Dragon Ball Super

If the special ends with Goku transforming into Limit Breaker, then why are the episodes after called ''Hit vs Jiren'' and ''Vegeta's Resolve''?
Are we being baited by Toei? Is pic related even actually gonna happen or is it all a ruse? Is pic related actually Gohan's new transformation?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Hype up Vegitto Blue
>It happens for literally 30 seconds
>Hype of Limit Breaker Goku
>It happens for literally 30 seconds

Probably what will go down.


Except this time it would be a good twist, give me a single good reason for why this should NOT be Gohan's arc
Also there's pic related from the opening, since when Ultimate Gohan had sparkles around his aura?

fellow chadhans unite!

the real question is what makes him lose his shirt?

im gonna rewatch GT because i dont remember if i enjoyed it or not. sub or dub?

Gohan a cute. CUTE!

Somehow, I doubt even Toriyama is retarded enough to make Goku asspull a power-up after a single day of preparation (without the time chamber).

Expect the 'new form' to actually be a bait and switch twist.


sub. ss4 goku's jap voice is sexy as fuck and pan sounds more like a precocious kid than an obnoxious tween

Those don't originate from Gohan, those are from Jiren's ultimate form ready to BTFO Gohan.


It looks like Goku gets it from the Spirit Bomb, but then again this preview might be baiting us
Regardless Toriyama came up with and named the form, so we'll see what the senile fuck has in store.

>tfw last thread turned to pedoshit


He clearly doesnt. See the ending sequences after the genkidama hit him. His shirt is blown. Now look at the sequence that shows him transformed. His top is still intact.

Toriyama is following a pattern?

Um, no?

You have eye problems, he has only the undershirt on in both sequences.


>turns out Old Kai's ritual actually gave Gohan dormant god ki
>Gohan's Ultimate form at its full potential is on par with SSB (as clearly demonstrated by episode 91)
>Ultimate Gohan taps into his dormant god ki against Jiren
>the Ultimate power that equals SSB combined with god ki is Gohan's new form
>the name is Ultimate Saiyan God

Not a bad excuse to make Gohan save the day for a change.

Wait, I think I solved it
Remember how the Spirit Bomb doesn't work against pure-hearted people?
After Jiren easily reflects it, when it hits Goku instead of damaging him (as he's not evil) it actually fucks with his ki leading into the new transformation

Hes gonna get knocked out by Jiren & then Hit will get the L from Jiren next episode also

The titles of the episodes pretty much spoil it

Yeah, this whole thing is Toriyama's idea. We'll see what the inventor of poop-on-a-stick has in store for us.

Hopefully, it's more things to spicpost about.

Gohan already got god ki from the Saiyan ritual right? Or was that retconned?

fuck the donuts

only the recipient gets god ki out of the ritual, not everyone involved


Because he he's not likeable and the people who like him are a bunch of shitposters who make it more fun seeing Gohan getting cucked again and again than him actually doing something?

If Goku ends up jobbing I really hope they end up giving Vegeta the victory in the ToP.

Somehow Goku has managed to lose against every antagonist in Super and Toei haven't given Vegeta any victories against any of them.

Goku won vs Frieza and Buu
Gohan won vs Cell
Vegeta has still only won against fodder.

So how did Vegeta get it then? Did Toriyama forget?

inb4 he achieved it through sheer of will

I think Gohan is likeable but Super has made a lot of effort in ruining his character.

The new form is just a rehash of what Trunks did in the last arc, which was a rehash of what Goku did in the Android movie
This series sucks

Vegeta beat Goku and Freeza.

Frieza was killed by Trunks though and Buu was killed by the combined energy of everyone on Earth
Goku's only real victories were against King Piccolo and Golden Frieza, with the latter happening after a time-rewind anyway

In RoF Goku does mention that Vegeta achieved it by himself.
I still would rather think that it was only posible because he was part of the ritual tho.

at the end of the movie he says "next time we do the ritual, I get to become a super saiyan god" implying he badgers the others into it at the earliest opportunity
no such line is in the super version of the arc
and the manga implies he did indeed get it through sheer force of will,

And Z didnt?

Remember the teddy bear panties he had on in highschool.

How Vegeta got god ki is still a fucking mystery
The movie, the anime and the manga don't explain it

>you only defeat someone when you kill them

Like leave the donuts to me man

If you meant Golden Frieza, the whole time rewind thing with Goku getting the last hit ruined the moment for me (and Vegeta considering his reaction).

And Goku if you mean the SS2 vs SS2 fight that was cool but it only acomplished Buu being reborn and Vegeta felt humiliated when he realised that Goku could have gone SS3 and beat him with no issues and if you mean the saiyan arc yeah Vegeta was stronger but the fight ended with Vegeta crawling back to his spaceship and fleeing.

