Should bald men be allowed in the ethno state? Think about it. If a man can't even keep the hair on his head, why should he be allowed to even fucking exist? Bald men are the lowest form of human, literally below Jews and niggers. I see them as lower beings than the piece of dog shit I stepped on this morning. They are complete and utter genetic trash and should NOT be allowed to breed in a perfect society.
Killing them would be inhumane, as white nationalists we are better than that. However, we absolutely need to sterilize them to prevent their flawed genes from spreading. What do you guys thing?
>inb4 m-muh testosterone Plenty of jacked dudes still have hair on their heads, having high testosterone is not an excuse to start balding.
>b-buh look at this bald celebrity!!12! Just stop.
Wyatt Wright
Why are Meds so superior to shitty pink inbred Anglo subhumans?
Carson Fisher
Hitler wore a wig.
Nolan Morales
dmso is a 100% cure for male pattern baldness
Eli Lee
we probably need to ban certain people from procreating. it would be eugenics. don't necessarily need to sterilise. just put punishments in place.
Brandon Wilson
Are you gay or something?
Kevin Price
Camden Taylor
Who the fuck cares about other men's hair?
Lincoln Powell
Why do you care about niggers being in your country?
Parker Moore
It's okay, Ivan. I know you have to be extremely lucky to not be a bald subhuman in a Slavic country.
Justin Ramirez
just shave you vain cunt half of all men lose their hair at some point
Christopher Rodriguez
my fellow white man, you must provide evidence for your statements or eat poopoo
Luis Gonzalez
Cameron Martin
Men are designed for fighting and fucking. If you have enough hair for your enemies to pull, just walk into the nearest body of water.
Eli Stewart
Bentley Mitchell
do you get that by sucking dick too hard?
Josiah Garcia
Eli Scott
Have you noticed that most niggers are bold
Blake Garcia
They shave their heads so they look more white
If niggers wouldn’t shave their heads they would look even more alien and would feel even more inferior to white man
Blake Gray
you would think that someone from poland would realize certain things. you're right OP, you take all the long haired liberals and I'll take this guy. Deal?
Benjamin Bailey
Cameron Sullivan
>t. Baldy Literally none of the men in my family were bald or had bald spots, my guy, and if you check flag you'll see I have a lot of shitty genetics
Colton Davis
Civic nationalism it is, then.
Camden Walker
Take that Neanderthal if you want.
Carson Gomez
>sterilize them to prevent their flawed genes poland if we wana go down that route you be first on the choppin block
also ive always notice bald fuckers are hard ass highly adaptable mother fuckers, you try to fuck with one YOUR balls is whats gettin ripped off.
Easton Ross
LOL you're Polish, there's no way in hell you're not fucking bald
Landon Ramirez
god i fucking hate bald people as well
they are so deficient
they are like the fat people of the hair world
Isaac Bennett
And you take these
Brody Morgan
Bentley Powell
Lol I love how this board thinks it's political
Carson Reed
shut your fucking mouth you bald mutt
Carson Wright
Hey, a eugenics program is definitely needed here. I will never deny that.
>also ive always notice bald fuckers are hard ass highly adaptable mother fuckers
Angry manlets who try to look hard but put their tail between their legs when confronted by a superior man with beautiful lucious hair. They're only trying to compensate, user.
Adrian Ward
it is just like that. Every bald person I've ever met has been jealous of my hiar. Every single one.
Even the jacked ones, the taller ones, the good looking ones, the rich ones.
They look at me with that look, something they can never have again, something they will forever lack.
It's like belonging to another different species altogether, being bald. They should be gassed quickly and painlessly.
William Gray
Ahahaha this attack on bald men again!
Leo Brown
I hope the owner of the dog who's shit you stepped on a piece of this morning was bald
Eli Campbell
who cares lol
Levi Walker
> h-ha hahaha > f-fuck baldies amirite > combs over the 2 last remaining hair on his head > maybe they will multiply if i take special care of them
Michael Rivera
most of them have families over here and would be the first to glass ye in a bar for puttin on the wrong song.. im from norn iron its a shithole but ive always notice skins dont fuck about.
Tyler Jenkins
Is it just me or do Slavs have a much higher rate of baldness than other whites?
Asher Bailey
they have thinner hair, same with nordic people , you just notice it much earlier when they bald know a shit load of bald italians though, they always have that ass eating face as well
Christopher White
>neanderthals >bad lol brainlet
Alexander Adams
Seems like it's very prevalent in the UK too.
