Why do Liberals have higher IQs than Conservatives?

Why do Liberals have higher IQs than Conservatives?

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because thats more socially acceptable. they just pretend.

Because they are indeed more clever than racists and bigots

Ummm they pretend to be smart so score higher on IQ tests?

But user IQ is bunk because black pipo

Why is racism inaccurate if graphs like this are okay?

>these tests must be wrong!
>but tests that prove niggers have lower IQ must be right!

what Is the average iq of liberals by race?

Well which is it? Is IQ real and Liberals are smarter than Conservatives or is IQ fake so it doesn't matter anymore?

Because they are open to alot of things especially Jamals dick

Erm... because they Meade your graph, little cuck?



Mexicans, Blacks and Muslims are conservative, aren't they?

You wouldn't understand you have lower IQ because you are racist.

What is the sample size for each group?
What is their definition of "liberal"?
What demographics did they use for each group?
What are the margins of error for that graph?

This is the average display of conservative intelligence.

ricky and morty !

People who work in academics and government have to appear liberal or they lose their jobs. I’ve worked at a University for 6 years now. It’s be liberal or be unemployed. Even moderates don’t survive in government. We have no choice

Well of course they did, 95% of all scientists and academics are Liberals. Conservatives don't really get into things like Academia or even writing books, modern conservatism is anti-intellectualism and has spent the last 30 years brainwashing everyone to distrust experts.

The one time conservatives did try to study IQ was in doing this study by Lynn which gets posted all the time on pol (pic related). Except being the fraud that he is, he didn't actually test 100+ countries and of those that he did test he determined many of the national IQs by testing a single classroom of children. Filled all the gaps with estimations.

Selection bias.

Libertarianism is an outlier system only outliers will care to learn about it in the first place. Conservatism is normie so its full of the whole spectrum of humanity while the liberatianism is confined to the autism spectrum

You tell me. You brought up IQ so draw the lines.

Also the crap you posted in OP isnt proof of anything, now is it?

1. there are millions of muslims
2. most of them are socially conservative
3. they are all borderline retarded

Asians and Jews

>wants to blame muslims for the state of the GOP.

Libertarianism is the 1+ standard deviation above mean ideology, and silly leftists turned us into right wing reactionaries. It's almost like having a 104 iq is actually a handicap.

>Hasn't even read thestudies which explain his question
>Thinks he's quite smart.
Toppest of keks.

Isn’t it?

>a century of scientific warfare achievements and massive pollution is not responsible for scientists being mistrusted by some people
>no, it's those evil anti-intellectual conservatives
Come on faggot, scientists are just as much likely to be subjected to peer pressure, ideology and being asshole than anyone else

oh did you read the study methodology

US muslims are some of the most liberal leaning demographic


They're also more educated than the average American.

Did you actually fall for the "muslims are stupid" meme? The middle east had civilizations for thousands of years before Europe ever did, there's going to be smart people there.

Sure Aussietard

I.Q. tests mirror school taught curriculum.
So you have most conservative men choosing to avoid colleges and females and Soy boys soaking up that tasty I.Q.
Also if you know anything about I.Q. It's not very broad and only touches on core curriculum. So if you don't find your genius in Math Science or Reading you apparently unintelligent.

Fuck you.

Honestly, I don't see how conservatives can even object to this. It's incredibly obvious, if you just look at conservative memes. Shit looks like it's from the late 90's, like they can't put together a color scheme that doesn't look like trashbags filled with vomit.

This. Don’t overrate IQ. Being good at what constitutes roughly 2% of real world intelligence. I work in academia, high IQ people are some of the most retarded people I’ve ever met.

A; it isn’t true. ESPECIALLY when you mix in niggers who vote 96% left. And B: it isn’t true.

Can you explain why Asians(who are conservative) have higher IQs?

They count blacks who are socially conservative but still vote democrat for the gibs from the government.

It does seem to me that black conservatives are smarter than liberal blacks

Still, I'm sure a metropolitan liberal is more educated than a guy who drives a lifted pickup truck

Still, the lifted truck guy probably knows more about life and makes a better husband, so it's all relative I suppose

But black Republicans are across the board more well rounded than black democrats, 10000%

but pol told me its all hereditary.

American muslims fucking own btw
I honestly feel way safer around people with hijabs than I do around any white people.


Because when asked if you're a "conservative", especially in an academic environment, in a day when that means "homicidal nazi KKK", any intelligent person says "no".