Also my point was Vegeta winning against a main antagonist not Goku.

I just want Vegeta to have the last victory of the arc, to finaly beat a big baddie, to get the glory for once.

Vegeta has zero hype going for him in this arc
Gohan, Frieza and 17 have way more hype than him
Also Gohan said he aims at a new form

Wait... how did Freeza get God Ki?

He didn't?
What are you on about?

>Frieza was killed by Trunks
The Frieza/Namek arc ended after Goku beat Frieza him returning back was the start of a different arc.

>Buu was killed by the combined energy of everyone on Earth

By the Genkidama thrown by Goku.

Again I just want Vegeta to get the last victory of an arc against a main antagonist.

Honestly I'm sure Goku just barely loses. Jiren will have to use his most powerful KIERO to stop him.

>Honestly I'm sure Goku just barely loses

Is that why Jiren then goes on to knock out Hit?

Vegeta will get MVP in terms of KO's, but i can't see him being the survivor, he also didn't train enough for the TOP, fucking Jobhan trained more than him leading up to it

where is the ep


I don't think Frieza or 17 will take it to be honest.
17 is strong but I feel like he will get eliminated before Vegeta, Gohan or Frieza.
Frieza will probably get really far and if he takes it it would be really interesting desu.

I honestly wouldn't mind if this ends up to be Gohan's redemption arc, but after showing him jobbing so much in pathetic ways I hope they write it really well because it honestly hurts to see Gohan being kicked around and being useless so often lately.

It's true that Vegeta has 0 hype going on for him but I can always hope they can throw him a bone. Now that's confirmed that Goku and Hit are fighting Jiren before Vegeta I think Vegeta may stand a chance to take it all.

So how was he able to sense it and use it?

>he also didn't train enough for the TOP, fucking Jobhan trained more than him leading up to it
He went into the time chamber to tecnically he trained more than anyone.

>but after showing him jobbing so much in pathetic ways I hope they write it really well because it honestly hurts to see Gohan being kicked around and being useless so often lately.

It's called underdog buildup

Went into the time chamber and then ALSO blew it up so no one else could use it.

Based jobgeta dooming his universe.

He wasn't?
If you're talking about the hakai energy, I'm pretty sure anyone can actually store it as seen by that dog guy

It's not a stretch to think of them doing the ritual for Vegeta off screen in the meantime. It's a non-issue really.

>oneshotted by Beerus
>jobbed hard against Frieza
>irrelevant for the next 2 arcs
>only non-win in the exhibition match
>constantly getting saved during most of ToP

That's one hell of a build up.

Any supporters of Frieza becoming the next god of destruction?

He also lost to Krillin.

You do know people with "hype" behind them NEVER get the victory in DB.

Gohan killed Cell with no hype behind it. And NO there was no hype Gohan. He didn't do shit the entire arc. His win came outta nowhere.

Goku beating buu kinda had no type , Belt up, Gohan, Gotanks, & Vegito. And they failed and Goku walkout on top.

See the pattern.

So Carrot vs Ayy this week? Does that mean this arc is coming to an end soon?

Would be an interesting twist. It's a way to keep him around but at the same time take him away for a bit so other sagas can happen.

A lot of people hated that GT was a huge Goku wankfest, and the longer Super goes on the more the spotlight is always coming back to some bullshit Goku powerup handled by plot armor (or in the case of SSBKK, non-canon bullshit). Goku works far less hard to get stronger and does everything to throw everything into the way of harm, where Vegeta actually gives a fuck and cares about his family.

At the very least the last fight of the series should be Goku vs Vegeta and they at worst stalemate at best Vegeta gets a slight edge and wins in the end.

But we know that won't happen. At least the waifu material is top notch as always.


Nope, this special is the halfway point
Second half is starting


It's unlikely but to me it makes sense. Goku and Vegeta are candidates but personality wise it makes sense for them to decline the offer. Frieza would most likely accept because it makes him the ultimate ruler BUT he is not stupid and must realize the responsibility AND he has Whis around to keep him in check.

Something something Gohan Blanco

They still have to fight the bugs though.

Someone should really make this as a looping video, with him running forwards then reverse it so he runs backwards etc.

>Belt up
what in the fuck is wrong with you and your ability to use english, pedro?

Are those episode titles confirmed or just Mexican headcanon?

>Super goes on the more the spotlight is always coming back to some bullshit Goku powerup handled by plot armor (or in the case of SSBKK, non-canon bullshit).

To be fair GT sucked not because Goku was overpowered but because they got rid of everyone else and gave them zero good moments.

For example, find me a good GT fight for Vegeta, Piccolo or Gohan.

