Tokyo Ghoul: Re

Why you guys hate this?

Everybody's going to die.

In retrospect I don’t mind it

Ishida is too intelligent for Sup Forums

quite possibly the most retarded mc I've ever seen

I don't, as you can see it is the greatest ongoing gag manga

Pretty sure it'll end well.
Kaneki gives up pretty fast and even at the final panel he went "this is not the end" or something.
Also pic related:
Fruit was refering to Dragon, and then the others who were escaping.
Kaneki''s son = Dragon
No idea how Fruittella knows about his kid but he's the main antagonist so muh wisdom

Too much cut out/inserted towards the end and it was a giant hipster/emo thing from the beginning.

>I can only eat flesh. All the food sucks. Oh, but coffee is fine.

What the hell am I looking at?

Is the manga worth reading?
I watched the first season of the anime but after Kaneki got white hair and went full edgelord I got a feeling the show was going on a downward spiral.
The first few episodes of the next season confirmed my fears, so should I just jump ship and read?

It's worth reading, for what it's worth it's a great manga. Just ignore the average person who calls it bad. I personally enjoyed it a lot.

To be fair if you stop the manga after the first part thinking kaneki died helping people escape then it's actually good

The pacing was shit. Ishida kept repeating the same dialogue in multiple chapters. MC is still a complete loser and is getting beat AGAIN. MC also hasn't learned anything since the beginning of the series. Oh also MUH SYMBOLISM/PARALLELS.

Back to tumblr you go. STAY OUT.

His entire motivation is being strong to protect the people he cares about, now he made a bunch of shitty decisions that forced his people underground, he refuses to cannibalize which made his body deteriorate. He went out on an expedition to look for food for his people, meanwhile the base was attacked and hundreds of ghouls and many of his friends died. He comes back at the last second to save one of his dearest friends and ends up getting utterly btfo and may very well die

I still have a bit of faith in the manga, and my next expectations is that Kaneki is "reborn" out of that body of his. Symbolism and all of that bullshit, his body is used just like a caterpillar to birth that bugger that they mentioned in the series before. A moth or a butterfly, not sure. His kakuja form.

I don't like how Furuta dictates the plot though. He knows well that those heads are proper gifts for Kaneki if he used them right, but still, I'm very aware that Kaneki is a fucking retard and useless as a sack of potatoes because all he did was protect, protect and more protect instead of acting like Eto, fighting for ghouls, etc.
I just hope the next chapter is a good recover from this or else, we're just reviving the first series but with a much shittier result.

Part 1 is great. :RE is decent until Furuta shows up.

Many people are pissed off because he got off-screened but i thought it was done well.

Seeing the fight in the end isn't necessary, Kaneki losing everything in the end was inevitable. It was pretty obvious that things were not going to end well, especially since Kaneki never takes proper action if any at all.

That's just his flaws as a character. He never had what it takes to guide/rule all these ghouls. And he never wanted to. It was forced upon him by an autistic genius and a serial killer.

Because Kaneki magically teleports to the base and then gets defeated. It's pointless. I honestly hope kaneki just dies next chapoter, it would be crap obviously and he would be the most useless MC of all time but it would still be better than Ishida pulling some BS that turns Kaneki into some fucking super saiyan. That's the kind of stuff I expect and enjoy in Dragon Ball, not in fucking Tokyo Ghoul.


major announcement soon, anime remake by madhouse incoming.

Because that means all of :re means nothing. We still learn nothing about V, ghoul origins, Furutas motives NOTHING. I could list unanswered question one after the other.

But whatever, obviously Ishida will pull off something like this :

>Hajime keeps talking shit to Kaneki
>Kaneki gathers his last strength and bites either Hajime or eats Shio's or Rikai's heads
>Goes FULL DRAGON KAKUJA as a limbless body sprouting O MY RIZE KAGUNE tentacles from his back and walks around and grabs people with them
>Slaughters everyone and cannibalizes everyone he sees
>Kakuja keeps going apeshit, again a total blackout
>Next moment Kaneki is looking at half dead Furuta smiling and Furuta gloats this is exactly what he wanted as he dies or some shit

As if Pierrot would easily handed the rights over.