Michael Miller
Henry Perry
No they aren't you fucking dumb ass most of them are bad ass and high test. You're just mad bald guys are fucking the girl you like right now
Mason Johnson
> maybe they will multiply if i take special care of them No, they not
Liam Young
If you can't grow chest hair you are not white
Nolan Scott
William Wright
Thank you. Bald men are a joke.
>tfw have hair like this guy in mid-20s. Feelsgoodman.jpg
Xavier Torres
Semi baldmen here. Youve just excluded 90% of US soldiers from your ethnic state
Nicholas Lopez
Don't worry i'll be bald too in five years pal.
Luke Thompson
>posts a jew
Matthew Peterson
you have met some weak and shallow bald people
Samuel Hill
Symptom of testosterone. Lovely flowing locks are for soyboys and pussies
Joshua Evans
That is a very interesting picture!
Why do we find men with wide/thick necks more attractive?
Andrew Perry
Yet it is not about the testosterone it is the DHT, most of them are actually low on testosterone.
Alexander Wilson
Nicholas Taylor
agreed, bald men are the enemy of the alt-right
>US No mutts allowed
Joshua Moore
>tfw body hair all over like some man-dog hybrid but got a case of fivehead with no sign of it ending >fuck it, buzz hair and keep the red beard growing It could be worse I guess.
Harder to snap a THICC neck than a STICC neck.
Brandon Green
Nolan Edwards
This guy just reminds me of styxenhammer if he took roíds and had blonde hair blue eyes
Adam Nguyen
Julian Evans
Sperdolaj, kurwa
Carter White
Mason Watson
Christian Hill
7-9 hot
Dylan Anderson
>hair at back of head already starting to thin
David Mitchell
It is SCIENTIFICALLY KNOWN blondes have more hair follicles. Look it up you faggot.
Daniel Price
Rolling4Russel >oregano comment to bypass shitty bot
Nolan Barnes
Fucking Polish Prince of Polesmokers right here! What a flaming faggot you are.
Brandon Evans
I'm thinning all over including the sides and back and my hairline is receding. It's over bucko.
Adam Morris
Fuck it rollan
Connor Campbell
Logan Richardson
Well thats a travesty.
Juan Sanchez
wtf Sup Forums this is bannable shit >Is white or ethno or any other buzzword >be ashamed
Julian Perry
Where is his THICCNECK? His arms are bigger than his NECK.
Henry Watson
hair is fucking useless it is just our natural evolutionary course that we are on thanks to clothing we no longer need hair to keep us hair loss will not affect intelligence or muscle mass for fuck sake
Eli Brown
"to keep us warm"
Chase Ramirez
pls kimberly being my jailfu
Brayden Rogers
Sup Forums surprises me everyday
Joseph Wood
Moussilini was bald
Parker Gray
Isaiah Edwards
Ian Williams
fug i got the militant dyke
Blake Martin
fugg. lil Alien. Rerolling again.
Michael Garcia
Josiah Adams
I think baldness is a sign of weakness, but not necessary because of genetics, it can be weakness because they haven't figured out the cure to their baldness and i don't mean direct cure. I mean the cure to baldness is simply the stuff around you, the harmful products you are using, the shitty food, water, air. Man can't go bald quick if he know at least coupe of Jew tricks to avoid them.
Benjamin Brown
bald is high test so bald dudes can stay.
Julian Price
Just do scalp exercises and you'll be ok. Since I started my hair has gotten thicker and I was able to gain back a line of follicles to my hair line. Use your fingers to press down on your scalp just short of the hair line then pull down with your face like your furrowing your brow. The goal is to increase blood circulation in your scalp. A thin tight scalp with almost no circulation is what kills follicles.
Matthew Phillips
Tfw I started taking minoxidil and propecia and I'm still thinning
Xavier Scott
lemme have 1 turn of this electrical folly
Matthew Jenkins
I'm scared of taking finasteride. I don't want to fuck up my hormone levels. Read too many horror stories about that drug.
Christian Sanders
Cool I got the one I wanted :3
Aaron Russell
How long do you do this for? And how frequently?
Bentley Hughes
Well about 50% of men are in the hair loss process by mid life and, obviously, a large majority experience hair loss in later life. It's just something men go through.
>finasteride at the doses prescribed for hair loss do not affect hormone levels.
Matthew Fisher
your fear is what made you bald in the first place
and it's what is preventing the cure
Jace Ortiz
>A Viking going bald Are you sure you are Mohammad?
Connor Howard
Nah mane. It's just genes.
Joshua Kelly
Genes renew in your body all the time, so yes it's the genes for sure.
Christopher Perez
I sort of look Spanish. Katalan phenotype mutt.
Ian Watson
a few minutes after you get out of the shower is what I do. So daily. Also don't drink, that shit bad for your mental health, also eat berries.