NWO - Good?

Is a one-world government based on the American Constitution and the Bible a good idea? Kike subversion is just atheism in practice. Which is why the constitution states the laws are from God (and not from “science”).

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>Is a one-world government based on the American Constitution and the Bible a good idea

The Bible can be interpreted any number of ways and one could argue so can the Constitution. Both may work for a Nation but as a world system they're too unstable.

>karl marx
nigger, thats hungry santa

That Marx quote is a pure fabrication. He did not say it.

Literally lies perpetuated by leftists
You can’t “interpret” the second ammendment to ban guns

How do you know

The world will be a good place when the household is like a State, a State like a Country, and a Nation like an alliance

they can try

How do you know as a world system they don’t work? Sure the Bible laws won’t apply for some niggers in Africa I did a mistake there but the constitution produced very good results in America before kikes subverted it

Is that a Nazi quote?

not to my knowledge, I just made it up. feel free to adjust the quote and use it if you want

Depends who's in charge, nationalism is a must

Nations wont exist
nigger what do you think one WORLD government means
Of course all races or all people should be one federal state then

Not “all” races, every race a different state
Wrong wording

>wants a one word government based a semitic doctrine and a piece of paper that specifically calls for the exclusion of said semitic doctrine from having influence in government
Fucking lolbergs

>Nations won't exist
>Implying Israel won't still be a nation
>Implying anywhere besides Israel will be an ethnostate
ok bud

I just noticed that is a problem for the nigs and chinks but there will be exceptions for that

My plan requires that the USA has first had a civil war, kicked out the Jew, bombed Chinese government to dust, won the nuclear war. Then this NWO scenario begins

Mostly chinks since pagan nigs are only majority in togo

Why do people need mysticism and not just the values?

>Is a one-world government based on the American Constitution and the Bible a good idea?


Why you are the one that pick how NWO gonna work?

Also in theory russia should pick it since they have the biggest area

I think your plan probably also requires reducing the world population to only 500,000 whites

What mysticism? What are you talking about, the Bible? How do people need mysticism

What about the Bible should the world follow?

Is modern Russia a product of modern enlightenment or just a product of American democracy that got copy pasted? Educate your goddamn self.
The original is better than any fake

Nobody will interfere with whites once the Jew problem has been dealt with

The Christian world that is
Well, just the basics, reformation already made christian dogma past the point of no return, it’s never gonna be a monolith like it was from 500-1000 ad

Checked but pic related

Nobody will interfere with anyone on the scale we see today under the nwo^tm

why does the world need christian dogma and not just the values which are healthy to society?

Never said six mil died that doesn’t mean we can butcher Jews that can be deported to israel easily

This is exactly what communists think too. Welcome to their club.


The christian answer to this is
>because you aren't saved based on your works, you are saved based on your faith in Jesus Christ
however, I personally believe the social benefits of a Christian society are reason enough to support its spread

>Is modern Russia a product of modern enlightenment or just a product of American democracy that got copy pasted? Educate your goddamn self.
Who said anything about how russia works?

I said in theory since russia is the biggest country, they own most of earth, and so would be the ones that would dictate how nwo would work

>Pursuit of burger and king james bible

You "God" is a Jewish demon.

YWWH = volcano god (see Exodus)

El (Elohim, El shaddiah, The heavenly Father) = SATURN.


"FUCKYOURSELF. Do it for all our benifit"
t. Father

Christianity = Saturn pedo kike vatican slave cult.

>"FUCKYOURSELF. Do it for all our benifit"
>t. Father
>Christianity = Saturn pedo kike vatican slave cult.


= Sacrificed to Saturn

Why do you want to replace the native spiritual traditions of other peoples with your own preferred faith?

>why do you want to replace hedonistic and primitive cultures with the religion that created western civilization
idk man, I just like good things I guess

No fuck off burgers

No because the rest of the world doesn’t have the values our founders had. 1st amendment and 2nd amendment would be gone within 4 years if the rest of the world could vote.

So you'd replace Buddhism with Christianity?

>if you disagree with my religious views you are a communist

I would, but I see Buddhism as philosophically compatible with Christianity anyway so it wouldn't be a big change to Buddhists

What about Buddhism is hedonistic and primitive?

>what about a morally nihilistic goat farmer religion is primitive

>morally nihilistic

You haven't studied Buddhism. Replacing religions isn't the answer. Christianity is just as a flawed as every other religion, and you know it.

no you fuckin shill, sovereignty or fuck the hell off you fag

I'm sure you've read into it more than me, but this story illustrates what I mean by moral nihilism.
>Replacing religions isn't the answer
So you would just let Islam --
>just as a flawed as every other religion, and you know it.
Oh, you just think every religion is stupid because you are enlightened by your own intelligence, I understand.

I bet attacking Christianity wasn’t legal by the founding fathers but I’m not sure


Yeah but why do you think that, debate it or shut the fuck up.

>is the Bible true
This isn’t even up for debate so why make an entire video about it

The ONLY way that having a one world government would lead to anything besides huge transfers of wealth and general bullshit is if the largest government is essentially useless and just a methodology for making agreements between nations.
Sovereignty or fuck off

He said dogma
If you believe the dogma of Jesus is false then you are an evil person, and this is what communists did, the single biggest perpetrators of death and destruction on this planet

Buddhism isn’t special
stoicism plus several Hindu beliefs

We already have a one world government but by force and that’s the only problem, USA should not fight Syria nor any other country. This would be regulated in the NWO, do you see Texas attacking New Mexico? It would solve lots of wars

Dogma simply means "religious opinions". Argentinabro did not strawman you

in other words sovereign nations with free people making peace and mutually benficial deals with other nations, good method to do it would be direct democracy

Yep. I am fine with there being a big coalition/congress in which the nations come together to make deals, but the authority of such a body must be made EXTREMELY fragile
>We already have a one world government
Nah, we have a bunch of nations that are being undermined by a cabal, but it's not a one world government.
>USA should not fight any country
The only way to stop people from fighting over resources is if the resources end up in the same hands either way

>Sure the Bible laws won’t apply for some niggers in Africa
The majority of niggers in Africa are Christian. Just the majority of Christians are niggers (or non white).

Buddhists exterminate Muslim terrorists in Myanmar.

Christians get on their knees and kiss their feet in the West.

The only people who promote Christianity on Sup Forums are edgy teenagers who want to larp as crusaders.

>The Bible can be interpreted any number of ways
No two ways
The right way and the wrong way

>want to larp as crusaders
No I just want to see my country move away from the degeneracy and flesh-serving behaviors it is currently immersed in and move toward being a righteous nation again.
I don't think Buddhism is going to help the west dig itself out of the hole it's in

fuckin checked n saved

y-you too

Originalism is autistic, US Christianity it authoritarian and autistic and hilllbilly, and a world state is authoritarian and inefficient.

Christianity isn’t really the Answer. The vast majority of Latin America and Subsaharan Africa is Christian and look at them.

I would argue that there are other, demographic, factors at play in your examples. The white christian nation is the epitome of success and progress thusfar
What is your Answer then?

>United States Christianity is authoritarian
What do you see that makes you believe this? If anything I see churches left and right cucking to the leftist cancer

It’s just proves that Christianity only accomplished anything because the people who followed it were white. The white race would have done great regardless of Christianity.

It's not doing so great right now, oddly enough as Christianity is declining in the West.

A one world government can only work if God's directly at the head. Men cannot do it, because they'll corrupt it.

Correlation ≠ Causation.