>>thinks niggers are socially conservative

This is not true

they are fake, liberals detest anything real. they live in fantasy worlds how fucking stupid are you?


intelligent people don't do polls

Fake science here.

Original paper can be viewed here: pdfs.semanticscholar.org/98fc/bd29a4d9de85a5095e9de46c6f0e50ba977f.pdf?_ga=2.145084215.288277476.1520372406-1069084690.1520372406

Claim: The study "finds" that children with lower intelligence tended to veer towards "conservative" attitudes later as adults. Two UK childhood studies are used and some questionnaires are followed upon when the children are adults.

The problem with this is twofold -- #1, it doesn't measure the intelligence of the adults themselves. Who's to say a these children maintain the same intelligence levels as adults from when they were children, and #2, the questions used to determine if someone is racist include things like "I
wouldn’t mind working with people from other race" -- if you answer no it might be a personal preference, it doesn't necessarily mean you're racist, and #3, the definition that the authors use for "conservative" include social conservatism and AUTHORITARIANISM. That is a defining feature of the left these days, not the right.

The study already explained it. Smart conservatives are less likely to call themselves conservatives.

Because being a liberal requires more abstract thinking than being a slave to System 1 thinking like Conservatives do usually.

>Liberals are high in openness, which is somewhat correlated with high intelligence. But they are low in conscientiousness. They also have high agreeableness.

>Conservatives, because of their low disgust tolerance are high in conscientiousness and are more hard working to compensate for their average lower iq. Conservatives, because of their hardworking and system 1 thinking nature, are very low in agreeableness.

>Libertarians are an anomaly as they are very low in conscientiousness and agreeableness while being high in openness to experience.

I feel liberals today are just as dumb as conservatives if you are demographically talking about the ones that consume the mainstream news almost daily. But Liberals are to an extent more intelligent as openness to experience and high agreeableness prolly requires some abstract thinking.

errrmm no Asian-Americans have always overwhelmingly voted Democrat too.

Seriously can you do a google search before you ask me any more retarded questions? :D


well American muslims came to the USA on skilled visas, all middle and upper class. The ones that went to places like Belgium and France were the trash in the countries they came from.

>What is their definition of "liberal"?
This. Is a libertarian liberal just because they agree with social liberalism? Are they conservative because they agree with fiscal conservatism? Are Nazis conservative? The state seems to make too many financial decisions for them to be considered fiscally conservative.

I'm talking about Asians in Asia XDD

its just a misuse of the term liberal.

show numbers, look up that study and check how do they categorize people as "conservative" or "liberal". Look for it, is shit.
A real, interesting study, will have a correlation chart with IQ and something like the political compass.

>US muslims
so we're only talking about the US here?
>the middle east had civilization thousands of years before europe
so we're not just talking about the middle east?
and the middle east had civilization thousands of years before islam
at ehich pointt they fell behind, in fact they were falling behind before then, and it's likely that ancient people's average IQ was lower than most modern groups, bar africans and muslims
but you're an idiot sandnigger aren't you? maybe try not marrying your cousins, that might help


IQ basically measures all the things that make you good at chess. Bobby Fischer was a master and he was pretty fuckin racist.


>Because being a liberal requires more abstract thinking than being a slave to System 1 thinking like Conservatives do usually.

Still think he's a rebel by agreeing with any and every single institution on the planet that could possibly be characterized as "establishment".

>why do liberals have higher IQs than conservatives

95 IQ California would like a word with you

Yes. It's pretty bad. Did you read it?

I don't think modern day "liberals" are in anyway liberal. They just call themselves that.

Nice try OP. Here's the unedited version.

I'm so old I can even remember way back like 4 years ago when they supported individual free speech.

Liberalism/Conservatism is a relative concept. Around half any given population will be liberal and around half will be more conservative. In any country you go to rural people are generally their conservatives and urban are more liberal. It doesn't always work that way, in preindustrial times the urban populations were generally much more conservative the way we would define it.

False, their data collection must have been biased beyond belief. They go fishing for results that confirm their own biases

Just because some faggot said it doesn’t make it true. Niggers hate gays, yet have THE highest rate of homosexuality. They LOVE they Jesus, but are the most hypocritical violent animals there are. They love their families, but are the highest rate of broken homes. So spare me the bullshit LIE that niggers are conservative. They LIVE anything BUT.

Uhh have you been on Reddit lately, the liberal hive mind? The only meme they know how to make is the movie scene stillshot with big text and a snarky quip. Pic related, they have no originality or innovation, just sticking to what will get the most upboats.

also boongs are conservative if you define conservative as 'insisting on maintaining a stoneage culture'
and yet they are thick as shit

So are you gonna show us exactly how these statistics were gathered, and how large the sample size is?

