>tfw no more waifu
OPT - One Page Thread
>"Best Guess for this image: Cartoon"
thanks as always google
What series is this? reverse search gives me nothing.
First half of the filename.
Not only is this Manga amazing, but the girls are all top tier.
>top tier girls
If you hate nipples, apparently.
Can't show nipples in a christian manga.
As expected, edge always draw fags in.
i'm probably going to regret asking, but sauce? Google's giving me nothing.
Love in Hell
What a shity series this is
>build up all the tension
>okay, now we do a little bit of reset before the sequel
>aaaand, NOPE
Weird how I didn't notice how generic and formulaic this was back when the WN was first getting translated.
That teach gets what's coming to her right??
you absolutely can though
Veritas may have ended prematurely, but you can't deny how fitting it is that the cause is the author and artist getting into a fist fight.
From what I've heard, I think all that happens is that she's excommunicated. The might make it more severe in the manga though.
anything that isn't moeblob is edgy to you fuckin' people
That does sound apropriate.
Doesn't excuse it tho.
can we rename these glorified /wsr/ threads to edgy page threads at least?
i just wanted to read cute romance
I love this guy. He takes devotion to his waifu to a level the rest of us could only hope to aspire to.
Just imagine they are just below that lace. The size is about right anyways.
>even in his mind, there is only room for his waifu
>keep impregnating us until we are pregnant
what manga even is this
This really got me when I first read it. Actually caused me to cry. Children suffering just hurts my soul.
If I remember right, she's exiled, which considering her total lack of fighting ability means she was essentially consigned to wander around in the forest until she's killed and eaten by a monster. I'm not 100% sure though because the original translator is a little baby faggot who took down the web novel once the LN was licensed, and the LN is now behind a double paywall.
Well that's just fagtastic. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
What manga is this can someone please tell me?
It was a good cliff hanger to end it on.
fuck off
The chuuni tankui was great.
>updates never
You won't regret it. It's a pretty good story
When are they going to finish translating it though?
As it should be.
anyone knows about a the one where a guy has a gun axe and is protecting a girl that's supposed to be a god? there are bad guys with tails on their heads, and a dark god that controls the world
This point of the story makes him out to be a completely reasonable person which is weird since he's supposed to be the BBEG.
Main couple actually bone
Hopefully it doesn't get weird like Horiyama
found it, but guess it was axed
102 never
this was so great , untill it went batshit insane at the end.
sloth best boy
I'm mad.
name? iqdb and google not getting anything
Princess a cute! ACUTE!!
Minamoto-kun monogatari
I love this one. Too bad it was axed.
The MC was a kid then, why would he go to hell when just about any kid would do the same thing?
I found it on google and so can you
just report them, it works.