Sure, maybe "time constraint", but then why have him in at all?
Why did they remove literally all the depth to him in the anime adaptation?
Kawai only hangs around because he hangs around. You can also tell he's a self-righteous SJW. Don't need to read the manga to understand that.
His POV chapter reveals that his former motivations made him a creepy asshole, but an SJW? What?
Its been years since I've read the manga and it was pretty forgettable so my memory is a little fuzzy but I only remember his character being DUDE BULLIES LMAO.
I got more out of his character in the movie than the manga honestly.
He's sort of a parallel to Shoko, in a way. He, like her, was bullied for something about his body - which, in his case, was his bushy eyebrows. The difference between him and Shoko is that she smiles at takes it and blames herself for bringing trouble to others, while he hates bullies and blames them for his pain, to the point of wishing to become a teacher to "watch his bullies' children grow up" and see where they make mistakes. Also, while Shouko doesn't intentionally make friends because she wishes to be selfless, Mashiba actively pursues "weird" friends in order to feel less weird and more normal - for selfish reasons.
Interestingly enough, both of their "turning points" come at one of the latest stages in the manga, which is when Shoya nearly dies. We already know how Shouko turns around, but Mashiba's is a bit less easy to notice. When he hears that Shoya nearly died saving Shouko, he realizes how self-centered his entire approach to both his choice of career and his "friends" was. The very next day, he returns to Shoya's old elementary school and unbends his pride by humbling himself in front of Shoya's teacher and begging him to let them shoot the film at the school like they'd originally planned. From there, he continues supporting the group by quietly stepping in to stop more fights from breaking out, despite in ways that weren't ostentatious or showy, and actually being a good guy instead of just acting like he was.
Because his bs made the manga worse.
The movie turned out way better because it cut out all the unnecessary crap.
this, and the movie was already stretching 2 hours, there simply wasn't any more time to cover needless details.
>Because his bs made the manga worse.
>The movie turned out way better because it cut out all the unnecessary crap.
Okay, speaking from a standpoint of "focusing on the main duo", you'd be right. There are still time constraints.
He's an impartial outsider to the group, the catalyst for breaking down that state of peace they were in, showing how fragile a friendship without communication is. They removed his "depth" because the entire story was refocused, and it was no longer important or relevant.
Also, I wanted to wait until I had proof, but Mashiba also might have changed his mind about becoming a teacher, because he realized that his motivations weren't selfless, and it's clear that he wants to think that crud over.
Because he's pretty
best answer
If this is a KnK thread now, can I ask this?
Did Sahara and Ueno become a couple or something? That ending felt ambiguous.
No, what? They're friends
because female writing
you can't actually expect yamada to bring out any depth of characters other than the main pair
Wasn't the manga written by a woman too?
That's what I thought. Friend of mine said that Sahara gave her "gay vibes", though, then there's that bit near the end where we find out from Ueno that they became "partners" and that she even got a fucking ring. I pointed out that "partners" was supposed to refer to their being clothes designers together, but then she pointed out the fucking ring.
She doesn't actually state that's from Sahara, or that they're going out. Besides, Ueno's abrasively honest. Do you think that she would hide a relationship with Sahara if it existed?
You're asking why a 2 hour movie doesn't flesh out side characters in a 7 volume manga?
You are overthinking. Ueno wanted to tease Shou by saying my "handsome, tall bf" gave it to me, when in truth it was just her female tall best friend
>"this sounds like the sort of shit I would read on TV Tropes"
>check TV Tropes
>Sahara and Ueno are listed as Ambiguously Gay and Ambiguously Bi for that exact reason
your Tumblrina friend needs to use her own brain, and get a life too
I'm confused by one thing in the manga, which I'm going through right now. After Mashiba dumps water on Shouya's teacher and he refuses to let them film at the school, Ishida says something in affirmation of Mashiba. As he walked away, you see the text bubble "See, you really became a fine young man after all."
Did he imagine that?
Well, when you put it like that...
>Some people actually like the movie better
this is not even a case of shit taste anymore, you guys are just fucking retarded goddamn. As much as I like kyoani, I wouldn't defend anything about this garbage movie other than for the visuals.
