Q is Matt Drudge

After careful consideration, I have come to this conclusion. Think about it.

you could catch a flounder with that nose

Q is a neet that basks in the worship of brainlet boomers

This, digits confirm

Q predicted this

Well drudge is kind of a bitch sometimes. He links to leftist sites far more than honest ones.

I've never clicked on a thread just to sage, but there's a first time for everything

Drudge LARP's on a full time basis in order to keep boomers entertained

Q is David Icke.

You heard it here first.





Drudge is a gay kike neo-con fuck off you stupid boomerpede


Q is a mossad psy op too fucking retard.

I look at it as him calling attention to the bullshit stories they are pushing and not as an endorsement or agreement of what's in the articles

It's Jerome Corsi and Lionel the closet liberal. Just listen to them talk about it. I don't talk about my kid as fondly and she's awesome.

I thought Q was Lambright!

Matt Drudge doesn't play games, if he had information he would put it on his sight where everyone would see it.

Q is some fat NEET whose name i forgot because he's so fat and worthless he's not worth remembering

The most likely person to play games with insider information is Alex Jones

Drudge seems to carry a lot of pointless stories about handsome quartebacks (esp. Brady and Tebow) on his page. Why is that?

>implying I didnt know this and im here to shit on everyone
>shooting from the hip

wasting your valuable shitposting resources, nigger faggot

Calm down, rabbi. Jesus Christ.

Q predicted that

I've considered Dr. Steven Greer as Q a few times.

q is mueller

Q is Frank Anon5's new persona that he created since he got found out. Notice there have been like NO knowledge bomb threads since Q showed up?

Q is Steve Bannon. The whole Bannon/Trump fued was fake. Like wrestling and reality shows. Trump has experience with both. Think about it.

I'm Q, AMA


Are you Matt Drudge?

you're gayer than he is fag

Drudge has the pee tape.