Literally every problem we have can be traced back to overpopulation. There just isn't enough to go around

Literally every problem we have can be traced back to overpopulation. There just isn't enough to go around.

Immigrants? Its because their homeland is infested with other humans. Not having children? Who can afford it with rents the way they are. Boomers are not dying and they bought up all the land. Social decay? John C Calhoun predicted this with his mice experiments.

The U.S. needs to crumble...we need to stop policing the fucking world and let it topple itself. We need the human population back to 1 to 3 billion.

How do we get the population back to 1 to 3 billion Sup Forums???

>keep giving gibs to subhuman countries
>surprised when they won't stop breeding like rats

>Not having children? Who can afford it with rents the way they are.
How about anyone this stupid gets sterilized?

You don't understand. We need more people so that median wages fall so that the GDP rises, because larger numbers mean the country is better. Also we need a continuously growing population or otherwise the ponzi scheme that we call "social security" would fall apart, and we can't have that.

Genocide Africa. Which starts with genociding the kikes (for real this time). Every part of social decay, economically spiritually, and morality stems from the Jews.

100% agree. We have shitbags on the radio talking about how immigration is this force of nature that can't be stopped, and that cities need to plan for when they will have 5 times as many people, and my answer is "why?". Our country has a finite landmass, why shouldn't it have a population cap? How man fucking people do these cunts want?

Worst of all, it's both sides of the political spectrum gunning for it because of a combination of muh feels and muh gdp

Don’t stop there. 95+% of South and Central America can be wiped out as well, and for the benefit of all life we need to fully exterminate the Chinese, each and every single last one of them regardless of where they reside. The Indian sub-continent needs to be completely depopulated and the environment allowed to recover. Finally, every Muslim needs the rope.

We’ve just solved 100% of the world’s problems.

Interesting chart. It looks like the problem is that overly successful countries have nothing else to do with their wealth than to pour it on the under developed ones, thereby preventing / ameliorating mass starvation, disease, etc. And here we see the results.

Overpopulation does not really cause problems in white countries as white countries only make up 16% of the world's population and even if white countries do become overpopulated (which would be because of mass uncontrolled immigration) we can manage it and deal with it because we have plenty of resources and no shortage of food. The problem lies with Asia and Africa which have sky high birth rates and big populations and cannot feed themselves and/or house themselves (despite Africa being the continent richest in natural resources in the entire world). The USA could easily manage a large white population, problems arise when the USA and other white majority countries start flooding themselves with filthy sub-human third worlders. California for example is the brownest of all the U.S. states yet, SURPRISINGLY it has the worst quality of life of all the states. Back when California was 80-90% white it was heaven, white people in America dreamt of moving there it was so great. It was the center of western civilization you had hollywood, you had some of the best natural beauty in the world. Now evil (((democrats))) and whites who self loathe themselves ruined it and allowed the brown sludge to take over and thus turn beautiful California in to a third world shithole, luckily however the remaining whites allow NASA and the tech companies keep the state producing some wealth at least. Apart from that areas look like Africa and third world countries. Rid non-whites out of white countries and nuke non-white countries and there will be no problems with "overpopulation" believe me.

You could start with yourself. Be a hero. Get the ball rolling.

cut all foreign aid?

But the point is not going after America, which only gets more productive by the year, while its keepers have a nearly continuous growth rate... It's Africans and Mexicans who are having 8-10 kids (literally!) they need to be rounded up like groundhogs in the midwest so they stop fucking

This is why paying taxes hurt. I will never get a cent back because the Ponzi scheme will collapse long before that. Stupid politicians expect immigrants to pay taxes and they just do not.

blow up a nursery in the ghetto, then

Why? Better to spread Zika into Mexico so I stop having my jobs and language and culture replaced

You're never going to get anywhere if you keep on sweating the details like that man.

get a strain of flu and dose it with antibiotics until it becomes a superbug, then drop it in LA

whether we like it or not, this is a problem that solves itself given enough time
we are not gods, one day we will break the ecosystem patterns that allow us to grow such massive quantities of food, and billions will starve
We don't even need to DO anything, its inevitable

>How do we get the population back to 1 to 3 billion
Stop making soap

Mother nature will find a way. She will purge at some point. If not.. maybe we can terraform Mars?


Overpopulation is a problem, more people means more resources being consumed, more pollution etc.

However, it's a distant second to the Jew problem.

Sure but the problem is more fundamental: Capitalism as an economic system feeds off population growth which is why it supports mass immigration.

All our problems trace back to capitalists, it's not even the kikes.

please lead by example

>overpopulation is the problem!

And how do you think those third world shit holes had the means to got overpopulated in the first place?

>japanese comic about dumb nigs fucking more and shitting out more niggers when they get (((foreign aid))) instead of actually trying to save their country

>global purge

>Literally every problem can be traced to the existence of humans