IT'S HAPPENING: after strong political result of right wing coalition in last elections and the killing of a senegalese man by a crazy suicidal old man, black people literally chimp out and start destroying Florence, together with their leftist friends

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BLACK CHIMP* OUT I meant obviously

Yeah my friend had pepper spray to the face by some pack of africans last weekend. What are they chanting though?
Why do they think the best response to people disliking their kind is to adhere to every negative stereo type? Terrorism?

niggers paid by Russia to go crazy.
what else is new?

That was the absolute wrong move for Blacks, lol.
A populist party just got elected, and they show they hate it, thus, they hate the country.

They won't understand until it's too late for em.

>black chimpout in italy
I think you meant
>italian chimpout in italy

"Stop racists" and stuff like that

hi ayn rand. thanks for the refugees. enjoying your social security you 56% mutt pedo? say hi to milton friedjews for having invented basic guaranteed welfare. you indebted commie whores
>muh freedoms
>gun grabs and has none
>no soup for you
>imports soup; does soup trade wars

Based black user here.

You blew their homes apart and invited them over in a bid to solve your economic issues via artificial population growth.
> Make your bed
> sleep in it
Dumb fucking cucks

Poor trashcan.

Look at 3:20

When you chimp so bad that you can't even control your body anymore and start headbutting random stuff

Italy didn't bomb your shithole African mudhut village, you stupid nigger.

>Italy blew their homes apart

when? or is this just some weird copypasta

>hordes of shitskins rampaging through beautiful European cities

You worthless faggots asked for this.

This is your future.


I only see Italians

All those classic buildings and roads surrounded by peoples that couldn't put together a fucking wooden shed even if their life depended on it. God fuck this shit, this is an invasion.

This is why we can't have nice things, these people cannot control themselves.

>mfw nigger tries to break a plastic pot by throwing it on the ground.

It's gonna happen you know. Everyone is going to be playing "muh russia" by 2020.

u seem upset m8? maybe you need more freedoms


Are there italian user here willing to go and kill more of them ? Along the traitors, if you cant go there kill the jews, non-white and traitors in your own place

>capable of strategic thinking, theory of mind or anything other than in-the-moment knee-jerk reactions


Damn Antonio, beedi boppi boopie? Gun down niggers no?

This is great! Only drives more people to the right. Remove all brown shit from Western nations.

I don't live in Florence sorry.

link related

Racism is necessary and is the only effective reactionary force to a tyrannical group of terrorists

what the fuck is that

I thought it was a protest because a guy got killed? Or is mainstream media lying about the cause?



Home made pipe gun my man. Some backyard professional shit right there!

lmao 40 sec mark chimp didnt know the vase was plastic

Nigger for the last time that was the fucking wind, stop making your houses out of twigs and shit you fucking ape.


well that is some master craftsman shit. its gorgeous. never seen somethign like that before (being britbong, and not having any interaction with guns)


>ignorant nigger has 0 clue about the topic at hand
>calls others dumb
gudbois dindu muffins

Fuck. Firenza is the only decent city in Italy. This saddens me.

Surely this will make people vote for more liberal parties in the next election.

Am I right?

Open any French rap video, blacks show off tons of weapons. Occasionally it goes as an explicit threat to someone besides fellow gangsters.

^this user knows

Judgement day has come, mongrels. Mass deportatiton soon.

This needs a screen-cap.

Homemade guns make my peepee hard to be honest.
Ira had some really great machines

>capable of doing anything to prevent the mass cuckening of the west

Reuters said it's over the street vendor that got killed.


This is why white women prefer the BBC now. That alpha male aggression.

Its genetic their love for destrucion?


Reap what you sow retards
Which led to Ghadaffi's regime collapse
Which led to refugee's flooding europe through places like Italy.
Not satisfied with the population growth numbers, they went ahead and bombed Syria too to extend and grow the migration.
After getting their expected numbers over the years they then shut it down :

Europe had population growth issues which would lead to economic issues due to shithead economic models. Germany was paying people $30k euro at one point to have kids. This failed so they blasted a bunch of nigger enclaves and welcomed them ashore. Niggers have tons of kids and it solves their population crisis. Tons of europeans suffer for generations but elites don't care so long as the economy is strengthened. Any other questions?

Problem :
Solution :

You've been played by your 'masters'. They could give two shits about you or the niggers they're importing.

>Y-you asked for this!
>It's your fault whitey!
>We did nothing!
Don't be suprised at what happens next.

