Never been here on Sup Forums before I'm an 18 year old and I like to think I'm moderate when it comes to politics. I am here sincerely asking if y'all could "red pill" me I want to at the very least understand the politics here and at the most have my third eye opened by your wisdom
Red PIll Me Plz
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews have complete control over our media, politics and academics. The Nazis were the good guys because they were trying to prevent this takeover from taking place, at least in Europe, but failed and have been demonized ever since by (((those))) who control the media.
what's "red pil"
911 was a hologram, the earth is a cube and we are all living in a simulated reality.
I'm asking you that, friend
You could have avoided turning into one of us, you decided to post here tho, you can't leave now.
>Nazis failed
They did not, Americans failed to keep their jewry under control, that's what.
Nazis never stood a chance against the jews AND their own kin.