Rather it be Ufotable

And Saint Talker will eventually bring him out of it.

Fuck you for forcing an untalented user to do capture this shit.

Because it happened after this

>Why you guys hate this?
Why do you have the need to even ask this question? are you crossboarder? a millennial pleb?

Probably he's a retard, but you're a whiny attention whore that just keeps bumping his shit thread.

The strongest ghoul gets fucking destroyed by two people beneath his power level, doesn't kill a single 1. Also he fucking teleported there. and the main villain just sorta knew he would. All to let us know Kaneki learned literally nothing from when he went alone to fight arima.

>Tokyo Ghoul was great
>Most of :Re is bad
>All of :rere will be bad
We are entering simpsons territory where there is going to be more bad than good

Ass pulls, jobbing and nonsense plot.


>Ishida's mishandling of Eto literally started the downfall of the series

>Kaneki gets offscreened by a ball-less, slipper wearing fag and his fuccboi
>Furuta planned all of this and nothing happens to him
Clowns ruined Tokyo Ghoul.

It's actually fairly annoying at this point how much Furuta gets away with

>Kaneki just ignores him and dies
>Gets shot but its no big deal
>Jumps off a building and it's no big deal despite part 1 contradiction
>Multiple times his secret has been revealed yet no one in the CCG seems to care
>Everyone around him acts like a fucking retard so his plans go off without a hitch
Ishida fell into the same trap that most writers do. They want to have a very intelligent and clever villain, but they can't write clever so everyone has to bend over backwards to make their schemes happen.

David production or no go

>TG died in Cochlea
>Eto died in Cochlea

Because everyone important either jobs or gets offscreened. Jobbers jobbing jobbers the manga.

I'm not up to date with TG and probably will never be. Who fucking died in the last 10 chapters?

When was the last time any of you had fun reading TG?

>Who fucking died in the last 10 chapters?
Koma, Irimi, all of the hyped up 0 squad, ishidas dignity, the remaining sane fanbase

I love it. But why do it offscreen? Watching him lose makes the torture afterwards sting less; it doesn't feel earned.

During Kaneki vs Eto.

Is Eto dead? I wrote "10 chapters", should have went with "last 30 chapters".

The point is to make it sting more, since the fanbase wouldn't allow him to do the story he wanted, which was Haise's story.
This was vengeance.

The chapter before the Cochlea alarms go off. All the hype about centipedes being in the ccgs ears, it was pretty great. Then we get a panel of Kaneki is sitting in a room crying about Arima. Everything went down hill from that moment

I honestly like it. It didn't go the traditional "MC comes at the last second to save them all" trope and the fact that he was defeated offscreen and they just showed his body all mutilated on the next page was a huge shock which I honestly appreciate.

Don Kaneki in TG nothing will come close to that.

You just failed to mention that shock value by itself is no mark of a good writing. Ishida can be as unpredictable as he wants but if the execution is shit people are gonna start noticing you're nothing more than a hack.

>>Kaneki gets offscreened by a ball-less, slipper wearing fag and his fuccboi
I haven't read this manga apart from the last few eps. Why does everyone call him ball-less? did he actually lose his balls or is it just used as an insult?

Eto was so perfect and cute

I'm honestly noone to judge if it was good or bad writting. I just liked it desu.

Suzuya got castrated by his ghoul handler Big Madam in his backstory.

I'll wait for the next chapter until I make a judgement. This could either by the end of a mangaka's career or a build up for a turnover. These threads are barely worth anything but a dump for shitposting.

Do you by any chance know the chapter when that happens? sounds interesting.

>my next expectations is that Kaneki is "reborn" out of that body of his
No. You can only pull that card once and :re was that chance. If he does this shit again, I would be astound by the number of people who would excuse him for bullshit. Holy shit. I can see it now.
>Tokyo Ghoul:re:re

Vancouver pleas save us only you can do it

>avatarfaggot bumping dead thread
Go be obnoxious elsewhere Sup Forumstard.

Has an user made the Sup Forums reaction compilation yet?

The best possible ending really. The conflict will end when ghouls are wiped out.

This chapter. I read it solely for the suffering.

Well don't expect anyone to agree with you as some people don't like having shit writing shoved down their throats.