Also do you think that maybe Julius Evola is a little bit smarter than you are? Do you think some of the very conservative people who were among the most highly intelligent people throughout history are a little bit smarter than you? A lil bit?

Top 0.001% here, can confirm you & modern liberals & Destiny are in fact retarded.

I don't use reddit
But on twitter, the conservative meme game is a fucking embarrassment

I'm talking about liberalism vs conservatism in a two way comparison. It was that other memelord trying to explain low conservative IQs by bringing up muslims, who are actually voting democrat.

The Middle East continued to be the wealthiest and most prosperous part of the world until the 1200's, which is several hundred years after Muhammad. It wasn't Islam that turned the region backwards, it was the Mongol and Tamerlame invasions depopulating the region plus the death of the Silk Road which was their economic lifeline.

No, you fool. These tests are done in academic environments where it is not socially acceptable to be conservative. If your Marxist professor running the study asked you if you agree with his political stances, you will tell him that you do, if you aren't an idiot.

What intelligent person would take steps to be ostracized by their community and damage their academic career for absolutely zero personal gain?

It is the same reason Hillary had a 98% chance to win per-election according to some sources, and then lost horribly. It turned out people simply weren't being truthful when asked who they would vote for because there are consequences to doing so.

Because Conservatives are never satisfied with any elected official. They actively try to purge moderates and then they're left with candidates that have to appeal to nutjobs who think Dinosaurs rode the ark or want multinational companies to dump toxic chemicals into our water for the "economy".

The only reason Conservatives in America haven't completely lost is that the left has gone off the deep end with race.

>have all the low iq niggers voting for you
>smarter than the other side
pick one

>high iq

nigs hate fags

Sorry, but niggers are literallylow IQ irrespective of their socioeconomic status

Liberals are generally more creative. That’s why they create a fantasy world that doesn’t exist and try to make it reality. To be a liberal is to defy basic common sense and cause and effect logic. There are plenty of VERY smart people who suffer from the mental disorder of liberalism. And there are just as many VERY smart conservatives who see reality as it is. I’m one of them. And at least 7 of my friends are extremely successful brilliant people. Including a SpaceX engineer.

they also have lower birth rates.


Waiting for an answer to this.

Stop feeding a blatant slide thread. Season this post appropriately and move on.

>What intelligent person would take steps to be ostracized by their community and damage their academic career for absolutely zero personal gain?

You only have yourself to blame about the ostracization. When you give Sarah Palin and Roy Moore large platforms, naturally people don't want to be associated with that.

I don't think you just understood what you just said, nor that it's factually untrue. You believe that conservatism = rural and that liberalism = Urban, a false dichotomy. I'll take it you are unable to refute my point - Asians who are one of the most conservative races possessing high IQ.

TIL: people lie

Damn you Dr.House

California is the most liberal, most populated spic filled state In the Union with an economy that ranks #5 worldwide yet has an average IQ of 95. Really makes you think

90% of American Muslims voted Republican prior to 9/11

>Did you actually fall for the "muslims are stupid" meme?
I live in Dearborn and have seen more Muslims today than you will in your entire life. They are not more educated than the average American. A majority of the women still wear hijabs and don't go to university because they got married when they were underage and their husband wouldn't let them. If women are 50% of the Muslim population, then those uneducated women would easily make 33% of the total Muslim population. The men aren't incredibly educated on average either. Most of them work in liquor stores or car dealerships.

Also I love how you're supposed to be all individualist & shit, and here u are saying "My group is smart smart than ur group".

Literally every nigger in the US votes democratic, Hispanics who is also a lower IQ group massively votes democratic, while the high IQ groups like Jews, Asians & white people are more split those statistics are so unbelievably retarded it's not even funny.

>there are no idiots on the left making public spectacles of their stupid ideas

Give me a break.

>niggers are smart liberals
Why are you deporting them Chaim?

I'm highly doubtful you are the 0.001%, otherwise you would have understood pic related.

Also opening yourself up to the my obvious response in that scientists and academics are disproportionately liberal.

I mean... I consider myself conservative and my IQ is in the 100s. I'm guessing it is because most conservatives don't think logically for themselves but just listen to what their church says it what their parents say without questioning while most liberals are more open to think more open minded about subjects.

I said 'higher', that's a relative term you low iq retard

I guess it's cause I'm asuan