You mad? You seem upset.
Because the manga was garbage and they attempted to make an improvement.
Eh, to have semblance of faithfullness, to be honest, you can cut down Koe no Katachi to an hour and maybe 20 minutes movie and have exact same amount of depth, manga isn't that good of a source material, the only good thing about it is art.
and yet a literal woman wrote a better story than mr "anime was a mistake" so go fuck yourself
no you didn't imagine it, shouko showed up and asked what was going on and he saw shouya communicate with her in JSL, and that's when his teacher knew he made a real, and true attempt to repent for his sins.
wow, just... wow. you really lack empathy, and for that you have my pity, koe no katachi was a love letter to every deaf weeb, and there's more of us than you think, because a lot of us got into anime because of a natural availability of subtitles. We could read what was being said instead of being left out of the media because we can't hear what is being spoken.
so yeah, fuck you too asshole. I wish I had a macro to express my contempt for you, but no one image can surmise the bottled up hate and agony of a person's life story, which is practically the entire point of this movie.
>bragging about a 5'11" dude
The absolute state of Japanese women
>"I'm big in Japan"
You're being a faggot, taking that personally.
t. roastie
dude, I'mma dude, no girl wants a deaf dude *cue hitori bocchi*
sorry if I'm 2tumblr4u but you didn't learn a single fucking thing from this movie and for that, you're a total faggot without the basic ability to think outside your own small world, and that's amazingly fucking small considering we're on an anonymous kintsugi board.
I took a sign language class in high school. I learned that deaf people are pushy assholes.
You're a pushy asshole, and a faggot. You have managed to undershoot my low expectations of the hearing impaired.
I didn't watch the anime, but there was no depth to him in the first place and he shouldn't have existed.
God damn, fuck off and kill yourself. Media quality has nothing to do with whether it touches on your disability or not.
> I wish I had a macro to express my contempt for you, but no one image can surmise the bottled up hate and agony of a person's life story
good for fucking you, devaluing the lives of people less fortunate than you. So they're a little fucking bitter that they were born or made into dysfunctional broken toys to the rest of humanity, and as a result most of you avoid us because we're not convenient enough for you.
but hey, you can just continue to ignore us, just like the rest of the hearing assholes do.
you have much to learn, but be careful what you wish for, karma has a way of working things. There was a lot more to this movie than you pedestrian assholes take it for, and I will not apologize for art. but, hey keep enjoying your cute loli's doing cute things, because that's all it takes for you 'social anxiety' fucks to cash in on non participation in society, while us doorknobs try our hardest to fit in. stay mad.
good for fucking you that you noticed a small watermark in the corner of a screenshot before an actual raw existed for it. well fucking done.
make sure you take your anxiety meds user.
>non-Sup Forums images
You're just digging the hole deeper, faggot. Get the fuck out.
am I? I spent 14 fucking years on this site, I'll use whatever fucking image I want to use, I'm not taking shit from a roody-poo like you, desu
>I spent 14 fucking years on this site
No, you didn't.
Short haired girls are commonly mistaken for homos by normalfags and shippers, this is not uncommon
all that matters is that ishida is otp with best girl ueno
anyone notice during the fireworks festival, that shouko didn't sign "goodbye" but instead signed "thank you"
uh oh, you caught me off by 2 months, I joined this shithole in DEC '03 it was "my December", but unless you can explain to me what big bismuth is I won't hear your bullshit claims to oldfaggotry. or at the very least quote me what post was about, that was my first post out of lurking.
do you even know the meaning behind my image? snacks would know, and he would unban me for it
that's fucking right, you don't know shit, so sit the fuck down, adults are talking you little shit.
just six hours left, anyone care for a tenchi muyo stream? maybe a KnK stream between OVA's?
don't let me down Sup Forums, I stream you tenchi muyo every year at this time, but this year I want to stream you koe no katachi, I got into anime in the first place because anime is naturally subbed and doorknobs feel left out without closed captions
also I don't have my dvd drive handy with me this year so I have to make do this year, even if I have all the tenchi OVA dvd's on hand