Why does Hyoudou's mom looks so lewd?
Where is her husband?
does she fuck the dancers at her studio?
Has Hyoudou already fucked her and that's why he's not interesting in Shizuku?
Tell me Ballroomfags
Ballroom e Youkoso
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I know nothing about this series and have never read it before but this image is very tempting, so... what's the catch user? Is it actually gay shit like Yuri on Ice wasn't the gay shit the title implied?
>Is it actually gay shit like Yuri on Ice wasn't the gay shit the title implied?
fuck you, this isn't gay shit, stop falling for the memes
the OP pic is made by Oda Non
this here is how she actually looks in the manga, not much different
and here's the anime
Dammit user, how am I supposed to explain to my dick that he's been bamboozled?!
By the way, did Oda do more of these pics?
Totally unrelated question.
>did Oda do more of these pics
i tried to find but couldn't it seems he did some official doujin but I don't know anything about it's sale or scans, he uploaded this on his pixiv
there is zero gayness in ballroom
Why the FUCK don't they have music in the anime? They're just dancing but they don't show music that fits the dance. What's the point of even watching when you can read the manga?
Nothing gay here really. This scene is actually quite hilarious. Cant wait for the anime version.
>there is zero gayness in ballroom
Don't you get tired of posting this?
The music fits the show fine and is really good.
First time I posted about this anime. There is no music to the beat of the dance, it's just a normal background music. Defeats the purpose.
Your post read exactly like a samefag from the anime threads.
>There is no music to the beat of the dance
This isn't necessary.
>it's just a normal background music.
It's great background music. The composer is doing a great job.
>Defeats the purpose.
There is no "purpose" The anime invokes plenty of emotion during the dance scenes. That's good enough.
sorry user you're wrong.
> This isn't necessary.
I like classical music. What would be better than to listen to a waltz when they dance a waltz?
> There is no "purpose" The anime invokes plenty of emotion during the dance scenes. That's good enough.
The anime doesn't have a better experience than the manga.
I'm inclined to agree that for the most part the background music should be consistent with what music is being used for a dance during the dancing scenes. The rest of the shows background music is perfectly fine in my opinion.
That looks like oda non.
>I like classical music. What would be better than to listen to a waltz when they dance a waltz?
I have to admit, I don't have much experience with classical/ballroom music aside from my exposure from the show which apparently has very little to none. So it really doesn't bother me because I don't know what I'm missing.
But I understand where you're coming from and why'd it would disappoint you.
I wanted it to be something like this
Is he the absolute madman?
The great thing is that I don't think he has any clue how much of a madman he is.
OMG, it really does look like the anime in terms of movement!
but yes, the music is a major problem. seems they wanted to include a limited amount of unfitting OST.
I love his character so much, he wants to be amused and see some developments just like the readers.
Tatara dancing merengue when?
>Why does Hyoudou's mom looks so lewd?
Because she's drawn by the best older women artist.
>Hyoudou turns up the classy waltz music to drown out the moans of his hot mom wildly fucking men in another part of the house
come on user
Friendly reminder the only reason why Tatara started to dance is because he wanted to hook up with Shizuku.
fucking shippers I swear
he literally said to sengoku after the competition with mako that he wanted to dance because he needed something in life
oh mama
I want her doujins
The show has too many cuties, I thought Shizuku was top tier but then here come Hyoudou's mom.
Everything about this show is great.
forgot pic
He'll learn to love the wild mare.
Yes, it's very homosexual. Better run away, faggot.
Your enter key seems to be doing strange things, please
If you don't double space things on Reddit, it comes out on the same line
Are you telling me Hyoudou was our self-insert all along?
I reread chapters 18-44, especially the ones with the real fight between the couple.
I think when chapters 33-36 get animated, animefags might hate Chinatsu.
But from my perspective, I cannot really feel hating her. It's like I see two people actually wanting to be better together, but because of one's past experiences (Chinatsu) and the other's inexperience + timidity, they are clashing really hard. I understand her position as much as I understand Tatara's. But really it has been hammered time and time again, he needs to man up and trust himself more in dancing. So that Chinatsu can feel that she can actually trust him as well.
I just hope they translate that well in the show. Because I can easily see people hating someone easily if they can't convey it properly.
It took a madman like him for the mare to finally start getting tamed and a wuss to also finally man up. They needed him really.
So cute.
To be fair even reading up to v08 of the manga, it's hard not to hate chinatsu; not to mention that shizuku came off worse in the anime than in the manga, so it's not looking good for chinatsu.
To be fair, Chinatsu gave Tatara a chance but he screwed her by not finishing the tournament.
Haters gonna hate. I am a Chinatsufag but I don't understand why other girls are hated.
I don't know how anyone could hate mako. Shizuku was only a bitch for the tenpei cup because she felt challenged.
There are people hating? I don't see the point. It's not like it's warranted or anything.
