Why are millennials incapable of saving money?

why are millennials incapable of saving money?

>charity is almost as much as your food payments
wew lad

>Giving $18K to a school you're no longer attending every year.
Kek, my tuition is 7k a year.

63 dollars a day on food?
How big are these people?

No one can save money on a capitalist system.
This rigged system is designed to force you into spending all your income, you cant save for shit.

>still feel average
>living in a million dollar home
Maybe if they didn't intentionally waste all their money, the might have money

Devry University does not count for education

Protip: It's not the "system." It's you.

>2 cars 1 a luxury vehicle
>3 vacations a year
>1.5 million mortgage
>student loans

They're too busy paying off their student loans.