Cam footage:
It's really good.
Cam footage:
It's really good.
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I don't really care for OP. I wanna know if the ED is going to even come close to the first one.
Glad they brought back Unison Square Garden. I like this song better but I prefer OP1 visuals.
looks good, hopefully it follows a more episodic nature than the first season.
what did a/ think of the first season?
Already love it.
It was ok, watched mainly because of the director, but KyousouGiga was better for me.
Still, worth a watch.
Bunch of random shit, but it was pretty and the ED song was excuse enough to watch it to the end.
god fucking damn.
Fucking slick
>Fake town, fake town
Good shit. 5 more days to go boys
It was supreme
>Credits roll
>Pic related appears
>After the finale Leo accepts his situations and stops blaming himself about Michella blindness
>He sends her a letter that after all the crazy shit that happened in Hellsalems Lot he feels good with himself
Season 1 did things to my heart
I think I like it better than OP1.
Law of OP/ED Conservation means ED2 < ED1, but we already knew that.
It was aight. The finale was a bit of a let down.
Typical Bones show
basically, it's shit for anyone who isn't a teen
It's a solid OP, but I prefer the first one.
AOTY 2015
Burger episode and chess episode were 10/10.
Eh, pretty good but I like the first OP-
>Howaito spotted
>this picture comes up
Definitely inferior to the first OP.
I liked it, and I'm not really into those kinds of shows. Like I can't stand Durarara. I really liked the characters.
I want white back
just your reminder how much better the first OP is in comparison:
New OP feels a lot more generic. Original had great usage of colors and photographs.
This feels like anybody could have storyboarded it.
As original character, is she going to come back?
Bump of Chicken makes it million times better.
>This feels like anybody could have storyboarded it.
I know, and it fucking sucks. doesn't give me that much hope that series itself is gonna be any better.
I don't think anything will top season one ED.
I watched it for my husbando :)
you gotta narrow it down user
disgusting desu
I always skipped the OP, pretty meh.
>This feels like anybody could have storyboarded it.
kicking off Rei was a mistake
she left cause she wanted to, wanted more time to eat burgers i guess
You really buy that?
Obviously they kicked her because something went wrong with finale which results in the delay.
This doesn't sound like an opening to my snazzy comfy urban adventure series.
>Brody and/or Hummer
>Master Raju
>silly hair cop
There really are a lot of prime options in this series.
Loved it. Most fun I've had watching anime in a long time. I'm a huge Nightowfag so I'd have enjoyed it no matter what, but it really was something special.
Hoping S2 will be a different but equally delicious flavor.
It almost undoubtedly will. The manga is very episodic; there's only one volume-length long story that could be considered an arc.
Not bad. The song is decent, if not the best fit for the series. Looks fun and colorful but overall can't hold a candle to the first se--
>Chain and Steven two-shot
Cancel everything I just said; it's a masterpiece.
I'd better see all you fuckers in the threads.
Another light novel is getting published, about /ourguy/ Femt this time, called Good As Good Man.
To be fair, Bump of Chicken makes everything better.
Now that we know episode 1 is going to include the Wacky Jive in HL story, I may as well dump the relevant chapter.
i actually like the atmosphere in the song really really well.
this is gonna be good like season one, i can feel it.
>femt shit
Boy are you in for a treat.
Why hasn't given Femt his own cooking show on HLC public access yet? Weekly potential apocalypse threat aside, it would be great for ratings.
I don't remember anything besides the hambaga guy and little bit of the last episode.
Ballroom's second OP is much better for a Union Square Garden song.
This is some uncharacteristically meta humor for a Nightow manga.
Last page.
This whole chapter exists for the payoff of Hummer blithely eating grilled meat while everyone else can't touch theirs and if you ask me it's worth it.
Thanks for dump
My pleasure.
As far as I know Lights, Camera, Action!! (aka "it's my prez in a box") hasn't been English scanlated yet or I'd post that too.
it was fun and different enough to be entertaining, loved the ED song.
Absolute kimo for a shounenshit
The fucking ED was the cherry of the cake. It was an absolute perfection
Was Black possessed by satan or something?
I watched it for Klaus-sama
Short answer: yes, basically
Long answer: Yeah, he made a deal with Despair-kun, a nameless powerful entity, in exchange for being able to protect his sister.
i think he was a vampire or some shit, i don't remember its been since i watched S1 with you lot.
Jesus ESL-kun, I agree; hope you join the threads.
Your post made me laugh (especially "the cherry of the cake"; people usually say either "the icing on the cake" or "the cherry on the sundae") but not in a mean way; in a pure way.
I can't wait for these threads to be regular again, I need to stock up on Chain awoos
You think they'll even mention hwaito in the new season or will they bury the events of the first season for being OC?
>This feels like anybody could have storyboarded it.
Yeah Rie did storyboard the OP and ED in S1. Without her genius the series is going to suffer.
Wasn't the rumor that she's moving into directing a movie?
It's been translated.
Yes, it sounds possible.
>Answer a question about satan
I really liked the ost, I liked the story and the characters but holding off the last episode for so long more or less killed my exitement for it. The recap episode was done really well and it had enough new content to make it worth it.
I don't like that op as much as I liked the other one but it's okay-ish. I did enjoy the preview and the songs used in it. Probably a strong contender for aots.
White could be coming back.
i just hope the ost has this pv song in it
What are the odds that the final episode gets delayed by a year again like with S1?
I want hwaito to come back, she was one of the best things about last season. From what I've heard the manga isn't anything spectacular so I'd be fine with it diverging still
Are you willing to take a bet?
Very slim, you would think they would have learned from the first time.
I thought the reason it went wrong is because they wanted to make it a double-length special out of the blue which meant that they couldn't air it because they didn't have a double-feature slot.
This meant that the ending was delayed a whole season as all the slots for that season were already pre-booked.
So when will Sugita finally join the cast?
The many is really good though
I want white back.
faggot, she was the worst part of the whole show.
What a severe case of shit taste user, seek help.
Zetsubou's backstory and real nature was lame angsty shit. Everything else was great.
Great premise, characters, an animation ruined by Rie Matsumoto's messy as fuck directing and supervision.