread:
Yeah, it would. It would reflect a more resolute and determined meiko. It happens all the time in fiction where the hero regrettably has to destroy something he loves, but chooses to do so out of love. And they don't always waffle about it. For example In Made in Abyss Nanachi makes the decision to kill Mitty. It's both reasonable and emotional, and that's not even a pet, that's their best friend. Mei could have been written like but she isn't even though she already went through character development that would make such a decision not out of character.
Well there is a thing as too much Mimi.
Does anyone have the whole set of pic related?
Drasil chan
There's no such thing as "too much Mimi".
Although I'm insane and hopelessly devoted to her so take what you will with that comment.
There are a few problems with this:
1. That would downplay the bond she had with Meicoomon
2. It would make it look like Meiko has given up on Meicoo. But it was a hard decision for her to make.
3. This would mean Meicoomon is beyond saving, and we've seen that Meicoo protected Meiko in the movie.
Even if she wants Meicoo dead, the other kids are not onboard with the idea. Frankly, I'm more frustrated on the kids (Taichi, Yamato, Daigo, you name it) who always seemed to prevent Meiko doing whatever she needs to do to reach toward Meicoo as her partner.
How are they going to wrap everything up in the final movie? There's only so much time. The most recent movie seemed to create more questions than answer. In fact, what did it even answer? Only that Meicoomon has its power because of Apocalymon?
Is this true? How do we know? Do we know the stats for the Adventure boys? That was weird.
Probably something to do with the Biomerge sequences.
So was the ending of Appmon a dream or was queerbot back in the loving arms of his green haired faggot master?
I find it more frustrating the fact the Meiko is technically the victim (and punchbag in fandom) since day one. It is frustrating that she derails the story and spotlight of the original casts, but it is even more annoying that she causes a lot of problems by simply existing and following the main characters around. Yet at the same time, I don't even know whether I should feel bad for her or not at all.
Post all of them bitch.
They let you choose your own interpretation.
The ultimate copout.
Look what happened with the non-serial movies from Tamers to Savers. All kinds of headaches.
Meh I agree with this user
I thought Savers didn't have a film?
And Frontiers film was in between the season.
Who? Hikari is just some dumb whore whore and not more at all
>I thought Savers didn't have a film?
It had one: "Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!!"
Frontier's movie cannot happen at any point based on the available spirits and Seraphimon's egg not being with Bokomon. Even if you somehow think Bokomon got an eggsitter, Bolgmon was introduced before Izumi got Fairimon back. Plus they were under the ocean in a tunnel when that happened.
Oh right. That's the one where everyone is sleep except the mons, pink haired OC mary sue, and Lalamon is a bitch more than usual.
02's Golden Digimentals was equally retarded.
The first appearance of Magnamon was against Chimeramon and then they mimicked the conditions in Hurricane Touchdown.
Yeah, that's what I meant.
I just wanted to find out if Hikari would settle for Takeru or her oniisan
Goddammit I'm starting to resent Tri for providing next to none closure
Didn't you see her get wet while Takeru was on the phone?
They didn't think much of the timeline, but it still canon.
How would a Tamers sequel be like, anyway?
Stop that. Takeru and Hikari are just good friends to each other. Like Star and Marco.
Leomon is ressurected, but someone kills him again in front of Juri.
It's not my fault that Hikari is thirsty as hell. Good thing that Takeru doesn't like her that way anymore.
That feeling when Hikari got consumed by darkness for no apparent reason, she was like...
What does Joe's girlfriend look like?
If Konaka is back on board and they try to make it for an older audience.
I expect suicide, rape, and murder.
Basically Tri, aka be careful what you ask for, edgelord edition.
Oh and homosexuality and pedophilia.
Forgot about those.
A digmans.
Felt the same but Genai doing order 66 instead
Like this.
Sorry, this is his mistress.
Sounds like my type of anime, user. Honestly, Digimon works far better as an edgy series. Make it about a Digidestined wandering in a dark Digital World while trying to survive the Digimon's version of the apocalypse but instead of hell it is the Digital World fusing with the real world to create a dystopia. Kinda like what Myotismon tried to do: unite the two worlds and rule over them. Make it a scenario where one Digimon manages to do just that and rule this dyspotia, forcing the Digidestined to wander the land while fighting hordes of Digimon with his partner.
What the fuck is this tumblr shit? Fuck off.
lilymon > rosemon
How did they fuck up so badly?
Nah, she banged her male coworker at kindergarten she works in.
Or she would be gangraped by the entire Taichi's soccer team members.
is there a new Tri episode?
>Lilimon = Rosemon
Remember that neither Taichi's nor Hikari's partner is shown in the 02 epilogue.
Takeru was right there though
>Mimi throwing gang signs
Isn't he stronger than Seraphimon? He can one-shot anyone
Anything with dimensional travel abilities is able to completely ignore his technique.
>dimensional travel
Parallelmon is the most obvious.
not even dimensional travel abilities. Piemon for example wouldn't get inside the gate if Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon hadn't blow him away, while blackwargreymon showed that if if a digimon is affected, there's nothing protecting magna angemon from being attacked in response, closing the gate. Arkadimon simply grabbed on to the gate itself and opened it up by force, so you can presume at least the gate can't draw in overly large enemies.
>Isn't he stronger than Seraphimon?
No, he's cooler though
Name is confirmed to be Ordinemon
What does it mean? Ordine is order in Italian according to google, but it doesn't look orderly.
