How can America even compete with the next Wakanda?

South Africa Gov’t Says It Will ‘Print More Money’ And ‘Make Everyone Rich’

>The new South African former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene reportedly is planning to reduce the number of poor people in his country: print new money and simply give it to them. The former finance minister to President Jacob Zuma offered his simplistic plan in the simplest of terms: “South Africans continuing to be poor when we can print more money to ensure that everybody has it. Our people are poor because there is a shortage of money in the country.

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why are niggers so retarded?

Probably fake news. Google "Nhlanhla Nene print money" and check the sources.

South African anons, you need to get the fuck out of there ASAP! When the economy collapses and all the niggers are left starving they are going to blame white South Africans and "racism" for it! Save your fucking skins before that happens!

I would say that this is fake or some Onion article, but africans have already done this in the past. More than once.

Only one problem with that, monetary union will punish you with decreased value, stock exchange will punish you with lower value.
Probably fake news anyway.

I'm scared guys, we are going to lose soooo much diversity once african americans realize they can leave this racist shithole for the real life Wakanda.

>Nhlanhla Nene print money
Its real. They're literally retards.

Now we finally have a Discord server to organize properly, still a work in progress but it will do the job for now:



it worked for china

I checked the story and it's fake, but check this out

>take a real story
>change some details around
>pass it off as a real story
>people buy it because it looks real and like something that has happened in the past
Literally what is happening here. The OPs fake story comes straight from reddit too.

Oh really? USA prints way more money, but you know what? Only rich people, especially financial organization owners can pull this thing off, since that's literally why you have to work longer to pay your bills.

Happened many time through history, Hitler was mad at France for them to inflate their money on purpose.

Everytime I print money the govt hates on me.



Sup Forums you're just jealous you didn't think of it. He's going to print enough money to buy everything on Earth.

Wakanda niggers forever!

It worked well for us.
>100 000 000 000 000 000 000 Pengő on one Banknote.
With a single piece of paper, you could become the next George Soros.

>everyone get more money
>everyone has more spending power
>economy thrives

dont see the problem here

>All races are equ-

>South Africans continuing to be poor when we can print more money to ensure that everybody has it. Our people are poor because there is a shortage of money in the country.

digits indicate the brilliance of the idea.

there's the African IQ in its full glory. Run all the farmers off their land, cause hyper inflation. Brilliant

Taking a page from Bernie

ok satan i get it you gave some nig in south africa a link to the anime series C and now the nig thinks hyperinflation will save the day

Nice try shills

Or buy a piece of bread.

it's becoming obvious that the game in South Africa is to completely destroy the country and then offer the niggers free rides to europe.

If any other race were the first to colonise Africa they would have wiped these sub-retards out.
Whites kindness will be the death of mankind

What happen's to the whites then? Do the nogs leave and they get their country back?

Christianity and jews are the only reason we didnt

>white farmers leave
>no food left
>"Mommy? I'm hungry..."

well they are precursors to modern humans. they don't understand economics amongst a host of other human inventions

hinnews is a fake news site.

Why does every time I read something retarded, it's coming out of Africa.
Remind me again, glorious PM Trudeau, why we need more of these savages in our culture? What benefit do they provide other than being novelty pets for white people to feel good about

That site does not look credible at all.


This has to fake...

yah but the NYSE is transparent so bubbles burst when consumer confidence is lost. in china there's no transparency so the value is still unknown and tanking as more chinese are moving money out of china and investing in other countries.

so it actually has worked in china.. so far.

Wow! Niggers are so inteligent. Lets save the world!

Yeah, unless News24 talks about it

Reminder that Zimbabwe’s money featured such inspiring things as a pile of rocks because literally nothing worthwhile has ever been created there.

There's an albino negro family around that look pretty normal,just pale as shit. They escaped to America because some crazy ass Bantu's tried to kill them all for being witches. Their father didn't. make it.

Well if you have the biggest military and the biggest finance and have great control of the only energy source that runs the world? Yeah go ahead. If you are just dumb fuck nigger state, might want to rethink that.

>What happen's to the whites then?

they fight for their country. If you want to make a petition, make a petition to give aid to those that fight.

FAKE NEWS. Are you guys butt hurt that the white people who invaded the land and oppressed and stole from the natives are being driven out like the roaches they are?