As soon as Vegeta turned into SS4 he tried to fuse and when he was just SS4 he couldn't even 1v1 the Four star dragon (not sure if he even landed a punch) and he was having issues with 17 in the previous saga.

Gohan for some reason was having issues with Rildo when he returned from the dead. Fucking Rildo.

Piccolo's only "good" moment was his dead.

In Super atleast there has been some badass Vegeta moments (like him beating Golden Frieza or Black and the enrage "MY BULMA" moment) and even Gohan has had some really cool fights against Lavender and Goku.

it would both be a way to have something meaningful come of frieza's resurrection and would also cut the kinda annoying thread we have where Beerus is basically the gang's bitch which forces the writing to come up with excuses for why they don't just bait Beerus into dealing with big threats for them. they can't keep milking 'ningen only' tournaments forever and the only reason Beerus kept his involvement re:zamasu to a minimum is because a hakaishin breaking the time travel taboo would have a much harder time getting away with it compared to a mere mortal

>Vegeta rushing to save Saori

>Both English and Japanese versions of Goku vs Beerus fight in Super/BoG have Goku talking about Goku breaking his limits
>This is immediately after Goku somehow negates Beerus' Sphere of Destruction, both of which are surprised about

It really is going to be called Limit Breaker, isn't it?

Would be interesting if they were hinting at it way back during the Beerus fight.

there's at least three more episodes after the special in which the tournament is still going. though its anyone's guess if the tournament will actually reach its conclusion without getting interrupted or otherwise derailed by shit like in the Buu arc

Yup, Tien is going to get his payoff for all his underdog buildup any episode now.

Hell, yamcha is gonna probably kill the grand priest if we go with that logic.

Here I'm hoping Toyotaro will make Tien not a joke.

He was perfectly willing to kick Trunks to the curb in his own arc just to wank off Goku some more. Tien has no chance.

Thank God.

Reminder Toyotaro said in an interview that Toriyama likes some of the ideas in both versions and includes them in his outline
This is why Goku did the switching between SSG and SSB thing in the anime and also why I can 100% guarantee you that SSBKK will be used in the manga

its always like that
>some shit happens in anime
>"lol toeifags on suicide watch"
>same shit happens in manga
"uhh, it was ok i guess"

>Goku works far less hard to get stronger
it took Goku all of DB to become the strongest warrior on Earth and it took him all of Z to become the strongest warrior in the universe. He's been training nearly nonstop for thirty years.

Vegeta on the other hand didn't start training in earnest until after the frieza saga, having coasted along on his 'saiyan elite' genetics and zenaki boosts for most of his life. even when you account for the extra time vegeta's spent in the time chamber compared to goku, goku still has a solid decade of training over him

You're literally agreeing with me. I wasn't saying the issue with GT was Goku powering up, I was simply stating the fact that you elaborated upon that people didn't like that GT was wholly Goku centric and gave no one else any really purpose or screentime.

I'm really just drawing the parallel between them wanking Goku via power-ups from almost thin-air (nothing new) to them wanking him in GT by making every one else irrelevant to the plot. It really ends up being similar but on a lesser scale.

Goku is the main character, i get it, but I still think they're squandering really doing something special with Vegeta. Freeza on the other hand. that shit is hilarious and great.

That may be true, but we're far past the point of that giving Goku an advantage. If anything, Vegeta should develop far faster by their own logic.

>four months

I doubt people would praise toriyama for a name that's already been used by not only the budokai games (the "all skills and transformations" capsules) but also Final Fantasy Seven

I really wish we could get a reboot of GT that would fix the pacing issues and share the screen time in a more fair way instead of being 100% Goku and everyone else is useless.

The designs and ideas of GT were great imo but the execution was done really poorly.

same thing i'm thinking. Also, I wouldn't be bragging about people praising Toriyama because they're going to ride his dick almost no matter what.

this image of new goku is kino as fuck

I want a poster with it

Goku's training has also been a lot more varied, with different teachers stressing the importance of different things. While Vegeta's training prior to discipline under Whis was almost entirely self-taught, and most of which was trying to figure out how the to replicate what Goku did the previous arc.

as for Frieza, he's an anomaly, a mutant. the human-saiyan hybrids are more comparable in that respect, which we saw with them growing leaps and bounds faster than their parents did at their age despite fairly basic training.

Whatever my point still stands. Hype doesn't mean shit in DB.

has anywhere in the entire franchise ever explicitly said that Gohan has benefited from zenkai boosts?

It happened when he fought Frieza.

They weren't great. They were fucking stupid. The Shadow Dragons were the only thing GT had that vaguely approached a good idea that wasn't rehashing old plots again.

Baby has potential to be the best villain, i would love for him to appear in Super

But it looks like the idea of GT being another Universe has been thrown out