What's the consensus on GantZ in general and the ending?

What's the consensus on GantZ in general and the ending?

Last arc was meh,really liked the giant girl interactions with MC.
Had a happy ending but there was still alot of stuff that weren't answered.
The stuff about his brother was incredibly retarded and pointless

It was bad and clearly made up as Oku went.

Osaka best arc

I liked it.

Great ride. 8/10 throughout most of it but the final arc drops to around a 6/10.
The ending was perfect. Just ambiguous enough to come up with your own ending, more or less.

>paints himself black
>goes on a killing spree
Fucking dropped

What happen with the dog after the mission i dont remember?

He got saved,someone bought his liberty for him since he had the points to do so.
It was pretty fucking funny,could you imagine a black person reading the manga?

He obviously tried a realistic angle where not everything is laid out in front of you. Obviously not a good approach when your audience is a bunch of soulless and desensitized children.

What are you referring to

Dog was the best character and it went downhill when he left

pronounced gants or gantzee?

What the fuck was the deal with the old lady who showed up before they were transported, it was never explained and it gave like a supernatural element to it even though he did a u turn and was like "nah happening all over the world and it's man made"

fun ride though


should have a decent epilogue.
and shouldn't have killed reika

> Dog and Panda dies off-screen


Ignore everything past rome aliens and 8/10 solely due to lack of answers. Osaka was a hell of a fucking ride and one of my favourite manga arcs ever

>shouldn't have killed reika

Nah that part was fine

There's a question that's been bothering me since I finished the manga. Did Kuruno and the other guy die, because the transition between kuruno closing his eyes and the last "congratulations" page seems to hint at that ?


Had its good points, but it was insufferably edgy. Author was clearly bullied in high school or something.



it was good until it wasn't anymore

as a retard who bought a couple of chapters of gantz, the ending was a complete shit.The part where they met some fucking entity claiming they're the reason of human existence and shit is like some rick and morty episode.

Shit writing from start to the end but at least the first 20 volumes were entertaining. Last arc is the worst pile of garbage I've yet to read

Most of the people in the series were garbage
Anime and ending was shit
best parts were in the center when the MC got good but before the invasion
I was happy that he didn't revive the big-titied bimbo and instead revived the person that actually knows his shit (but I am mad he didn't revive Lara Croft)
really the ending felt like Digimon 02 where they set up for an awesome finale but ended up with something else at the last minute

gant-su (not soo, the japanese "u")

Vol 1 to 9 is really good, not on a meme way.
Vol 9 to 28 is a hit-or-miss. People like it so much because it's shounenshit with gore and tits.
After the Rome mission, Oku stopped giving a shit. There's some meme value there, I guess.

Last arc is pure trash. It had big promise at beginning but everything was ruined. And powerlevels turns into pure shit. There is no way for those suckers to conquer the earth. Picrelated is pure comedy gold
>giant ayy for unknown reason able to move fast as Nura
>Kurono flying at speed of light
And we know how author hates Reika because no one likes his ugly dream girl Tae

Nostalgic gorefest that turned into gay ayy lmao bullshit