You are misinformed so you aren't as based as you think you are.

what did the plants do to them?
>PLM - Plant Life Matters

No excuse. Some of the finest garage(carpark?) guns have come out of the UK.

We need an authoitarian facist state NAO


man, italy is beautiful (besides the visitors) i wanna go there, any advices?

don't see any chimpouts in japland. really makes me think.

All of them need harshly punished

tfw you'll see italy go full mussolini mode in your lifetime

Thanks to USA and Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State at the time) for the bombing of Lybia.

Now, without Gheddafi stopping migrants and sending them back in the desert, Italy is becoming full of Africans and people start revolting and shooting.

Italians are not cucked like northern Europeans, they start shooting quite early...

See Dumbfuck. You got played by your masters.
They don't give a fuck about you or the niggers they're using to plug their population growth issues because the only color that matters is 'green'.
> Claiming you're red-pilled and thinking this is actually about niggers
Stupid fucks ... You'll be battling the niggers out in the street attempt to prevent them from raping your daughter/wife while the powers that be count their shekels in armored/protected communities..

to be*

Positive feedback loops are great.

This is all just ammo for the final purge.

It's being allowed to happen, while being filmed, to show future generations indisputable evidence as to why we must never allow a single nignog to set foot in Europe again.

lol bye niggers. They just wrote their ticket home

Avoid the big cities, all of them.

People call it Florence and in Italian it's Firenze.

Prove this
> Hint : You can't

Fucking kill them all. They aren't citizens, they're actually invaders that came there to do harm (as these actions further prove), so it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm so sorry for your race's ignorance and the coming repercussions for that.

This guy gets it. You must create the desire to purge in the native populace, and this requires creating a state of disorder and chaos first.

Listen to the pope. Follow his advice. And you will get through these problems.

God bless you Italy. Please don't send the gypsies back here though, say you lost their credentials and exile them back to India.

Libya and Syria are Arab countries. They're not full of niggers.

More videos/articles on the chimpening?

why doesnt the mafia do something about the problem? or do they like it?

Where are the carabinieri?


do you have any idea how much money the mafia makes thanks to the rapefugees?

This was the plan all along. Why do you think they doubled down w.r.t Syria?
> Italians are not cucked like northern Europeans, they start shooting quite early...
The damage is already done. You sat by for years while they flooded your country w/ these hordes. Merkel just recently got re-elected and europe is nothing but a bunch of cucked regions who dance to Germany's drum. (((They))) desired to solve their economic issues to keep the lavish parties going and they figured 3-6 generations of subjecting Europeans to suffering and social decay was worth it. They cucked you. Everyone warned you idiots. You continued to elect them. There were no widespread protests. So, you made your bed. Now you want to rant about doing something about it? You're not. The damage is done and they've changed the laws so you can't. Get cucked once, twice.. you're gonna get cucked a third time. Enjoy the hell you allowed them to create as you sat back like fucking dindus. I thankfully visited Europe before it began turning into shit.

They are traitor, they make money smuggling them

Oh and unless you didn't check any of my links, sorry ass Italy was right alongside for the bombings/attacks/destabilization that drove the roaches over the water.

>implying maphia are not going to purge niggers to receive support from the local population

Based Italy voted far right, and now the niggers are chimping out without understanding this will just fuel the hatred for worthless niggers even more.

Mafia doesn't have enough numbers on their own to do much beside stop them from building mosques and such...
However, if the people all decided that they wanted to rise up and kick these people the fuck out... I'm sure they might find a shipment or two of rifles that fell off a boat somewhere...


We wuz libyans n syrians n shieeet
Though I agree bombing Gaddafi was the true suicide of the west.
Thanks NATO

it already is though. every single election in europe has "muh russia" attributed to it

>niggers chimp out in florence
>racist fiorentino kills another nigger

>repeat until race war

> says the fag island overrun by chinks
> says the unarmed kangaroo
> says the cuck
Don't feel sorry for me or America. You've got enough to feel sorry for in your own cucked cesspool





>Kike mutt going full defaitism to make european think it's over while it's not so they don't act

Don't listen to this nigger, it's just the beginning , and amerimutt you should start to purge nigger like him too

I am sure after Italians being angry with immigrants and absolutely hating them to the point of literally killing them in the streets this action by the niggers will surely not provoke retaliation and will only improve the Italians opinion on niggers.

Why can't niggers into common sense?