Game Over fellow Clownposters.
Rate the chapter from 1 - 10
Game Over fellow Clownposters.
Rate the chapter from 1 - 10
Save us Vancouver.
1 - 10? You're being generous
Chapters like this should only be rated on a -9 to 1 scale.
Need more suffering
"It was all for nothing" ending best ending
Is the series over? Did Kaneki die?
Haven't followed :re ever since the original ended.
Place your bets
Is kaneki dead or not?
Only thing worth discussing is at this point is how/why Ishida let his story go to shit?
Did he stop giving a shit? Did he figure he'd make more money this way? Did he die? Did he get cucked by his editor?
Give me your thoughts, Sup Forums.
l hope kekneki is really dead, it's more than time to put him out of his misery
Next chapter is the last for part 2. Part 3 coming soon.
Since I asked too late in the other thread ill ask again. What ending did you expect for :Re? If you could change the ending, what would you change to make it better?
Kek, what did you guys expect from the guy that killed Vancouver and Eto? decent writing? funny.
I want my time back.
10/10 the only manga that still makes me feel something.
A solid 3. Ishida really dropped the ball with this one
We win . heh
>promising re: start
>lol I'm the king lmao
>becomes trash
Re: truly was a mistake
>epik panel amirite xD?!!!d so funneh! 9/10!
You have to go back to plebbit
He's not dead. Part 3 is going to have Urie as the protag for like 20 chapters until they find Kaneki in a tube like Amon.
Damn he fucked up.
Watch plebbit, Youtubers and myanimelist faggots defend it without giving a reason as to why it was good
>Kaneki truly was a mistake
"Let's kill Kaneki again"
You already did this in part 1, why do this again?
What happened to Amon and Akira?
>B-But it's classic Ishida! t-this is a tragedy! w-who cares about the offscreens and the shit writing anyways! Furuta so epik! reminds me of the joker!
Ishidadrones man
Too busy fucking.
Hes probably fucked. Maybe some stupid shit will happen like they keep him alive to experiment on him to set up him escaping later. Im rooting for a timeskip where touka raised kaneki's baby to be a murder machine and the baby eventually just kills everything. I want maximum shlock if all this shit in this chapter is actually going to happen.
My rating is, is Ishida on drugs or he just went insane? He killed his characters dignity. Amon doesn't give a fuck about the world and is fucking Akira non-stop, what was the point of characters like the Qs with pink hair abd the Taiwanese chick? What was the point of Kaneki's character in Re? He became a King and then nothing happened. Furuta feels more like a Gary Stu from a fan fiction than a real villain.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Kaneki.
They got offscreened by the almighty Furuta.
>Implying those are the only characters forgotten about.
I think Kaneki never returned, this is all a delusion of him after Touka, his child, Hinami, 0 Squad, Koma, Irimi, Hirako, Naki and the rest are dead.
I think various things about this chapter feel too surreal and weird, for instance:
1: Kaneki lost against Suzuya and Hambee: I think there's no way Kaneki could be taken down without Furuta even lifting a finger, this all smells fake for me.
2: In page 11 Kaneki touches his chin and tells Hinami he would be right behind her. This means he was lying, but in page 13 he seems really confident about protecting his comrades.
This doesn't actually make much sense, it doesn't seem Kaneki thought he was about to lose judging his inner monologue.
Let's see some possible hints Ishida left for us:
In the latest chapters Ishida made us think that in some miracolous way Kaneki realized something was happening in the HQ and rushed back to save everyone.
Even in this chapter both him and Furuta repeat that he came back because he "had a feeling".
In chapter 140 he had that feeling but he ignored it and followed Tsukiyama's advice, I think that's what actually happened. Notice that narration panel! Doesn't it look weird? That's were the real and "dream" timelines diverge.
That decision. The theme of decision is even in the first page of the chapter.
Notice the editor's note: "Not a day passes that it doesn't think of it. Ever since that day". I think "it" is the decision to not go back.
Kaneki never came back in time, he didn't teleport, when he did they were all dead and this is just a delusion of his, but even here he's so psychologically devastated he can't even imagine a happy ending.
Sidelined because Ishida is a hack
Pretty disturbing that when Ishida wrote these characters he either thought this was a proper ending for them or just hadn't even thought about it and cba to actually write a proper ending for them
>t. Eto
please come back
Drop it there. Never pick up :re. That’s the only ending you need.
No, but touka is
This manga went to shit when the Cochlea/Rue Island arc started.
Some parts of it were still decent, but this is where Ishida started to off-screen all the fights, put weird time jumps everywhere and completely jumping the shark with the whole Furuta and Arima plot.
