I am married, but my wife is pregnant and being a total bitch and not giving me any affection at all

I am married, but my wife is pregnant and being a total bitch and not giving me any affection at all.

Is it a sin/degnerate if I go to an "Asian Massage Parlor" and get some assistance?

Yes it is, religion aside you shouldn't do it because u wouldn't want her to do the same to you either..... Unless ur fine with that i guess.

You fucked up, get out before it gets worse, also let me know how the rub'n'tug goes

Just go beat off in the bathroom real quick. Gotta child on the way, learn to control yourself my man.

You have no idea to what extent pregnancy hormones control someone's personality. Medically speaking, they are not their normal selves.You should see it as a symptom of the pregnancy and remember to the fact that after the first year of pregnancy she should more or less go back to normal.

Cheating on your wife for something chemically she can't control and is only temporary only goes to show how little you support your wife or respect your relationship.

Also this is probably fake because you shoud be talking to her about it and not random dudes on the internet.

Yes, at least wait a few years (once she stops giving you attention it doesn't come back).

>Is it a sin/degnerate if I go to an "Asian Massage Parlor" and get some assistance?
My dad said that once. Any guesses how it ended?

It’s acceptable if you’re a nigger.
If you’re white, it’s unequivocally degenerate to cuck your pregnant wife.

Yes. It is degenerate to cheat on your wife