What was the JoJo fandom like before the 2012 anime?
What was the JoJo fandom like before the 2012 anime?
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za warudo and road roller da memes
Fucking newfags.
Just as ridiculous and focused on the most fun, if stupid shit as the post-anime one.
The road roller gifs were all that much more fun before moot killed sound in them.
>za warudo
>tokyo tomare
>wryyyyyy XD
That's it.
I remember downloading Steel Ball Run through Mediafire in the threads.
people only talked about Stardust Crusaders
Josephfaging replaced WRYYYposting
>what was the JoJo fandom before antfish's abridged series?
The same but more kept to themselves and without Josephfags
Like others are saying it was mostly focused on Stardust Crusaders and the wryyyy meme. I wouldn't say it's all that worse now with the anime, it's just bad in a different way, though at least there's more talk of the other parts now even with the animeonlines mixed in.
I honestly thing it's pretty weird that it took so long for Jojo to have an anime release. There was the part 3 OVA in the 90s but it was done really weirdly with the later parts animated and released first and then they went back and animated the earlier parts. I haven't seen it in a long tome so I don't remember how faithful it is.
Much like the fanbase of today, really. So much rolla roda shit.
Jojo has always been of these series with very loud and passionate fans.
>No josephfags
>people actually post what they liked instead of bandwagoning
>everyone loved part 3
>waiting months or years for a new chapter of SBR
Less people made for less cancer. Even the meme spouting was bearable because at least it was innocent. Now everyone tries to be ironically cancerous which is arguably worse.
There was also legit discussion about the story, not "what is your favorite jojo/part" every single thread
There was also no "do your own original stand", ironically or otherwise.
Unfortunately when people jump on the bandwagon and see people being shitheads they think that's how the fanbase operates and the newcomers mimic them, which is how we got to this point.
we were still retarded but it was all part 3 memes everywhere. there were the few of us that read past part 3 and thought we were an elite society but we were also just retards too.
Who would win in a fight guys
>Piss Yellow SDC scans
>Ignition One Part 5
>we were an elite society but we were also just retards too.
The Jojo wiki was a fun place. Hermes being Avdol's sister, King Crimson's page being nothing but arguments, Man in the Mirror's page being giant discussion of mirror world physics, People just adding random head cannons/theories. The mess of translations and constant scanlation group drama was fun. I miss Dobu
I forgot to add:
There was no obnoxious crossover fanart with western cartoons like Steven Universe.
All in all, it was a better time.
>JoJo crossover fanart with su
I have never seen nor do I want to
SU is not the only one, friend.
That's the kind of shit we didn't have to deal with back then.
The only crossover ones I can think of are mlp,
unless you mean shit drawn in jojo style, in which case it's endless
>No josephfags
Not true
>people actually post what they liked instead of bandwagoning
>everyone loved part 3
True, but opinions on part 5 were divided
This was said back then by some, most liked parts were 3,4 and 7
>waiting months or years for a new chapter of SBR
True, the thread when the little shit died of a cold was the perfect mixture of rage and fun.
SBR being so overrated is annoying but I'm at least glad people don't consider part 3 the second coming of Christ anymore.
>Man in the Mirror's page being giant discussion of mirror world physics
i'm sure someone has screencaps of these discussions somewhere and you will see me arguing with people back and forth on how retarded their fucking theories were.
the level of autism that would go on when any discussion of part 5 was brought up was astonishing at times. i know you wanna remember fondly on those days user but it was not fun user.
None existent.
I recall SBR new chapter dumps being pretty much the only Jojo threads here. They were incredibly awkward due to anything being able to trigger scanlator drama but everyone in those threads tolerated each other and behaved properly due to love to the series.
The Jojo anime was a genuine monkey paw moment.
part 6 was barely even a thing at times and you needed to steer clear anytime part 5 was brought up, or you would be dragged into an alternate universe with people convincing you that buccellati was actually dio's son and giornos twin brother that was seperated at birth to have dio's offsprings spread out and conquer areas for his return
I prefer those times because when people talked about part 3, it was pure fun: "holy shit this manga is too much fun, good action and characters WRYYY ZA WARUDO MUDA MUDA MUDA ORA ORA ORA OH MY GOD! IGGY!!!!!!"
Now with part 7 is just "wow why is this manga so deep, every part sucks except for this, you like cars/Dio/ Kira? Sorry they're shit the President is the best villain because in fact he did nothing wrong, you can't understand how good is this, Diego? Who's Diego I talk about the President and Ringo roadagain"
*I only talk about
>you will see me arguing with people back and forth on how retarded their fucking theories were.
You were doing God's work user.
>i know you wanna remember fondly on those days user but it was not fun user.
I remember taking bad photos of my French copies of P5 to try debunk shit. I was so happy when they came out and had a nice warm smugness of superiority about it. I fucking hate my teenage self.
The good news is I remember buying a Dio Brando statue for 10 euros at a convention in 2008.
>able to trigger scanlator drama
Implying anything has changed on that front.
No tumblr yaoi/shipping posters, no constant general threads, mostly focus on parts 2, 3, and 7, DUWANG was still relevant, and threads before the end of Part 2 were mostly shock and enjoyment of how well David adapted it
>part 7 is just "wow why is this manga so deep, every part sucks except for this, you like cars/Dio/ Kira? Sorry they're shit the President is the best villain because in fact he did nothing wrong,
No one actually says this though. Part 7 was pretty well written and I think that's generally agreed, but I don't think anyone actively says all other villains are shit because Valentine exists
Ringo Roadagain was totally an overrated trash minor villain though.
Basically what everyone else said. It was pretty comfy.
I always liked Part 7 though and still think it's Araki's magnum opus in terms of writing quality, it's just a shame there's a lot of hype backlash now so it's more reviled than anything
On the opposite end I'm grateful Part 5 isn't the WORST EVAR and the unanimous punching bag like it was some years ago.
DIO memes
It's almost like you haven't been here mate, SBRfags trash anything outside of it.
Surprisingly, that "who's Diego?" Meme is kinda true, in the old times everyone was hyped up with his raptor form (same with magenta and wekapipo) but then everyone forgot about them and it became full "only Ringo and Valentine" villain club
based hairposter
Not as popular and not many jojokes
Just wait. In 6 years, we will probably get either a steel ball run series, or a bunch of movies.
>yaoi/shipping posters,
Not here, but on old forums there was.
>Be idiot teenager with no life sitting on TheOtaku2.0 forums and MAL
>Spam Yaoi because it was cool and run a livejournal with self insert fanfiction
>Crush hard on an Admin who likes Jojo
>Listen to him about avoiding the English viz manga and try to impress him
>Full tilt meme spouting ZA WAURLDOXD, I LIKE TOUHOU TOO, with a Cropped yaoi avatar and Muda.swf gif signature.
>Wonder why he found me annoying and didn't like me
>Still occasionally checkup on him and his bad JJL opinions.
I look back and cringe..I mean it was fun and I used to banter with other shounen fans at a card game club about jojo.
I was watching old Phoenix-Wrongs on youtube from almost a decade ago now and if editing software/things like vine existed back then it'd still pretty "jojoke" heavy. I do miss the Flash days though.
memes and nothing part 3.
its actually a bit better now because normies know about the other parts thanks to the anime.
also the "wrrrry on a steamroller" never actually happened and was cancer as fuck.
Better than it is now
Duwang is Unbreakable.
The people were more tolerable, but that doesn't make up for being unable to read a few Parts. also
>no gappy to make me happy