How many Sup Forums have seen Magipoka actually?
How many Sup Forums have seen Magipoka actually?
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I've seen most of it, at least.
Everywhere I've found it, it's 'Magical Pokaan.' Which is part of why it took me so long to get around to watching it.
more like magical pookan.
I have.
I'd heard about it before but only actually watched it after that seismic flash
I remember retiming subs so I could watch the BD or DVD releases properly. Wonder where those files went.
Why do gaijins love Liru so much?
I know she's cute (and maybe the most fappable among them) but the other girls are also adorable.
>Double ears
Not even going to give it a chance
It was pretty fucking good. I watched it for Liru, and I still really like her, but I finished liking Pachira the most.
more than 2
I haven't seen it but I like liru anyway.
Aiko > Uma > Liru > Pachira
For anal
I remember thinking it was really bad and never finished it, but I think I was going through my retardedly picky stage then. I should give it a watch now.
I did.
Magipoka was a good anime indeed.
Touch fluffy tail.
Liru > Pachira > Keimi > Aiko > Keiko > Uma
>watching isekaishit
back to red.dit
Well, you actually watched it.
I think it doesn't get the love it deserves.
When's the DLC coming out?
It's the comfiest anime I have ever watched.
don't do weed kids
Didn't watch all of it, but I saw a few episodes like a decade ago.
I watched it. It was cute and well made, but I remember little beyond that. What was so special about it that people keep talking about it still?
The character designs.
I love Liru
Liru sure is cute. The others I can hardly remember.
Wasn't there some lewd game released from it a couple years ago? I saw some webms before and told myself to check it out, but then people lost interest and I forgot too.
Me during 2006
Thanks, you're a good man.
Aiko was best and sexiest
This is the first anime I watched with Sup Forums
It is a fun,cute show. Monster girls before they were popular, with a style of fanservice that you just don't see anymore, and also the girls were all thirsty as fuck which you would never see nowadays.
A product of its time for sure.
Since everything is getting a season 2 now, I wonder if this show came back, would a/ like it to keep that same comfy feeling or have more of the wacky stuff like that uma in hell episode.
Fuck the wacky stuff, I miss comfy non-pretentious anime.
Be honest: when you imagine Liru, do you imagine her with her anime voice or her porn voice?
I want the thic meme to die already
Fine too
wait there's two scenes i never saw
what version is this, i need to investigate this
I have, 5 times for Liru
I watched first episode, liked it, and didn't watch a single thing since. Why? Hell if I know.
She is so perfect
Christmas update came out last... christmas
But like most of the plebians you must have missed the breakfast scene
Liru is soooo pretty
I want BDs
no you twats, i was talking about other one
but nevermind i gonna download the newest version and check that out
Full moon soon!
Wow tits I will fuck her cute pussy
Her reaction to turning into a tentacle monster is to rape her roommates.
I watched it but it was so long ago that I remember nothing besides Vampire being the best girl.
I do not remember this. How happened?
I remember one of the episodes being basically an RPG session or something like that.
Magic subplot gone wrong.
So Pachira didn't get in on it.
It was a great, slightly off-kilter SoL. I remember liking Bottle Fairies a lot too.
There was that mecha episode
I remember liking most of the episodes, though I can only actually remember a handful of them. I'd probably give it a rewatch.
I've seen all of it raw. I even have the dvd set. Oddly enough, I've only watched a handful with subs.
They are so much fun to be around.
Literally just started watching this an hour ago wtf Sup Forums are you stalking me?
Vampire girl best girl
Any lewd implied?
Of course I have seen the best worst anime of history.
Pachira the slut just tried to NTR Liru
She miserably failed obviously
I'd assume most people that have been here longer than a year watched it.
It was extremely popular when it aired and then the plethora of good screenshots and ultimately Liru's game made sure people talked about it for years to come.
Eould Pachiru have sex with artificial Aiko vagina?
Pretty sure the robot girl got it with spending the rest of the night with Liru's tentacles in bed.
isn't this that anime with the super thicc, huge tits futa chick with green hair that is around for like 1 min in one episode and we will never get her as a fucking main character because i want a SoL series of a hung futa doing normal things godammit