Why haven't you start drawing yet, Sup Forums? you can draw your waifu and become a miserable drawfag!
Why haven't you start drawing yet, Sup Forums? you can draw your waifu and become a miserable drawfag!
are you frustrated?
Even if I had the skills, I don't have creative ideas. I prefer other people to think those up for me.
why is she drawing gaaaaboraaa?
I can only draw my waifu. I can't draw anything or anyone else.
I am a miserable drawfag
indeed Kircheis
I can't just start with drawing my waifu, I'd have to start with the boring fundamentals.
Same desu. Drawing fucking sucks. It's such a pointless timesink.
Japanese people went through pain to create their waifu for you user.
It's not pointless if it's the only way you can express certain obscure fetishes.
I write. It's not like anyone likes western art in the anime scene anyway.
I don't know where to start.
it's raking me awhile to become decent
/ic/ has a good sticky, but don't ask for help if you literally don't know anything
It's not easy and will cut into a lot of your free time
I do wanna learn how to draw mai waifu, and only mai waifu. I got wrist problems and a lack of time, plus I don't know where to start. One day, hopefully.
Thanks for the heads up.
>I'll do it maƱana
Hate to break it to you friendo but you'll never make it with that kind of thinking.
Once I finish the other million things I set myself out to do.
I have a fine-motor condition. I can't write legibly. Hell, I can't even color in the lines.
The next thread will be held on October 11th.
I would like to participate but I usually draw on paper and my digital drawing skills are extra crappy.
At best I'd just be another shitty western artist.
You avoid that by taking only Japanese artists as references.
You'd still be a western artist.
If you can draw exactly like a Japanese artist, no one will care.
But I did
Show us how you draw your waifu.
Because I'm a shitter even after all these years of drawing, so much I've become lethargic to it.
How much did you practice per day?
Because Yuno-sensei left us ;_;
An hour or two during the prime period. I have actually done stuffs like visual novels too with limited success. My autism stopped me from being content with my work that I had a breakdown and gave up.
Different user here. I completely understand . I really want to just casually draw anime style but the community here doesn't seem to open to that. I wish there was a better guide that didn't require months minimum of shapes and perspective books. A guide more like a -"Fun with a pencil -> Anime style -> How to break down, copy and understand reference material" that you could follow while practicing things enjoy right off the bat would be great.
Even better if there was a community nice enough to support such an admittedly half-assed approach. Before they switched to a mobile platform, the Aviary community was really good in this regard. I haven't found a place like it since
TL:DR I don't particularly like making art, I like making waifus but you can't do the latter without learning the boring parts of the former.
If you could provide me guide that allows me to draw decently within a month, maybe.
A guy named m00t made something like that, an oekaki community for people who wanted to draw just for fun, but it didn't make any money and he shut it down.
Just follow the sticky in /ic/ and draw whatever is fun to you.
Don't you have a puddle of self-loathing to be writhing in?
Draw Yotsuba licking ice-cream for me, please!
I don't care how shitty, I just want to see user draw her waifu/husbando!
I like my waifu too much to punish her with my drawing.
I can draw but these are my problems:
>what app to use in digital drawing
>what tools to use IRL sketching
>it won't make me money
>losing motivation in the middle of drawing causing an unfinished work
>no friend to help me with drawing
>no ideas what to draw
Someone help me.
I want to learn literally only to create gentlefag macrophilic shit. But I'm already trying to improve on 3 instruments and I feel like I don't have enough time for 1.
>try to draw my waifu two or three times a year
>I never save the drawing
It's always repulsively off.
I have ideas and shit and know how to draw and make music for this exact reason
But my ideas are constantly changing and although I have an image in my mind I have no idea where to start with it
As long as you make effort, I don't think It would be a punishment. You're using your creating potential! The only thing that you, as a human being, truly have! The only thing that you truly own!
>next thread will be held on October 11th
Awesome. I can't wait to draw Louise again
This with the constantly changing ideas.
Because starting out and drawing like shit is awful and difficult to overcome. That and the fact that I have no idea where to start if all I want to do is draw cute girls doing cute things.