All I see here is one good friend helping another out.
He lurches back and forth between oblivious autist and astute monster. One of them must be a ploy.
Something is off about Sengoku's anime design. I think it's in the eyes.
Even she starts thinking Tatara's given up on her. I never hated Chinatsu, though. Maybe even at her worst I felt bad about the one time when she was crying and afraid after fighting.
Well she herself admits that she doesn't really want to break up, and she was just saying to Tatara to blame her because I think she cares a lot for his feelings on the matter.
The part that I think people will get hate about is the aftermath when she suddenly knew Tatara actually had a partner before her. She was really mad jealous during that part.
I don't care for Gaju
l liked him more immediately after the Tenpei cup.
There's already people who hate her for being "tsundere". I don't think that moment can make it worse. it will just convince more people that she is a tsundere.
>next week
Is there really a chapter coming next week? It's been fucking too long. Is the author ok now?
>Is there really a chapter coming next week?
No, this week
>It's been fucking too long.
It's only been one fucking month.
>Is the author ok now?
Yeah, though she was sick just two months ago.
>Yeah, though she was sick just two months ago.
Oh fuck. I really hope no delays happen now.
user I think he meant that chapter is getting animated.
Yeah I understood after I posted. My immediate reaction was just because I heard there would be a new chapter and the posted image was from the manga.
Why are they making Chinatsu's body look so bland compared to Shizuku? Shouldn't they have similar bodies?
Where's Chizuru?
I think Shizuku is supposed to have a god tier body or something. Remember in the Tenpei Cup, every single guy there was ogling her.
>Why does Hyoudou's mom looks so lewd?
I want to know why the character was designed to look like Oda-non character.
>Shouldn't they have similar bodies?
Shizuki has the curvier and sexier body.
>Why are they making Chinatsu's body look so bland compared to Shizuku?
Because it is. That's not to say Chinatsu isn't sexy, she is. She gets plenty of attention herself. But Chinatsu's biggest appeal seems to be her legs while Shizuku has the whole package.
read the file name
I meant the character design in the source material.
>Posting her in the flashback arc as an example
Dumb. Chinatsu is bustier and has broader hips. Chinatsu has a killer body while Shizuku is more petite and willowy.
Both both look the same to me.
Look famalas, both have banging bodies, but in the context of the manga and even the show, Shizuku is bustier and curvier. You can even see that in that onsen page.
Looks like Shizuku has a bigger bust, can't compare hips in this page but I do want to believe that Chinatsu has slightly wider hips.
Shizuku's waist looks a bit too wide there, though it could just be the towel, while Chinatsu looks a little too skinny in that area
Here's a somewhat better shot of their bodies. I think we can conclude that they all have 10/10 bodies.
Don't worry bros, they won't cut these scenes, it's important story-wise and important viewership-wise.
Speaking of fanservice, why doesn't Ballroom have posters in Megami and Nyantype magazines? It's not like the series is lacking semen demons. They just need to whore out Shizuku, Mako and Chinatsu and I'm sure they'd drum up some more interest in this series.
This is not even close to Oda Non style.
Shizuki is thick.
>hussy attire
>mingle with old men
That's oda non character.
Now Hyoudou is an autist I can respect. 10/10 mom, 10/10 childhood friend and dance partner who he dances lewd dances like latin with, and yet not once has he gave a fuck about them as women. His only love is towards dance. Truly /ourguy/.
Feels bad. I've only seen two magazine promo art.
These 2 get along so well except when it comes to dance. Well by the recent chapter all is falling in place now for both of them really.
Pretty sure he says somewhere that Akira's breasts are big while his nose is bleeding.
Passionate men are the best kind of man.
I forgot pic
>Pretty sure he says somewhere that Akira's breasts are big while his nose is bleeding.
His nose wasn't bleeding but yeah, he did notice Akira's giant tits. That aside, I had no clue Chinatsu was this stacked.
I've noticed that too. Not a single piece of lewd official art has come out of this series even though the second cour has begun. It's weird. Guess we gotta wait until they animate the onsen part for lewdness.
When's the OST coming out? Hayashi has some amazing pieces in there.
I don't think there's a release date yet. I really want to know too. That OST when Tatara and Chinatsu tried dancing for the first time was amazing.
This. I wish this curvier equals sexier meme would die.
This looks painful.
I checked some ballroom vids, the arc is a little exaggerated, but the girls actually still almost arc that far.
oda knows mother russia
>try to do pic
>end up with prolapsed disc
I'm not even 30
>Come to Onee-chan user
>This isn't necessary.
yes it is
you can't have a show that's meant to be about technical dancing, with dancers thinking about what they should be doing, without even having music THEMED around the genre of music they're meant to be dancing to.
stop defending an objectively shitty decision
this is a great example of how dumb anime faggots like you keep eating shit happily
Can you guys write properly?
leddit spacing