Reminds me alot of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy where the recently exiled space travelers land on earth and decide to use leaves as currency. When they finally realize that it’s worthless because of its over abundance, they decide to burn down the forest.

>"Investing in other countries"

That isn't how it looks from this end

What do you think will happen when whites are removed? Why were South African nukes removed right before the ending of apartheid? Why is it that South Africa can no longer find pilots to fly their fighters? What is happening to South African infrastructure?

Come on m8 you know better than to reply to that shit

The Bantu are also invaders. I can’t wait to see SA Kangz starve.

>Bitcoin symbol in the back
what did he mean by this?

This cannot be real.
Nice Photoshop you no-link faggot

german ubermensch i see

The white people in question provide a whole bunch of food for south africa. They have owned the land for hundreds of years, and I can't wait to see the blacks begin to starve after removing the majority of people who understand agriculture from their country. I say the western countries give asylum to the white south africans and help them to start lives in our countries - as farmers arre almost always principled and hard working people. Whilst we watch that continent crumble under their own idiocy, or fall to the Chinese who are ACTUALLY exploitative of the natives.

Hey look another African nation about to commit suicide. Haven't seen this business model before.


LMFAO what a dumb ass country

Look at all the happy billionaires in Zimbabwe
Checkmate wh*tes

if any one of your countries has a soul left you'll empathy nuke us and save us from when they blame those of the omo skin and torture us to death

is that >6 gorillion

>African economics

This is what happens when you vote populists into power. We haven't even reached peak Trump yet.

funny because the original white colonist settled on a non-occupied land. later swarmed by nigger from the north

Da devil iz in da ditails Sham-man OP I haf cin da wite-plague an ur moniez will prevail bless da lord

is the western media really going to blame the white farmers?

>implying they can vote for anything but black candidates that all want to stay in power for as long as possible so they just tell the people what they want to hear.
>implying niggers even have the brain capacity to understand this is all bullshit

What role do white south africans play in western movies? What is the thing the zots screech the loudest about whenever given the chance? What is the generalised (((history))) of whites in africa? What happens when blacks are identified for their behaviour even in places like Melbourne?
Fact is the groundwork has already been laid for them to blame anyone white and in africa, self defense will be "evul whitey raycis killd duh blak", protecting the land your family has worked for over 5 generations that no nog has ever owned or even been near till the soil was tilled and prosperous will be "dey keeps muh land but must gibs"

>farmers arre almost always principled and hard working people.
Farmers are literally pseduo jews trying to fuck you over on every step so they can get more shekels.

>a fucking rock

looks like a pile of shit tb.h

Damn, he figured the entire system out!

damn, im really sorry mate. Whenever I read about what happen to south africa I want to pull my fucking hair out

This is fake news. The markets show no decline to the value of the Rand.

The whole South African Genocide thing is just a conspiracy theory, apparently.

Fake news
No real article

that's brilliant! why doesn't our government do that?

I still marvel how ignored Marakana was.

I would unironically support a good old nuking. I would rather be incinerated with all my people at once than this slow bloodletting and rape of everything we love.
>tfw when you're jealous of the jews that got rounded up, at least in their last moments they went as a people together, not alone, slowly, seperately

I couldn't believe that shit, the most shocking thing was after being shot by like twenty black cops, when one sat up screaming "shoot me umlungu"
He blames white people while being massacred by black officers, that was something else

Why are niggers so dumb? This is exactly what fucking Zimbabwe did.

Taking Farms will only lead to taking whole condo buildings and highrises, as well as offices and businesses.

They are fucking theives, seeing the expenses used to create the civilization, and the fact that they could have just done that in the first place, and then people would be stable, trading in commodities with other countries.

The eviction of whites from S Africa only means that mismanagement of their finances will be coming from the exploitation of an open treasury

The fact remains that these men also opened their doors to settlement and the building of industries, and now they are moving into taking their farms?

They should have not picked on poor farmers to make a statement about their rights to anything they see in front of them

Everyone knows this "guilt trip" they portray is an assumption from the get-go to steal from others.

The EXCUSE AFTER THE FACT is that there is no "Equality" ?

The whites are like 2 % there, and they want equality by stealing lands from farmers. Plenty of land in Africa....