What now, pol?

What now, pol?

Nothing. Sage all slide threads.

We keep pretending to be triggered so more porn gets made

>and its working

You sit at your fucking computer for hours on end, spending however long it takes to think up a new way to bait people. Not even having fun doing it, for the most part., You have a little fun, sure, but only slight chuckles while you write up a shitty post and think up some forced way to make it relevant to the board. Then you send it off without any thought, no love or care. You only remember having the fun of shit posting while forgetting what made it fun. Was it the fact that you used to be able to express your autistic self, even if it was only on a stupid anime website? Maybe, it's hard to tell nowadays. This entire site is getting bogged down with low-effort garbage, and no real discussion. You're like the sheep in Animal Farm, nothing but tools used to block people from communicating. Get bent.

They received a cease and desist order from that one cam whore, so I guess that's that.

>that nose

Nobody is triggered by this. If you want to trigger me, force me to listen to a leftists woman talk.

Didn't that backfire horribly?

lol, GOT US!