>Literally introduced this character just to job horribly and power scale Kou
Can't make this shit up
you sound like a butthurt naruto pairingtard trying to rationalize the ending away
If you honestly believe this, be prepared to be let down like I am every time a new chapter comes out
Amon's shit got fixed up in the tube since he also couldn't regenerate properly so Furuta will probably take Kaneki to Kanou for some more farming and experiments. Maybe Kanou can even cure his ghoul cancer.
Part3 will most likely focus on Urie, Hide and Amon for a while before kaneki comes back in the mix. Dunno about Touka and Hinami. They're either going to get saved by a 3rd party or Suzuya will claim ownership rights or some shit like that.
Too many people judge this manga because it's week by week.
Every week people are dissapointed because something Ebin xD doesn't happen.
But if you read this manga as a story in 1 sitting , this is one of the better ones out there.
Am I the only one who LOVE furuta for BTFO kaneki and eto?
I still hope Eto comes saves Touka, Touka dies in childbirth, raises baby(ies) and we actually get a good MC(s) this time.
we can agree that Torso is best boy right?
are you okay son?
This. The art has also turned to utter shit ever since.
I remember when I thought Kaneki and Amon were both going to be main characters in Re:, while walking a mile in each others shoes. Kaneki learning how it is to be a CCG agent and Amon learning how it is to be a ghoul. I guess that happened, except Amon has been a fucking nobody for almost all of Re. Come to think of it, did we ever actually see the talk between Kaneki and Amon everyone was looking forward to?
Yes, you should go back to dumblr or probably kill yourself.
Fuck off Furuta, you aren't fooling anyone.
>that box
what year is this
>But if you read this manga as a story in 1 sitting , this is one of the better ones out there.
You can stop sucking Ishida's dick user, he's not going to find out if you trashtalk him. RE: turned to shit after the first 60 chapters.
Yeah he was pretty slick
No, he's going to return as SSSSSS-RATE ZOMBIE GHOUL KEKNEKI
>waaah i love le epik memeklown xddd
>You look like a caterpillar
>not a centipede
Missed opportunity.
One of the best ongoings even.
>did we ever actually see the talk between Kaneki and Amon everyone was looking forward to?
Yes but it was fucking nothing. Underwhelming as fuck and ended with Amon saying fuck everything I'm gonna lay back with my bombshell gf, grab some popcorn and watch everything fall apart.
I think this whole chapter felt surreal to. There was absolutely no build up to Kaneki getting rekt the way he did. It just fucking happened. I want to believe you
Rest well, housewife Haise.
I honestly do desu
I think this is where Ishida was going with O MY TELEPORT KAGUNE and AND TO REPEAT MYSELF
Unreliable narrator, Kaneki (Dragon)
Rest in nuggets, Haise.
Can someone list all the characters that died offscreen in :Re?
So, are you guys just reading this crap ironically by this point? Cause it's like the they're trying really hard to make this shitty on purpose.
I bet Kaneki could have the power to level a fucking city on his own, and he'd still lose somehow.
Quiet user, you can never say TG:re turned to shit, even if you provide good arguments as to way it did.
Meanwhile people who liked it can't come up with a single argument as to why it was good
This wouldn't have happened with Black Reaper Chadneki desu.
There can't be any build up. Ishida decided 3 chapters ago that he wanted another v14/ch143-144 parallel. His parallels are that important to him.
Hey Tumblr and Reddit hate furuta for being a BASED character but love that shitty character called "ETO"
> There was absolutely no build up to Kaneki getting rekt the way he did
What? Ishida clearly focused on Kaneki's health going down the drain rapidly a couple chapters ago. He refused Nishiki's advise to cannibalize and hasn't been eating properly ever since he left the CCG. Him getting rekt was the only possible outcome.
I miss you Haise
Rest well, housewife Haise.
My boy Hanbee doing god's work, and coming out alive as well. Best possible ending.
Yoshimura & Eto for starters
How popular is Urie in Japan?
>0 Squad
I meant how quickly it happened. I've just never seen a main character show up and get off paneled all in one chapter
>Black Reaper
pick one. Don Kaneki was the only Chadneki
Matsuri (but that was all fake get bamboozled Sup Forums xd)
Not necessarily off-screen, but either got sidelined or killed off without a proper ending:
The list goes on.
Who was your favorite jobber?
mine was this cutie
He had a hard life
He needs to rest
I felt Furuta's words to Kaneki were strange too
He sounded like omniscent, he says he knew Kaneki would come back, he talked about Anteiku when he wasn't even there.
To me it felt like it was Kaneki imagining him.
I've been thinking about this for weeks.
Just leave it unread. Re adds absolutely nothing, the plot goes nowhere, and the character development goes full retard. Save your time
My wife Eto of course.