Maybe a new world order reference?
>Hissatsu waza" Atomic Leg drop"
Get rid of the teen angst bullshit and stick to sol shenanigans with Digimon.
Not bad, not bad at all.
So is Takato the biggest pussy slayer in the series, while Haru is the gayest, right?
>that Gomamon
wait a mcfucking minute
a homestuck made these images.
agreed. and hopefully we'd finally get some more focus on the Digital Hazard. maybe have the plot kicked off by something weakening the seal on Guilmon's core he got when he and Takato biomerged for the first time, which leaves him increasingly corrosive to the digital world the more he fights.
ChaosDukemon's fluff indicates that there's no meaningful difference between it and Megidramon, it just appears as one or the other depending on the observer. you could have a cool sequence where an utterly pissed off takato biomerges with guilmon into ChaosDukemon, but the 'screen' keeps glitching out and giving us split second glimpses of Megidramon in his place, happening more and more frequently the more intense the fight gets
my inner chuuni would jizz forever
it is the instrument for bringing about the LAW that is Hikari
>Digital Hazard. maybe have the plot kicked off by something weakening the seal on Guilmon's core he
Digital hazard isn't a seal it is literally just a hazard sign that says "Hey this digimon can cause major destruction and could be very dangerous and threathen life itself if it becomes evil"
Keep lying to yourself.
might instead be derived from Ordination, the process by which individuals are consecrated to perform religious rituals
Where was it confirmed
The crest of light is, to put it in more practical terms, the crest of the “bigger picture.” In canon Adventure, Hikari’s crest glows twice: first, when she attempts to sacrifice herself to Myotismon for the good of everyone; second, when Wizardmon sacrifices himself to save her and Tailmon. The crest of light - the crest of “the big picture” - can thus be assumed as deeply connected with self-sacrifice.
When Hikari yells at Homeostasis that there should never be sacrifices, she is not just taking a stand for her friends. She is taking a stand against the meaning of her crest. She is putting herself in opposition to the trait that defines her.
When Taichi “”“dies”“”, it is not for the big picture. Meicoomon is hurt, but still alive. Not only is Hikari herself having a breakdown, but Hikari’s crest has been betrayed - sacrifice for friends, or for sacrifice’s sake, has no justification on a “big picture” level. Hikari’s opposition to her crest has been both validated and shattered at once.
The response of the bearer of the crest of light is to find a justification for the sacrifice - to destroy Meicoomon. The response of Hikari, personally, is to demand vengeance. Pair these together…no wonder Hikari’s crest glows on her forehead. In essence, she is not just fulfilling the crest of light, she is excessively filling it: sacrifice on as wide a scale as possible, to give meaning to the “death” of one teenage boy
>you'll never grow your own Togemon
Why is Mimi so perfect?
I forget, can anyone still armor digivolve or did they lose the data for the eggs at some point?
I don't really think Hikari would accept Taichi's sacrifice on any level to begin with. Regardless of any perceived incestuous undertones, it's a fact that the most important thing in Hikari's life is Taichi. There is nothing in this world that's worth his sacrifice to begin with.
I'm willing to forgive all flaws in tri as long as I get to see Valkyrimon in the final OVA.
you'll see them but don't expect them to do anything
Its called Digimon Adventure for a reason. Tri has no adventure, we just wanted the Chosen traveling the digital world and having fun times.
I only wanted more Mimi.
Also does anybody actually like Meiko?? Why did they try and shoehorn in another digidestined? Nobody liked the 02 kids so why try it again?
>digital world
>fun times
I only wanted them to fuel my forbidden ship. It didn't even have to be intentional. Just a little something to keep things interesting.
Seems like a fun time to me.
They still can, but would be pointless since most of Armor Digimon are only as strong as Adult level.
Now I can only see Takeru and Hikari using Pegasmon and Nefertimon for long distance transport.
are the 02 kids ok?
Is there even a point to that? If you needed transport, it'd be more economical to use Metalgreymon or Garudamon. One large flying Digimon as opposed to multiple smaller ones. The larger flying Perfects can easily transport the entire gang solo.
yeah but getting split up is always a possibility
No they're dead.
yeah they're just sleeping
I actually do quite a bit, and I like most of 02 kids (not my top favorites, but more like I don't mind them).
I hate Hikari more than any other kids. She's my least favorite chosen child in all three seasons of Adventure for me.
Come to think of it, did they even bring their D-Terminals? I'd assume that shit became obsolete a long time ago.
What was the point of them in the first five minutes? Should have just retcon 02 from existence.
You know what would have been great if Ophanimon Falldown Mode just straight up go JUSTICE on Meiko and Meicoomon as Hikari would see them somewhat responsible for her brother's "death". In fact Hikari just goes full JUSTICE on Jesmon and Alphamon for even starting this bullshit and have Ophanimon Falldown Mode take them out. It would be even more interesting if Hikari overpowered Homeostasis and accepted it's power fully she would be an unstoppable god of Justice and Vengence.
I'm mostly sure that once they've 'claimed' a given piece of digidestined paraphernalia that they can just materialize it out of thin air if need be. I'm pretty sure that's been shown to be a thing that can happen
there is no justice here, only hikari
Half of 02 gets beaten by a guy from a future season and only appears in a second flashback, and a guy from a bad movie. 02 was a mistake.